Jacob Lodewijk Gerard, Baron Walschap (
Londerzeel () is a municipality located in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant. The municipality comprises the towns of Londerzeel proper, Malderen, Steenhuffel (home of Palm Breweries) and Sint-Jozef. On 1 January 2006, Londerzeel had a to ...
-St. Jozef, 9 July 1898 –
Antwerp, 25 October 1989), was a
Belgian may refer to:
* Something of, or related to, Belgium
* Belgians, people from Belgium or of Belgian descent
* Languages of Belgium, languages spoken in Belgium, such as Dutch, French, and German
*Ancient Belgian language, an extinct language ...
Early life
He went to ''highschool'' at the ''Klein seminarie'' in
Hoogstraten () is a municipality located in the Belgian province of Antwerp. The municipality comprises Hoogstraten, Meer, Meerle, Meersel-Dreef, Minderhout and Wortel (Meersel-Dreef includes the northernmost point in Belgium).
Hoogstraten ...
, and later in
Asse () is a municipality located in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant. It comprises the towns of Asse proper, Bekkerzeel, Kobbegem, Mollem, Relegem and Zellik. Asse is also situated in the Pajottenland. As of 2020, Asse had a total ...
. His
Flemish (''Vlaams'') is a Low Franconian dialect cluster of the Dutch language. It is sometimes referred to as Flemish Dutch (), Belgian Dutch ( ), or Southern Dutch (). Flemish is native to Flanders, a historical region in northern Belgium ...
awareness was in these days encouraged by the priest and poet
Jan Hammenecker
Jan Hammenecker ( Mariekerke, 2 October 1878- Westrode, 13 June 1932) was a Flemish Roman Catholic priest and writer. One of his pupils was Gerard Walschap.
* Verzen (1908)
* Van Christus' apostelen (1913)
* Oorlogsgetijden (?)
* Zoo ...
. In
Leuven (, ) or Louvain (, , ; german: link=no, Löwen ) is the capital and largest City status in Belgium, city of the Provinces of Belgium, province of Flemish Brabant in the Flemish Region of Belgium. It is located about east of Brussels. Th ...
, he entered the school for priests of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, but did not finish to be ordained as a
A priest is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious rites; in particu ...
In 1923, he became secretary at the weekly magazine ''Het Vlaamsche land'' (E: Flemish country). In 1925, he married Marie-Antoinette Theunissen (1901–1979) in
Maaseik (; li, Mezeik) is a city and municipality in the Belgian province of Limburg. Both in size (close to 77 km2) and in population (approx. 25,000 inhabitants, of whom some 3,000 non-Belgian), it is the 8th largest municipality in Limburg ...
, and a year later their son, Hugo is born.
Alice Nahon
Alice Nahon (16 August 1896 – 21 May 1933) was a Belgian poet from Antwerp.
Alice Nahon was born in Antwerp on 23 August 1896. She was the third child in a family of eleven children. Her father, Gerard L. Nahon, was born in the Net ...
acts as a nurse and write a poem to the occasion ''Aan Hugo's fijne stemmeke'' (E: To Hugo's fine voice).
Hugo Walschap became ambassador of the king of Belgium.
In 1927, his second son, Guido, is born. In 1930, his third son, Lieven, is born, and in 1932, his daughter Caroline (
Carla Walschap). In 1935, he narrowly escapes death, as he becomes a victim of
carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide ( chemical formula CO) is a colorless, poisonous, odorless, tasteless, flammable gas that is slightly less dense than air. Carbon monoxide consists of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom connected by a triple bond. It is the si ...
poisoning in the bathroom, but he is saved by his wife. His fourth son, Bruno, was born in 1938.
Literary career

As a writer he started his literary career with romantic
Poetry (derived from the Greek '' poiesis'', "making"), also called verse, is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and often rhythmic qualities of language − such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre − to evoke meanings ...
