

In mathematics and
physics Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. "Physical science is that department of knowledge which rel ...
, a Hamiltonian vector field on a
symplectic manifold In differential geometry, a subject of mathematics, a symplectic manifold is a smooth manifold, M , equipped with a closed nondegenerate differential 2-form \omega , called the symplectic form. The study of symplectic manifolds is called s ...
is a vector field defined for any energy function or Hamiltonian. Named after the physicist and mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton, a Hamiltonian vector field is a geometric manifestation of
Hamilton's equations Hamiltonian mechanics emerged in 1833 as a reformulation of Lagrangian mechanics. Introduced by Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Hamiltonian mechanics replaces (generalized) velocities \dot q^i used in Lagrangian mechanics with (generalized) ''moment ...
classical mechanics Classical mechanics is a physical theory describing the motion of macroscopic objects, from projectiles to parts of machinery, and astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, planets, stars, and galaxies. For objects governed by classical ...
. The integral curves of a Hamiltonian vector field represent solutions to the equations of motion in the Hamiltonian form. The
diffeomorphism In mathematics, a diffeomorphism is an isomorphism of smooth manifolds. It is an invertible function that maps one differentiable manifold to another such that both the function and its inverse are differentiable. Definition Given tw ...
s of a symplectic manifold arising from the
flow Flow may refer to: Science and technology * Fluid flow, the motion of a gas or liquid * Flow (geomorphology), a type of mass wasting or slope movement in geomorphology * Flow (mathematics), a group action of the real numbers on a set * Flow (psych ...
of a Hamiltonian vector field are known as
canonical transformation In Hamiltonian mechanics, a canonical transformation is a change of canonical coordinates that preserves the form of Hamilton's equations. This is sometimes known as form invariance. It need not preserve the form of the Hamiltonian itself. Canon ...
s in physics and (Hamiltonian)
symplectomorphism In mathematics, a symplectomorphism or symplectic map is an isomorphism in the category of symplectic manifolds. In classical mechanics, a symplectomorphism represents a transformation of phase space that is volume-preserving and preserves the sy ...
s in mathematics. Hamiltonian vector fields can be defined more generally on an arbitrary
Poisson manifold In differential geometry, a Poisson structure on a smooth manifold M is a Lie bracket \ (called a Poisson bracket in this special case) on the algebra (M) of smooth functions on M , subject to the Leibniz rule : \ = \h + g \ . Equivalen ...
. The
Lie bracket In mathematics, a Lie algebra (pronounced ) is a vector space \mathfrak g together with an operation called the Lie bracket, an alternating bilinear map \mathfrak g \times \mathfrak g \rightarrow \mathfrak g, that satisfies the Jacobi identi ...
of two Hamiltonian vector fields corresponding to functions ''f'' and ''g'' on the manifold is itself a Hamiltonian vector field, with the Hamiltonian given by the
Poisson bracket In mathematics and classical mechanics, the Poisson bracket is an important binary operation in Hamiltonian mechanics, playing a central role in Hamilton's equations of motion, which govern the time evolution of a Hamiltonian dynamical system. T ...
of ''f'' and ''g''.


