Greek–Calabrian Dialect



The Calabrian dialect of
Greek Greek may refer to: Greece Anything of, from, or related to Greece, a country in Southern Europe: *Greeks, an ethnic group. *Greek language, a branch of the Indo-European language family. **Proto-Greek language, the assumed last common ancestor ...
, or In Salento e Calabria le voci della minoranza linguistica greca
. F. Violi, ''Lessico Grecanico-Italiano-Grecanico'', Apodiafàzzi,
Reggio Calabria Reggio di Calabria ( scn, label= Southern Calabrian, Riggiu; el, label= Calabrian Greek, Ρήγι, Rìji), usually referred to as Reggio Calabria, or simply Reggio by its inhabitants, is the largest city in Calabria. It has an estimated pop ...
, 1997. Paolo Martino, ''L'isola grecanica dell'Aspromonte. Aspetti sociolinguistici'', 1980. Risultati di un'inchiesta del 1977 Filippo Violi, ''Storia degli studi e della letteratura popolare grecanica'', C.S.E. Bova ( RC), 1992. Filippo Condemi, ''Grammatica Grecanica'', Coop. Contezza,
Reggio Calabria Reggio di Calabria ( scn, label= Southern Calabrian, Riggiu; el, label= Calabrian Greek, Ρήγι, Rìji), usually referred to as Reggio Calabria, or simply Reggio by its inhabitants, is the largest city in Calabria. It has an estimated pop ...
, 1987. Artuso, R. 1999. Roghudi e Ghorio, Una fetta di mondo grecanico. Roghudi (RC): Comune di Roghudi. Crupi, P. 1982. Roghudi, Un’isola grecanica asportata. Cosenza: Pellegrini Editore. Martino, P. 1980. “L’isola grecanica dell’Aspromonte. Aspetti sociolinguistici”. Atti dell’XI Congresso Internazionale di Studi (Cagliari 27–30 maggio 1977), a cura di F. A. Leoni, 305–341. Roma: Bulzoni. Martino, P. 1979. L’isola grecanica dell’Aspromonte. Aspetti sociolinguistici. In Albano Leoni, F. (ed.). 1979. I Dialetti e le Lingue delle Minoranze di Fronte all’Italiano. Roma: Bulzoni. Violi, F. 1992. Storia degli studi e della letteratura popolare grecanica, Bova (RC): C.S.E.
is the variety of
Italiot Greek The Italiotes ( grc-gre, Ἰταλιῶται, ') were the pre-Roman Greek-speaking inhabitants of the Italian Peninsula, between Naples and Sicily. Greek colonization of the coastal areas of southern Italy and Sicily started in the 8th cent ...
used by the ethnic
Griko people The Griko people ( el, Γκρίκο), also known as Grecanici in Calabria, are an ethnic Greek community of Southern Italy. They are found principally in regions of Calabria and Apulia (peninsula of Salento). The Griko are believed to be remna ...
in Calabria, as opposed to the Italiot Greek dialect spoken in the Grecìa Salentina. Both are remnants of the
Ancient Ancient history is a time period from the beginning of writing and recorded human history to as far as late antiquity. The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 years, beginning with the Sumerian cuneiform script. Ancient history cove ...
Byzantine The Byzantine Empire, also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium, was the continuation of the Roman Empire primarily in its eastern provinces during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantin ...
Greek colonization of the region. Calabrian Greek is mentioned in the ''Red Book'' of
UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture. I ...
on endangered languages, together with
Griko Griko, sometimes spelled Grico, is the dialect of Italiot Greek spoken by Griko people in Salento (province of Lecce) and (also called Grecanic) in Calabria. Some Greek linguists consider it to be a Modern Greek dialect and often call it ( el, ...
. In addition, ''Euromosaic'' analyses and recognizes it as being an endangered and minority language in the
European Union The European Union (EU) is a supranational political and economic union of member states that are located primarily in Europe. The union has a total area of and an estimated total population of about 447million. The EU has often been ...
. It is mentioned by Ethnologue as a dialect of
Modern Greek Modern Greek (, , or , ''Kiní Neoellinikí Glóssa''), generally referred to by speakers simply as Greek (, ), refers collectively to the dialects of the Greek language spoken in the modern era, including the official standardized form of the ...
in the sense of a modern vernacular language of the Hellenic family (as is the case with
Pontic Pontic, from the Greek ''pontos'' (, ), or "sea", may refer to: The Black Sea Places * The Pontic colonies, on its northern shores * Pontus (region), a region on its southern shores * The Pontic–Caspian steppe, steppelands stretching from n ...
and Tsakonian Greek).