The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with 1.3 billion baptized Catholics worldwide . It is among the world's oldest and largest international institutions, and has played a ...
inspired theatre plays. In 1928, he publishes his first novel ''Waldo''. He became widely known with his novel ''Adelaide'', which appeared in 1929, and which was the first of a series of novels. Although initially well-received, the book caused him the rancour of the
Clergy are formal leaders within established religions. Their roles and functions vary in different religious traditions, but usually involve presiding over specific rituals and teaching their religion's doctrines and practices. Some of the t ...
, and his books were placed on the
Index Librorum Prohibitorum
The ''Index Librorum Prohibitorum'' ("List of Prohibited Books") was a list of publications deemed heretical or contrary to morality by the Sacred Congregation of the Index (a former Dicastery of the Roman Curia), and Catholics were forbidd ...
. This adverse reaction, which was not intended by Walschap, hurt him and after a long inner struggle and doubt he abandoned his faith and became a
secular humanist
Secular humanism is a philosophy, belief system or life stance that embraces human reason, secular ethics, and philosophical naturalism while specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, and superstition as the basis of morality an ...
. This inner struggle (with faith), would remain of significant importance in his literary work. Adelaide became part of the ''De familie Roothooft''.
In part of his work he considers society a burden which is hard to bear, such as in ''De bejegening van Christus'' (E: Meeting with Christ) (1940). In his work he also glorifies the extremes of society, such as the primitive life in ''Volk'' (E: people) and ''De dood in het dorp'' (E: Death in the village) (1930), and the almost aggressive freedom in ''Het kind'' (E: The child) (1939) and ''De consul'' (1943) and the expression of worriless freedom in probably his most famous work ''Houtekiet'' (1939).
His novel ''Zwart en wit'' (E: black and white) of 1948, deals with the collaboration (Nazi-Collaborators were called ''blacks'' in Belgium, and resistance fighters ''whites'') with
Nazism ( ; german: Nazismus), the common name in English for National Socialism (german: Nationalsozialismus, ), is the far-right totalitarian political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in ...
and the repression after
World War II
World War II or the Second World War, often abbreviated as WWII or WW2, was a world war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the World War II by country, vast majority of the world's countries—including all of the great power ...
. ''Zuster Virgilia'', of 1951, deals with the eternal fight between faith and disbelief. In his book ''Oproer in Kongo'' (E: Revolt in Congo) from 1953, he wrote about
Colonialism is a practice or policy of control by one people or power over other people or areas, often by establishing colonies and generally with the aim of economic dominance. In the process of colonisation, colonisers may impose their rel ...
, which he conceived after along journey through
Belgian Congo
The Belgian Congo (french: Congo belge, ; nl, Belgisch-Congo) was a Belgian colony in Central Africa from 1908 until independence in 1960. The former colony adopted its present name, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), in 1964.
Colo ...
in 1951. As a writer he reveals his own inner self in ''Het gastmaal'' (1966) en ''Het avondmaal'' (E: Dinner) (1968), by using a
''Modernistic'' is the fourth album led by American pianist and composer Jason Moran and his first solo recording which was released on the Blue Note label in 2002. writing style.
He received several literary prizes, among which in 1968, the ''
Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren
The Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren (''Dutch Literature Prize'') is awarded every three years to an author from the Netherlands, Belgium or, since 2005, Suriname writing in Dutch. It is considered the most prestigious literary award in the Dutch-spe ...
'', and in 1975 he was knighted and made a
* Grand Cross in the
Order of Leopold II
The Order of Leopold II is an order of Belgium and is named in honor of King Leopold II. The decoration was established on 24 August 1900 by Leopold II as Sovereign of the Congo Free State and was in 1908, upon Congo being handed over to Belgium ...
* Grand officer in the
Order of Leopold Order of Leopold may refer to:
* Order of Leopold (Austria), founded in 1808 by emperor Francis I of Austria and discontinued in 1918
* Order of Leopold (Belgium), founded in 1832 by king Leopold I of Belgium
* Order of Leopold II, founded in Congo ...
* Grand Officer in the
Order of the Crown.
