

''Gromia dubia'' is a species of testate
rhizarian The Rhizaria are an ill-defined but species-rich supergroup of mostly unicellular eukaryotes. Except for the Chlorarachniophytes and three species in the genus Paulinella in the phylum Cercozoa, they are all non-photosynthethic, but many foramin ...
animal in the family Gromiidae. It is known from a single specimen discovered in 1884 by Gruber, and no other specimens have been found. Gruber did not actually make a proper description of the species itself.

See also

* ''
Gromia ''Gromia'' is a genus of protists, closely related to foraminifera, which inhabit marine and freshwater environments. It is the only genus of the family Gromiidae. ''Gromia'' are ameboid, producing filose pseudopodia that extend out from the ce ...
'' *
Testate amoeba Testate amoebae (formerly thecamoebians, Testacea or Thecamoeba) are a polyphyletic group of unicellular amoeboid protists, which differ from naked amoebae in the presence of a test that partially encloses the cell, with an aperture from which the ...


Gromiidea Amoeboids Cercozoa species {{Rhizaria-stub