The use of Calabrian Greek can trace its roots to the ancient colonies of
Magna Grecia Magna Graecia (, ; , , grc, Μεγάλη Ἑλλάς, ', it, Magna Grecia) was the name given by the Romans to the coastal areas of Southern Italy in the present-day Italian regions of Calabria, Apulia, Basilicata, Campania and Sicily; the ...
, and possibly earlier. Calabria was once a territory of the Byzantine empire from 536 AD until it was conquered by the Normans in 1071 AD. During Byzantine rule the territory was referred to as the
Catepanate of Italy The Catepanate (or Catapanate) of Italy ( el, ''Katepaníkion Italías'') was a province of the Byzantine Empire from 965 until 1071. At its greatest extent, it comprised mainland Italy south of a line drawn from Monte Gargano to the Gulf of ...
. Calabrian Greek was spoken throughout the whole of south Calabria until the 15th to 16th century, when it was gradually replaced by a Romance dialect ( Calabrian), but there are influences of Calabrian Greek on the grammar and in a large part of the latter's vocabulary. During the Angevin Age (1266–1435) the Greek dialect was widely spoken in a large area between
Seminara ''For people with the surname, see Seminara (surname).'' Seminara is a ''comune'' (municipality) in the Province of Reggio Calabria in the Italian region Calabria, located about southwest of Catanzaro and about northeast of Reggio Calabria. S ...
, Taurianova, the Mésima's valley and the plateau of
Poro The Poro, or Purrah or Purroh, is a men's secret society in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and the Ivory Coast, introduced by the Mane people. It is sometimes referred to as a hunting society and only males are admitted to its ranks. The femal ...
. A brief historical analysis illustrates quite readily the progressive disappearance of the Greek dialect in different Calabrian areas from the 16th century onwards. Around the mid-16th century, it had disappeared from the fields of Petrace, particularly from the high valley of Diverso and Tasi. During the 17th century the regression spread to some valleys in the western side of
Aspromonte The Aspromonte is a mountain massif in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria ( Calabria, southern Italy). The literal translation of the name means "rough mountain". But for others the name more likely is related to the Greek word Aspros ( ...
near the
Straits of Messina The Strait of Messina ( it, Stretto di Messina, Sicilian: Strittu di Missina) is a narrow strait between the eastern tip of Sicily ( Punta del Faro) and the western tip of Calabria (Punta Pezzo) in Southern Italy. It connects the Tyrrhenian ...
, such as the Catona and
Gallico Gallico is a surname. Notable people with the surname include: * Elisha Gallico (died 1583), Palestinian Jewish Talmudist * Paul Gallico Paul William Gallico (July 26, 1897 – July 15, 1976) was an American novelist and short story and ...
Valleys. During the 19th century, it was lost in some villages like
Pentedattilo Pentedattilo (Calabrian Greek: Πενταδάκτυλο - Pentadàktilo) is a small village in Calabria, southern Italy, administratively a ''frazione'' of Melito di Porto Salvo. Until 1811, before the unification of Italy, it was a separate co ...
, Africo,
Brancaleone ''L'armata Brancaleone'' (known in English-speaking countries as ''For Love and Gold'' or ''The Incredible Army of Brancaleone'') is an Italian comedy film released on April 7, 1966, written by the duo Age & Scarpelli and directed by Mario Monicel ...
, Motta San Giovanni, Montebello, and
San Lorenzo San Lorenzo is the Italian and Spanish name for Lawrence of Rome, Saint Lawrence, the 3rd-century Christian martyr, and may refer to: Places Argentina * San Lorenzo, Santa Fe * San Lorenzo Department, Chaco * Monte San Lorenzo, a mountain on t ...
, on the Ionic side of Aspromonte; and in the early 20th century, that spread to the towns of Palizzi, Staiti, Cardeto,
Roccaforte del Greco Roccaforte del Greco ( Calabrian el, Βουνί, translit=Vunì) is a ''comune'' (municipality) in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria in the Italian region Calabria, located about southwest of Catanzaro and about southeast of Reggio Calab ...
, Amendolea and Condofuri. During the
fascist Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement,: "extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the ...
period in Italy, linguistic minorities were strongly discouraged from using their mother tongues, which affected the use of Calabrian Greek.