[Etat présent de la noblesse belge / 2014 p 196]
* Liederen van leed (1923, poetry)
* Flirt (1924, theatre)
* Levens' vier seizoenen (1924, theatre)
* De looze streken van Slimke Gazelle (1924, children's story)
* Dies irae (1924, theatre)
* Lente (1924, theatre)
* De loutering (1925, poetry)
* De vuurproef (1925, theatre, together with
Frans Delbeke)
* Franciscus en de jongeren (1926, article)
* Maskaroen (1927, theatre)
* Slimke. Een boekje voor kinderen (1927)
* Waldo (1928, novel)
* Adalaïde (1929, novel)
* Volk (1930, stories) (including : Leven de grafmaker – Teugels' Gust – De goddeloosheid van Soo Kommer – Petrus)
* De dood in het dorp (1930, verhalen) (omvattend : De neutrale pastoor – Leven van Soo Moereman – Het verlangen van Stieneke – J. De Soete, barbier, estaminet – De meester – Huybrechs-Bergé – Soo De Kommer – De Mops – Het onnozel leven van Gielen – Het droevig leven van Rozeke – Leven van Zjeppen – Die van Cuypers)
* Uitingen in de moderne wereldletterkunde (1930, essay)
* Eric (1931, novel)
* Nooit meer oorlog (1931, pamphlet)
* Jan Frans Cantré (1932, monography)
* Carla (1933, novel)
* Trouwen (1933, novel)
* Celibaat (1934, novel)
* De vierde koning (1935, story)
* Een mens van goede wil (1936, novel)
* De kermis te Pontosie (1937, theatre)
* De Spaansche gebroeders (1937, theatre)
* Sybille (1938, novel)
* Het kind (1939, novel)
* De familie Roothooft (Adelaïde, Eric, Carla) (1939, novel)
* Houtekiet (1939, novel)
* Vaarwel dan ! (1940, brochure)
* Bejegening van Christus (1940, novel)
* De wereld van Soo Moereman (1941, story)
* Zotje Petotje (1941, children's story)
* Gansje Kwak (1942, children's story)
* Denise (1942, novel)
* Genezing door aspirine (1942, story)
* Voorpostgevechten (1943, essay)
* De consul (1943, novel)
* Tor (1944, novel)
* Wing en Wong (1945, youth story)
* De goede smokkelaar (1945, story)
* Ons geluk (1946, novel)
* De pacificatiepartij (1946, essay)
* Beeld van de humanist (1947, brochure)
* Zwart en wit (1948, novel)
* Voor geestelijke vrijheid (1948, brochure)
* Moeder (1950, novel)
* Zuster Virgilia (1951, novel)
* Hulde aan Dr. J. Lindemans (1952, essay)
* Hulde aan Stijn Streuvels (1952, essay)
* De toekomst van de letterkunde (1952, essay)
* Lof der academie (1952, essay)
* Janneman en de heks (1953; puppet play)
* Oproer in Kongo (1953, novel)
* De graaf (1953, story)
* Het kleine meisje en ik (1953, stories) (including : Moord op het konijntje – Corruptie bij een schildpad – De twee katjes – De rashond – Speelgoed van Sint-Niklaas – Het vosken – De boodschappen voor het consulaat)
* Manneke Maan (1954, novel)
* Salut en merci (1955, pamphlet)
* Janneke en Mieke in de oorlog (1955, children's story)
* Zotje Petotje thuis weg (1956, children's story)
* Paul komt thuis (1956, theatre play)
* De Française (1957, novel)
* De verloren zoon (1958, novel)
* August Van Cauwelaert (1959, essay)
* De ongelooflijke avonturen van Tilman Armenaas (1960, novel)
* Nieuw Deps (1961, novel)
* Genezing door aspirine en andere verhalen (1963, stories) (including : Genezing door aspirine – De graaf – Het voske)
* Celibaat (1963, novel)
* Muziek voor twee stemmen (1963, essay)
* Alter ego (1964, novel)
* Julien Kuypers (1966, essay)
* De kaartridder van Herpeneert (1966, story)
* De culturele repressie (1966, essay)
* Het gastmaal (1966, novel)
