theoretical physics
Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena. This is in contrast to experimental physics, which uses experim ...
, functional renormalization group (FRG) is an implementation of the
renormalization group
In theoretical physics, the term renormalization group (RG) refers to a formal apparatus that allows systematic investigation of the changes of a physical system as viewed at different scales. In particle physics, it reflects the changes in the ...
(RG) concept which is used in quantum and statistical field theory, especially when dealing with strongly interacting systems. The method combines functional methods of
quantum field theory
In theoretical physics, quantum field theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework that combines classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum mechanics. QFT is used in particle physics to construct physical models of subatomic particles and ...
with the intuitive renormalization group idea of
Kenneth G. Wilson
Kenneth Geddes "Ken" Wilson (June 8, 1936 – June 15, 2013) was an American theoretical physicist and a pioneer in leveraging computers for studying particle physics. He was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on phase ...
. This technique allows to interpolate smoothly between the known microscopic laws and the complicated macroscopic phenomena in physical systems. In this sense, it bridges the transition from simplicity of microphysics to complexity of macrophysics. Figuratively speaking, FRG acts as a microscope with a variable resolution. One starts with a high-resolution picture of the known microphysical laws and subsequently decreases the resolution to obtain a coarse-grained picture of macroscopic collective phenomena. The method is nonperturbative, meaning that it does not rely on an expansion in a small
coupling constant. Mathematically, FRG is based on an exact functional differential equation for a scale-dependent
effective action
In quantum field theory, the quantum effective action is a modified expression for the classical action taking into account quantum corrections while ensuring that the principle of least action applies, meaning that extremizing the effective ac ...
The flow equation for the effective action
quantum field theory
In theoretical physics, quantum field theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework that combines classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum mechanics. QFT is used in particle physics to construct physical models of subatomic particles and ...
, the
effective action
In quantum field theory, the quantum effective action is a modified expression for the classical action taking into account quantum corrections while ensuring that the principle of least action applies, meaning that extremizing the effective ac ...
is an analogue of the
classical action functional and depends on the fields of a given theory. It includes all quantum and thermal fluctuations. Variation of
yields exact quantum field equations, for example for
Cosmology () is a branch of physics and metaphysics dealing with the nature of the universe. The term ''cosmology'' was first used in English in 1656 in Thomas Blount (lexicographer), Thomas Blount's ''Glossographia'', and in 1731 taken up in ...
or the
In physics, electromagnetism is an interaction that occurs between particles with electric charge. It is the second-strongest of the four fundamental interactions, after the strong force, and it is the dominant force in the interactions of a ...
of superconductors. Mathematically,
is the generating functional of the one-particle irreducible
Feynman diagram
In theoretical physics, a Feynman diagram is a pictorial representation of the mathematical expressions describing the behavior and interaction of subatomic particles. The scheme is named after American physicist Richard Feynman, who introduc ...
s. Interesting physics, as propagators and effective couplings for interactions, can be straightforwardly extracted from it. In a generic interacting field theory the effective action
, however, is difficult to obtain. FRG provides a practical tool to calculate
employing the
renormalization group
In theoretical physics, the term renormalization group (RG) refers to a formal apparatus that allows systematic investigation of the changes of a physical system as viewed at different scales. In particle physics, it reflects the changes in the ...
The central object in FRG is a scale-dependent effective action functional
often called average action or flowing action. The dependence on the RG sliding scale
is introduced by adding a
regulator (infrared cutoff)
to the full inverse propagator
. Roughly speaking, the regulator
decouples slow modes with momenta
by giving them a large mass, while high momentum modes are not affected. Thus,
includes all quantum and statistical fluctuations with momenta
. The flowing action
obeys the exact functional flow equation
derived by
Christof Wetterich
Christof Wetterich (born in 1952) is a German theoretical physicist.
Born in Freiburg, Wetterich studied physics in Paris, Cologne and Freiburg, where he received his PhD in 1979. He worked at CERN in Geneva and DESY in Hamburg. Since ...
Tim R. Morris in 1993. Here
denotes a derivative with respect to the RG scale
at fixed values of the fields. Furthermore,
denotes the functional derivative of
from the left-hand-side and the right-hand-side respectively, due to the tensor structure of the equation. This feature is often shown simplified by the second derivative of the effective action.
