

Georges Appert (1850–1934) was a French historian, academic, writer and
Japanologist Japanese studies (Japanese: ) or Japan studies (sometimes Japanology in Europe), is a sub-field of area studies or East Asian studies involved in social sciences and humanities research on Japan. It incorporates fields such as the study of Japanese ...
. He was a legal scholar and professor of law at the
University of Tokyo , abbreviated as or UTokyo, is a public research university located in Bunkyō, Tokyo, Japan. Established in 1877, the university was the first Imperial University and is currently a Top Type university of the Top Global University Project by ...
.Bibliotheque Nationale de France (BnF)
Appert, Georges (1850-1934)
retrieved 2013-4-2.


Appert was a foreign government advisor in Meiji Japan from 1879 to 1889.

Select works

In an overview of writings by and about Appert,
OCLC OCLC, Inc., doing business as OCLC, See also: is an American nonprofit cooperative organization "that provides shared technology services, original research, and community programs for its membership and the library community at large". It was ...
WorldCat WorldCat is a union catalog that itemizes the collections of tens of thousands of institutions (mostly libraries), in many countries, that are current or past members of the OCLC global cooperative. It is operated by OCLC, Inc. Many of the OCL ...
lists roughly 26 works in 43 publications in 5 languages and 132 library holdings. * ''Ancien Japon,'' 1888 * ''Du terme en droit romain et en droit français,'' 1876 * ''Dictionnaire des termes de droit, d'économie politique et d'administration,'' 1885 * 日本立法資料全集 (''Japanese legislation Complete Works''). 別卷 337, 佛國相續法講義, 2005 * ''Un code de la féodalité Japonaise au XIIIe siècle,'' 1900 * 理財学講義 (''Lecture notes in
chrematistics Chrematistics (from Greek: ''χρηματιστική''), or the study of wealth or a particular theory of wealth as measured in money, has historically had varying levels of acceptability in Western culture. This article will summarize histor ...
''), 1884 * 経済学講義 (''Economics lecture''), 1883


External links

法政大学の歴史(その72)「ジョルジュ・アペール(Georges Victor Appert)―草創期のフランス人教師」
(Japanese) {{DEFAULTSORT:Appert, Georges 1850 births 1934 deaths French Japanologists 19th-century French historians 20th-century French historians Foreign advisors to the government in Meiji-period Japan University of Tokyo faculty French male non-fiction writers 19th-century French male writers French expatriates in Japan