* Dossier Walschap (1966, collection of stories) (Omvattend: Vaarwel dan – Voorpostgevechten – Salut en merci – Weten en geloven in Vlaanderen = hoofdstuk 8 van "Muziek voor twee stemmen")
* Twee broers en hun kat (1966, children's story, in "Rippedepik")
* De deugniet en de arme vrouw (1966, children's story, in "Rippedepik")
* Een ezel als getuige (1966, children's story, in "Rippedepik")
* De arme rickshawloper (1966, children's story, in "Rippedepik")
* De oneerlijke stovenmaker (1966, children's story, in "Rippedepik")
* Het beursje met de gouden dollars (1966, children's story, in "Rippedepik")
* De slimme rechter (1966, children's story, in "Rippedepik")
* De kunsternaar en zijn volk (1967, essay)
* Het avondmaal (1968, novel)
* Zotje verkoopt een paard (1971, story, in "Ruppedepuk")
* Omnibus (1971) (including : Houtekiet – Zuster Virgilia – Celibaat)
* Van een olifant die struikrover werd (1973, children's story)
* Vijf van Walschap (1974, collection of stories) (Omvattend : Het voske – De consul – De kaartridder van Herpeneert – Genezing door aspirine – De graaf)
* Het Oramproject (1975, novel)
* Omnibus (1977) (including : Trouwens – Het kind – Moeder)
* Sprookjes (1978, = Birthday-omnibus) (including : Vertelsels van de 8 broers – De olifant die struikrover werd – Wing en Wong in Amerika – De slimme rechter)
* De helige Jan Mus (1979, roman)
* Rustoord (1979, roman)
* Tweede Walschapomnibus (children's stories) (including : Zotje ¨Petotje weer thuis – Slimke Gazelle en de gazelleneter- Gansje Kwak zoekt Carry)
* Verzameld Werk. Deel 1 (1988) (including : Waldo – Adelaïde – Eric – Carla – Volk – De dood in het dorp – Nooit meer oorlog – Trouwen – Celibaat)
* Verzameld Werk. Deel 2 (1989) (including : De vierde koning – Een mens van goede wil – Sybille – Het kind – Houtekiet – Bejegening van Christus – Vaarwel dan – De wereld van Soo Moereman)
* Autobiografie van mijn vader (1989)
* Verzameld Werk. Deel 3 (1990) (including : Denise – Voorpostgevechten – De consul – Tor – Genezing door aspirine – De goede smokkelaar – Ons geluk – De pacificatiepartij – Beeld van de humanist – Voor geestelijke vrijheid – Zwart en wit)
* Verzameld Werk. Deel 4 (1991) (including : Moeder – Zuster Virgilia – Oproer in Kongo – Het kleine meisje en ik – De graaf – Manneke Maan – Salut en merci – De Française)
* Verzameld Werk. Deel 5 (1992)
* Verzameld Werk. Deel 6 (1993) (including: Alter ego – De kaartridder van Heppeneert – Het gastmaal – Het avondmaal – Ernest Claes of De kunstenaar en zijn volk – De culturele repressie – Het Oramproject – De heilige Jan Mus – Autobiografie van mijn vader)
* Het heilig uilke (1996, story)
* Brieven I, 1921–1950 (1998)
* Losgetrokken en in de wereld geworpen (1998, collection of stories) (including : Trouwen – De graaf – Vier verhalen uit "De dood in het dorp" – Voorpostgevechten)
See also
Flemish literature Flemish literature is literature from Flanders, historically a region comprising parts of present-day Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Until the early 19th century, this literature was regarded as an integral part of Dutch literature. After Bel ...
* G.J. van Bork en P.J. Verkruijsse, De Nederlandse en Vlaamse auteurs (1985)
Gerard Walschap
{{DEFAULTSORT:Walschap, Gerard
1898 births
1989 deaths
Barons of Belgium
Flemish activists
Flemish writers
Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren winners
Secular humanists