

Hendrik (Henk) ten Hoeve (born 15 September 1946) is a Dutch politician. He led the
Independent Senate Group The Independent Politics Netherlands ( nl, Onafhankelijke Politiek Nederland, OPNL) formerly known as the Independent Senate Group (Onafhankelijke Senaatsfractie) is a political party in the Dutch Senate with one senator, representing several pr ...
(OSF) in the
Senate A senate is a deliberative assembly, often the upper house or chamber of a bicameral legislature. The name comes from the ancient Roman Senate (Latin: ''Senatus''), so-called as an assembly of the senior (Latin: ''senex'' meaning "the e ...
of the States-Generaal from 10 June 2003, until 7 June 2011. From 9 June 2015 to 11 June 2019 he was again leading the OSF in the Dutch Senate. Ten Hoeve was born in
Heerenveen Heerenveen (, fry, It Hearrenfean ) is a town and municipality in the province of Friesland (Fryslân), in the Northern Netherlands. In 2021, the town had a population of 29,790 (1 January) while the municipality had a population 50,859 (1 July). ...
, Netherlands. He studied economics at the Netherlands School of Economics in Rotterdam. He is the leader of the board of directors of the Dockingacollege school in
Dokkum Dokkum is a Dutch fortified city in the municipality of Noardeast-Fryslân in the province of Friesland. It has 12,669 inhabitants (February 8, 2020). The fortifications of Dokkum are well preserved and are known as the ''bolwerken'' (bulwarks) ...
, having been one of its economics teachers and then its "conrector" (deputy head). From 1976 to 1980 Ten Hoeve was chairman of the
Frisian National Party The Frisian National Party ( fy, Fryske Nasjonale Partij; nl, Friese Nationale Partij, FNP) is a Frisian nationalist political party in the Netherlands. The FNP is mostly involved in Frisian politics. The Independent Senate Group represents th ...
and from 1980 to 1988 leader of the
States-Provincial The provincial council (, PS), also known as the States Provincial, is the provincial parliament and legislative assembly in each of the provinces of the Netherlands. It is elected for each province simultaneously once every four years and ha ...
Friesland Friesland (, ; official fry, Fryslân ), historically and traditionally known as Frisia, is a province of the Netherlands located in the country's northern part. It is situated west of Groningen, northwest of Drenthe and Overijssel, north of ...
. In 2003, in the elections for the Senate, he won only one vote more than the party leader Fons Zinken. Thus Ten Hoeve was placed as number two on the voted preference list. In 2007, he was re-elected. He was also re-elected in 2015.


Parlement.com biography
{{DEFAULTSORT:Hoeve, Henk Ten 1946 births Living people Dutch directors Dutch economists Dutch educators Erasmus University Rotterdam alumni Frisian National Party politicians Members of the Provincial Council of Friesland Members of the Senate (Netherlands) Party chairs of the Netherlands People from Heerenveen