Today, Calabrian Greek is spoken in nine towns of Bovesìa including
Bova Superiore Bova may refer to: Places: *Bova, Iran (disambiguation), places in Iran * Bova, Calabria, a comune in the Province of Reggio Calabria in Italy * Bova Marina, a comune in the Province of Reggio Calabria in Italy *Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Reggio ...
Roghudi Roghudi ( el, label=Calabrian Greek, Ροχούδι, Richùdi, or ) is a ''comune'' (municipality) in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria in the Italian region Calabria, located about southwest of Catanzaro and about southeast of Reggio Cal ...
, Gallicianò, Chorìo di Roghudi, Bova Marina, and the city of
Reggio di Calabria Reggio di Calabria ( scn, label= Southern Calabrian, Riggiu; el, label=Calabrian Greek, Ρήγι, Rìji), usually referred to as Reggio Calabria, or simply Reggio by its inhabitants, is the largest city in Calabria. It has an estimated popu ...
, especially in the neighborhoods of San Giorgio Extra and Rione Modena. Several hundred
Griko people The Griko people ( el, Γκρίκο), also known as Grecanici in Calabria, are an ethnic Greek community of Southern Italy. They are found principally in regions of Calabria and Apulia (peninsula of Salento). The Griko are believed to be remna ...
continue to speak the Calabrian-Greek dialect in the Arangea and Sbarre neighbourhoods of
Reggio Calabria Reggio di Calabria ( scn, label= Southern Calabrian, Riggiu; el, label= Calabrian Greek, Ρήγι, Rìji), usually referred to as Reggio Calabria, or simply Reggio by its inhabitants, is the largest city in Calabria. It has an estimated pop ...
and another small number has been reported in
Melito di Porto Salvo Melito di Porto Salvo ( scn, label= Calabrian, Mèlitu; el, Μέλιτος or Μέλιτο (Mèlitos, label=Calabrian Greek, script=Latn or ) is a ''comune'' (municipality) in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria in the Italian region Calabr ...
, mainly from migration from Roghudi and from Chorìo after the severe floods that occurred there in 1971. About 2,000 Griko people now speak and understand the language, but only about 50 of them are under the age of thirty-five, despite the efforts of cultural associations and administrative agencies to reinvigorate the language. In Bova, many people now learn
Modern Greek Modern Greek (, , or , ''Kiní Neoellinikí Glóssa''), generally referred to by speakers simply as Greek (, ), refers collectively to the dialects of the Greek language spoken in the modern era, including the official standardized form of the ...
rather than Calabrian Greek.


Calabrian Greek has much in common with Modern Standard Greek. With respect to its origins, some philologists assert that it is derived from
Koine Greek Koine Greek (; Koine el, ἡ κοινὴ διάλεκτος, hē koinè diálektos, the common dialect; ), also known as Hellenistic Greek, common Attic, the Alexandrian dialect, Biblical Greek or New Testament Greek, was the common supra-reg ...
Medieval Greek Medieval Greek (also known as Middle Greek, Byzantine Greek, or Romaic) is the stage of the Greek language between the end of classical antiquity in the 5th–6th centuries and the end of the Middle Ages, conventionally dated to the Ottoman c ...
, but others assert that it comes directly from Ancient Greek and particularly from the Doric Greek spoken in
Magna Graecia Magna Graecia (, ; , , grc, Μεγάλη Ἑλλάς, ', it, Magna Grecia) was the name given by the Romans to the coastal areas of Southern Italy in the present-day Italian regions of Calabria, Apulia, Basilicata, Campania and Sicily; the ...
, with an independent evolution uninfluenced by
Koine Greek Koine Greek (; Koine el, ἡ κοινὴ διάλεκτος, hē koinè diálektos, the common dialect; ), also known as Hellenistic Greek, common Attic, the Alexandrian dialect, Biblical Greek or New Testament Greek, was the common supra-reg ...
. The evidence is based on archaisms in this language, including the presence of words from Doric Greek but no longer used in Greece (except in Tsakonian). There are also quite a few distinctive characteristics in comparison with Standard Modern Greek. For example, in many cases, the final "-s" in most words has been lost (i.e. ''gaidaros'' (donkey) becomes ''gadaro'' in Calabrian Greek). Moreover, a future tense does not exist in this dialect; it is replaced by the present tense. Speakers write the language using the
Latin alphabet The Latin alphabet or Roman alphabet is the collection of letters originally used by the ancient Romans to write the Latin language. Largely unaltered with the exception of extensions (such as diacritics), it used to write English and the ...
, not the
Greek alphabet The Greek alphabet has been used to write the Greek language since the late 9th or early 8th century BCE. It is derived from the earlier Phoenician alphabet, and was the earliest known alphabetic script to have distinct letters for vowels as ...