Suppose that is a
symplectic manifold In differential geometry, a subject of mathematics, a symplectic manifold is a smooth manifold, M , equipped with a closed nondegenerate differential 2-form \omega , called the symplectic form. The study of symplectic manifolds is called s ...
. Since the
symplectic form In mathematics, a symplectic vector space is a vector space ''V'' over a field ''F'' (for example the real numbers R) equipped with a symplectic bilinear form. A symplectic bilinear form is a mapping that is ; Bilinear: Linear in each argument ...
is nondegenerate, it sets up a ''fiberwise-linear''
isomorphism In mathematics, an isomorphism is a structure-preserving mapping between two structures of the same type that can be reversed by an inverse mapping. Two mathematical structures are isomorphic if an isomorphism exists between them. The word i ...
: \omega:TM\to T^*M, between the
tangent bundle In differential geometry, the tangent bundle of a differentiable manifold M is a manifold TM which assembles all the tangent vectors in M . As a set, it is given by the disjoint unionThe disjoint union ensures that for any two points and ...
and the
cotangent bundle In mathematics, especially differential geometry, the cotangent bundle of a smooth manifold is the vector bundle of all the cotangent spaces at every point in the manifold. It may be described also as the dual bundle to the tangent bundle. This ...
, with the inverse : \Omega:T^*M\to TM, \quad \Omega=\omega^. Therefore,
one-form In differential geometry, a one-form on a differentiable manifold is a smooth section of the cotangent bundle. Equivalently, a one-form on a manifold M is a smooth mapping of the total space of the tangent bundle of M to \R whose restriction to ...
s on a symplectic manifold may be identified with vector fields and every
differentiable function In mathematics, a differentiable function of one real variable is a function whose derivative exists at each point in its domain. In other words, the graph of a differentiable function has a non- vertical tangent line at each interior point in ...
determines a unique vector field , called the ''Hamiltonian vector field'' with the ''Hamiltonian'' , by defining for every vector field on , :\mathrmH(Y) = \omega(X_H,Y). Note: Some authors define the Hamiltonian vector field with the opposite sign. One has to be mindful of varying conventions in physical and mathematical literature.


Suppose that is a -dimensional symplectic manifold. Then locally, one may choose
canonical coordinates In mathematics and classical mechanics, canonical coordinates are sets of coordinates on phase space which can be used to describe a physical system at any given point in time. Canonical coordinates are used in the Hamiltonian formulation of c ...
on , in which the symplectic form is expressed as: \omega=\sum_i \mathrmq^i \wedge \mathrmp_i, where denotes the
exterior derivative On a differentiable manifold, the exterior derivative extends the concept of the differential of a function to differential forms of higher degree. The exterior derivative was first described in its current form by Élie Cartan in 1899. The res ...
and denotes the exterior product. Then the Hamiltonian vector field with Hamiltonian takes the form: \Chi_H=\left( \frac, - \frac \right) = \Omega\,\mathrmH, where is a square matrix :\Omega = \begin 0 & I_n \\ -I_n & 0 \\ \end, and : \mathrmH=\begin \frac \\ \frac \end. The matrix is frequently denoted with . Suppose that ''M'' = R2''n'' is the 2''n''-dimensional
symplectic vector space In mathematics, a symplectic vector space is a vector space ''V'' over a field ''F'' (for example the real numbers R) equipped with a symplectic bilinear form. A symplectic bilinear form is a mapping that is ; Bilinear: Linear in each argument ...
with (global) canonical coordinates. * If H = p_i then X_H=\partial/\partial q^i; * if H = q_i then X_H=-\partial/\partial p^i; * if H=1/2\sum (p_i)^2 then X_H=\sum p_i\partial/\partial q^i; * if H=1/2\sum a_ q^i q^j, a_=a_ then X_H=-\sum a_ q_i\partial/\partial p^j.


