

Guindalera or La Guindalera is an administrative neighborhood (''barrio'') of
Madrid Madrid ( , ) is the capital and most populous city of Spain. The city has almost 3.4 million inhabitants and a Madrid metropolitan area, metropolitan area population of approximately 6.7 million. It is the Largest cities of the Europ ...
belonging to the district of
Salamanca Salamanca () is a city in western Spain and is the capital of the Province of Salamanca in the autonomous community of Castile and León. The city lies on several rolling hills by the Tormes River. Its Old City was declared a UNESCO World Herit ...
. It has an area of . As of 1 March 2020, it has a population of 42,516. It is limited by the , the Calle de Alcalá, the and the Avenida de la Paz (the eastern stretch of the M-30). Las Ventas bullring is located in the neighborhood.


{{coord, 40, 26, 09, N, 3, 40, 06, W, type:city(150000)_region:ES, display=title Wards of Madrid Salamanca (Madrid)