The literature is scarce and consists of books of poetry, local history or calendars, frequently in three languages (Italian, Calabrian Greek and Modern Greek). In the absence of a linguistic authority, in the late 1970s, the association ''Jalò tu Vúa'' initiated a research group to set up methodological standards to teach Calabrian Greek and draft a grammar for the schools. The commune of Bova published it as pamphlet in 1979 with the title ''La Glossa di Bova'' (''Bova's dialect'').

Role in humanism

Calabrians were well represented in
Humanism Humanism is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the individual and social potential and agency of human beings. It considers human beings the starting point for serious moral and philosophical inquiry. The meaning of the term "human ...
and in the
Renaissance The Renaissance ( , ) , from , with the same meanings. is a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries, characterized by an effort to revive and surpass id ...
. Indeed, the Greek scholars of that period frequently came from Calabria, maybe because of the influence of spoken Greek. The rediscovery of Ancient Greek in
Western Christianity Western Christianity is one of two sub-divisions of Christianity Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth Jesus, likely from he, יֵשׁוּעַ, translit=Y ...
was very difficult because this language had been almost forgotten. The presence of Calabrian humanists as well as refugees from Constantinople was essential. The study of Ancient Greek was mainly a work of two monks of the monastery of
Seminara ''For people with the surname, see Seminara (surname).'' Seminara is a ''comune'' (municipality) in the Province of Reggio Calabria in the Italian region Calabria, located about southwest of Catanzaro and about northeast of Reggio Calabria. S ...
: Barlaam,
bishop of Gerace The Italian Catholic Diocese of Locri-Gerace ( la, Dioecesis Locrensis-Hieracensis ) is in Calabria. It is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Reggio Calabria-Bova. Historically it was the Diocese of Gerace, becoming in 1954 the Diocese of Gerace ...
, and his disciple, Leonzio Pilato. Leonzio Pilato, in particular, was an ethnic
Greek Greek may refer to: Greece Anything of, from, or related to Greece, a country in Southern Europe: *Greeks, an ethnic group. *Greek language, a branch of the Indo-European language family. **Proto-Greek language, the assumed last common ancestor ...
Calabrian born near
Reggio Calabria Reggio di Calabria ( scn, label= Southern Calabrian, Riggiu; el, label= Calabrian Greek, Ρήγι, Rìji), usually referred to as Reggio Calabria, or simply Reggio by its inhabitants, is the largest city in Calabria. It has an estimated pop ...
. He was an important teacher of Ancient Greek and translator, and he helped
Giovanni Boccaccio Giovanni Boccaccio (, , ; 16 June 1313 – 21 December 1375) was an Italian writer, poet, correspondent of Petrarch, and an important Renaissance humanist. Born in the town of Certaldo, he became so well known as a writer that he was som ...
in the translations of
Homer Homer (; grc, Ὅμηρος , ''Hómēros'') (born ) was a Greek poet who is credited as the author of the '' Iliad'' and the '' Odyssey'', two epic poems that are foundational works of ancient Greek literature. Homer is considered one of ...
's works.


Calabrian Greek has never had a broad tradition in music, but there are a number of local folk groups that sing in this dialect. An annual festival called ''"Palea riza"'' ("Ancient Root" in both Calabrian and Standard Greek) of world and Calabrian Greek music is held in Bova and other picturesque towns of the area.

Current status

Cultural associations

Inspired by the efforts of Rohlfs, a group of university students looked to further increase the exposure of this dialect by publishing a pamphlet entitled . This was the first organised activity aimed at protecting the language. In 1970, the group established a cultural association named and the pamphlet became a magazine, which contained poetry and prose in both Italian and in Greek Calabrian. The same association established contacts with Greek speakers of aimed at creating the (Union of Greeks of South Italy) to protect the region's bilingualism jointly and to demand formal state recognition in such areas, such as bilingual road signs. Following the example of , other local associations were established, including (Life and language) in Reggio Calabria, (New World) and in Bova Marina, '' CUMELCA'' in Gallicianò and Roghudi and (Dawn) in Bova Superiore.

