

Grimoald II (french: Grimaud) (died 714), called the Younger, was the mayor of the palace of Neustria from 695. He was the second son of Pepin of Herstal and Plectrude and his father placed him in the office of mayor of the palace in the Neustrian kingdom in 695, when he was still young. He married Theudesinda (or Theodelinda), daughter of
Radbod, King of the Frisians Redbad or Radbod (died 719) was the king (or duke) of Frisia from c. 680 until his death. He is often considered the last independent ruler of Frisia before Frankish domination. He defeated Charles Martel at Cologne. Eventually, Charles prevaile ...
, and had two sons: Theudoald and Arnold. While en route to visit the tomb of
Saint Lambert Lambert of Maastricht, commonly referred to as Saint Lambert ( la, Lambertus; Middle Dutch: ''Sint-Lambrecht''; li, Lambaer, Baer, Bert(us); 636 – c. 705 AD) was the bishop of Maastricht-Liège ( Tongeren) from about 670 until his death. L ...
Liège Liège ( , , ; wa, Lîdje ; nl, Luik ; german: Lüttich ) is a major city and municipality of Wallonia and the capital of the Belgian province of Liège. The city is situated in the valley of the Meuse, in the east of Belgium, not far from b ...
, he was assassinated by a certain Rangar, in the employ of his father-in-law. His sons carried on a fight to be recognised as Pepin of Herstal's true heirs, since Grimoald predeceased his father and his half-brother Charles Martel usurped the lands and offices of their father.


*Riché, Pierre. ''Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe''. *Volkmann, Jean-Charles. ''Bien Connaître les généalogies des rois de France'' *Mourre, Michel. ''Le petit Mourre. Dictionnaire de l'Histoire'' 714 deaths Pippinids Mayors of the Palace Year of birth unknown {{Europe-noble-stub