* The assignment is
linear Linearity is the property of a mathematical relationship ('' function'') that can be graphically represented as a straight line. Linearity is closely related to '' proportionality''. Examples in physics include rectilinear motion, the linear ...
, so that the sum of two Hamiltonian functions transforms into the sum of the corresponding Hamiltonian vector fields. * Suppose that are canonical coordinates on (see above). Then a curve is an integral curve of the Hamiltonian vector field if and only if it is a solution of
Hamilton's equations Hamiltonian mechanics emerged in 1833 as a reformulation of Lagrangian mechanics. Introduced by Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Hamiltonian mechanics replaces (generalized) velocities \dot q^i used in Lagrangian mechanics with (generalized) ''moment ...
: \dot^i = \frac :\dot_i = - \frac . * The Hamiltonian is constant along the integral curves, because \langle dH, \dot\rangle = \omega(X_H(\gamma),X_H(\gamma)) = 0. That is, is actually independent of . This property corresponds to the
conservation of energy In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be ''conserved'' over time. This law, first proposed and tested by Émilie du Châtelet, means tha ...
Hamiltonian mechanics Hamiltonian mechanics emerged in 1833 as a reformulation of Lagrangian mechanics. Introduced by Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Hamiltonian mechanics replaces (generalized) velocities \dot q^i used in Lagrangian mechanics with (generalized) ''momen ...
. * More generally, if two functions and have a zero
Poisson bracket In mathematics and classical mechanics, the Poisson bracket is an important binary operation in Hamiltonian mechanics, playing a central role in Hamilton's equations of motion, which govern the time evolution of a Hamiltonian dynamical system. T ...
(cf. below), then is constant along the integral curves of , and similarly, is constant along the integral curves of . This fact is the abstract mathematical principle behind
Noether's theorem Noether's theorem or Noether's first theorem states that every differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system with conservative forces has a corresponding conservation law. The theorem was proven by mathematician Emmy Noether ...
.See for a very concise statement and proof of Noether's theorem. * The
symplectic form In mathematics, a symplectic vector space is a vector space ''V'' over a field ''F'' (for example the real numbers R) equipped with a symplectic bilinear form. A symplectic bilinear form is a mapping that is ; Bilinear: Linear in each argument ...
is preserved by the Hamiltonian flow. Equivalently, the
Lie derivative In differential geometry, the Lie derivative ( ), named after Sophus Lie by Władysław Ślebodziński, evaluates the change of a tensor field (including scalar functions, vector fields and one-forms), along the flow defined by another vecto ...
\mathcal_ \omega= 0.

Poisson bracket

The notion of a Hamiltonian vector field leads to a skew-symmetric bilinear operation on the differentiable functions on a symplectic manifold ''M'', the
Poisson bracket In mathematics and classical mechanics, the Poisson bracket is an important binary operation in Hamiltonian mechanics, playing a central role in Hamilton's equations of motion, which govern the time evolution of a Hamiltonian dynamical system. T ...
, defined by the formula :\ = \omega(X_g, X_f)= dg(X_f) = \mathcal_ g where \mathcal_X denotes the
Lie derivative In differential geometry, the Lie derivative ( ), named after Sophus Lie by Władysław Ślebodziński, evaluates the change of a tensor field (including scalar functions, vector fields and one-forms), along the flow defined by another vecto ...
along a vector field ''X''. Moreover, one can check that the following identity holds: X_= _f,X_g where the right hand side represents the Lie bracket of the Hamiltonian vector fields with Hamiltonians ''f'' and ''g''. As a consequence (a proof at
Poisson bracket In mathematics and classical mechanics, the Poisson bracket is an important binary operation in Hamiltonian mechanics, playing a central role in Hamilton's equations of motion, which govern the time evolution of a Hamiltonian dynamical system. T ...
), the Poisson bracket satisfies the
Jacobi identity In mathematics, the Jacobi identity is a property of a binary operation that describes how the order of evaluation, the placement of parentheses in a multiple product, affects the result of the operation. By contrast, for operations with the assoc ...
: \+\+\=0, which means that the vector space of differentiable functions on , endowed with the Poisson bracket, has the structure of a
Lie algebra In mathematics, a Lie algebra (pronounced ) is a vector space \mathfrak g together with an operation called the Lie bracket, an alternating bilinear map \mathfrak g \times \mathfrak g \rightarrow \mathfrak g, that satisfies the Jacobi iden ...
over , and the assignment is a Lie algebra homomorphism, whose
kernel Kernel may refer to: Computing * Kernel (operating system), the central component of most operating systems * Kernel (image processing), a matrix used for image convolution * Compute kernel, in GPGPU programming * Kernel method, in machine lea ...
consists of the locally constant functions (constant functions if is connected).



Works cited

*''See section 3.2''. * * * * {{refend Hamiltonian mechanics Symplectic geometry William Rowan Hamilton