Mass media

There are two periodicals in Calabrian Greek: ''I Riza'', which is trilingual (Italian, Calabrian Greek and Modern Greek) and published by the ''Jalò tu Vúa'' association, and ''CUMELCA''. The former is a four-monthly publication, and the latter is supposed to be published every three months but is irregular. The region gives some financial aid to support the publications. No radio stations broadcast in Calabrian Greek, mostly because of the crisis of the local private radio stations. Between 1977 and 1984, coinciding with the boom in local stations, some stations aired programs in this language. Among them were the ''Radio Antenna Don Bosco'' at Bova Marina, ''Radio San Paolo'' at Reggio di Calabria and ''RTM'' at Mélito di Porto Salvo. The dialect has never been used on television.

Education and raising awareness

The Greek government in
Athens Athens ( ; el, Αθήνα, Athína ; grc, Ἀθῆναι, Athênai (pl.) ) is both the capital city, capital and List of cities and towns in Greece, largest city of Greece. With a population close to four million, it is also the seventh List ...
, by the ''Associazione Internazionale degli Ellenofoni'' (SFEE) or the International Association of Greek-speakers, has established relations with ''La Ionica'' and has officially invited Calabrian Greeks at the annual meetings they host in
Greece Greece,, or , romanized: ', officially the Hellenic Republic, is a country in Southeast Europe. It is situated on the southern tip of the Balkans, and is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Greece shares land borders wit ...
. Apart from that, ''La Ionica'' has not been well supported by government public institutions; awareness of this problem has really surfaced in only the last few years. The region of Calabria has encouraged the education of the dialect in schools, along with what already happens regarding Albanian, thus promoting bilingualism. In 1993, the region also created an ''Istituto Regionale Superiore di Studi Ellenofoni'' (Regional Institute of Advanced Hellenophonic Studies), based in Bova Marina. Despite the initial activity, the program has not made many advances because of the lack of qualified teachers and the fact that bilingualism is not present in administration. The improvements are very small and at the moment, for example, only the towns of Bova and Bova Marina have bilingual street signs. The gradual decline in the use of Greek Calabrian is mainly from the population viewing it as nothing more than a dialect, a form of expression of the lower classes that is typical of rural and/or illiterate peoples. The lack of linguistic registers (use in environments other than at a familiar level) is a further impediment to its survival. The language was preserved while the population remained isolated in the mountains of the
Aspromonte The Aspromonte is a mountain massif in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria ( Calabria, southern Italy). The literal translation of the name means "rough mountain". But for others the name more likely is related to the Greek word Aspros ( ...
. Following the migrations from the zones of the bulk of the population, the younger generations of today have only a very basic knowledge of the language. Also, improved education standards encourage the use of other languages, such as Italian, even on a day-to-day basis. Activity in the area of education, even if it is supported by local administration and legislation in promoting the presence of Greek in the classroom and in universities, is limited because lecturers and tutors with an adequate knowledge of Greek Calabrian are not available to offer courses. Initial activity has been limited to the initiatives of cultural groups at a local level, with the financial support of the odd local council. The teaching of the language in schools has not followed a bilingual format but has been offered more as an optional subject at primary school level, thanks to the financial support of the regional government and the
European Community The European Economic Community (EEC) was a regional organization created by the Treaty of Rome of 1957,Today the largely rewritten treaty continues in force as the ''Treaty on the functioning of the European Union'', as renamed by the Lisb ...
. Student numbers have remained quite low. The teaching of the language is completely absent at the secondary school level. Still, the cultural associations offer courses aimed at adults. Thus, the biggest problem remains the limited knowledge of the language on the part of the teaching fraternity for which bilingualism is not a mandatory element of their qualification. Some further education of such graduates is offered by the odd cultural association such as ''Jalò tu Vúa'' but only by the support of the European Community. That association has even worked towards the creation of a Greek Calabrian grammar.

See also

Griko dialect Griko, sometimes spelled Grico, is the dialect of Italiot Greek spoken by Griko people in Salento (province of Lecce) and (also called Grecanic) in Calabria. Some Greek linguists consider it to be a Modern Greek dialect and often call it ( el, ...
Griko people The Griko people ( el, Γκρίκο), also known as Grecanici in Calabria, are an ethnic Greek community of Southern Italy. They are found principally in regions of Calabria and Apulia (peninsula of Salento). The Griko are believed to be remna ...
Magna Graecia Magna Graecia (, ; , , grc, Μεγάλη Ἑλλάς, ', it, Magna Grecia) was the name given by the Romans to the coastal areas of Southern Italy in the present-day Italian regions of Calabria, Apulia, Basilicata, Campania and Sicily; the ...


External links

Grecìa Calabra

Rindinedda, traditional Griko song
{{Greek language Varieties of Modern Greek Languages of Calabria Magna Graecia Greece–Italy relations Endangered Indo-European languages