The functional differential equation for
must be supplemented with the initial condition
, where the "classical action"
describes the physics at the microscopic ultraviolet scale
. Importantly, in the
infrared limit the full
effective action
In quantum field theory, the quantum effective action is a modified expression for the classical action taking into account quantum corrections while ensuring that the principle of least action applies, meaning that extremizing the effective ac ...
is obtained. In the
Wetterich equation denotes a supertrace which sums over momenta, frequencies, internal indices, and fields (taking bosons with a plus and fermions with a minus sign). The exact flow equation for
has a one-loop structure. This is an important simplification compared to
perturbation theory
In mathematics and applied mathematics, perturbation theory comprises methods for finding an approximate solution to a problem, by starting from the exact solution of a related, simpler problem. A critical feature of the technique is a middle ...
, where multi-loop diagrams must be included. The second functional derivative
is the full inverse field propagator modified by the presence of the regulator
The renormalization group evolution of
can be illustrated in the theory space, which is a multi-dimensional space of all possible running couplings
allowed by the symmetries of the problem. As schematically shown in the figure, at the microscopic ultraviolet scale
one starts with the initial condition
As the sliding scale
is lowered, the flowing action
evolves in the theory space according to the functional flow equation. The choice of the regulator
is not unique, which introduces some scheme dependence into the
renormalization group
In theoretical physics, the term renormalization group (RG) refers to a formal apparatus that allows systematic investigation of the changes of a physical system as viewed at different scales. In particle physics, it reflects the changes in the ...
flow. For this reason, different choices of the regulator
correspond to the different paths in the figure. At the infrared scale
, however, the full effective action
is recovered for every choice of the cut-off
, and all trajectories meet at the same point in the theory space.
In most cases of interest the Wetterich equation can only be solved approximately. Usually some type of expansion of
is performed, which is then truncated at finite order leading to a finite system of ordinary differential equations. Different systematic expansion schemes (such as the derivative expansion, vertex expansion, etc.) were developed. The choice of the suitable scheme should be physically motivated and depends on a given problem. The expansions do not necessarily involve a small parameter (like an interaction
coupling constant) and thus they are, in general, of nonperturbative nature.
Note however, that due to multiple choices regarding (prefactor-)conventions and the concrete definition of the effective action, one can find other (equivalent) versions of the Wetterich equation in the literature.
Aspects of functional renormalization
* The Wetterich flow equation is an exact equation. However, in practice, the functional differential equation must be truncated, i.e. it must be projected to functions of a few variables or even onto some finite-dimensional sub-theory space. As in every nonperturbative method, the question of error estimate is nontrivial in functional renormalization. One way to estimate the error in FRG is to improve the truncation in successive steps, i.e. to enlarge the sub-theory space by including more and more running couplings. The difference in the flows for different truncations gives a good estimate of the error. Alternatively, one can use different regulator functions
in a given (fixed) truncation and determine the difference of the RG flows in the infrared for the respective regulator choices. If bosonization is used, one can check the insensitivity of final results with respect to different bosonization procedures.
* In FRG, as in all RG methods, a lot of insight about a physical system can be gained from the topology of RG flows. Specifically, identification of
fixed points of the renormalization group evolution is of great importance. Near fixed points the flow of running couplings effectively stops and RG
-functions approach zero. The presence of (partially) stable infrared fixed points is closely connected to the concept of
universality. Universality manifests itself in the observation that some very distinct physical systems have the same critical behavior. For instance, to good accuracy,
critical exponents
Critical or Critically may refer to:
*Critical, or critical but stable, medical states
**Critical, or intensive care medicine
* Critical juncture, a discontinuous change studied in the social sciences.
* Critical Software, a company specializing i ...
of the liquid–gas phase transition in water and the ferromagnetic phase transition in magnets are the same. In the renormalization group language, different systems from the same universality class flow to the same (partially) stable infrared fixed point. In this way macrophysics becomes independent of the microscopic details of the particular physical model.
* Compared to the
perturbation theory
In mathematics and applied mathematics, perturbation theory comprises methods for finding an approximate solution to a problem, by starting from the exact solution of a related, simpler problem. A critical feature of the technique is a middle ...
, functional renormalization does not make a strict distinction between renormalizable and nonrenormalizable couplings. All running couplings that are allowed by symmetries of the problem are generated during the FRG flow. However, the nonrenormalizable couplings approach partial fixed points very quickly during the evolution towards the infrared, and thus the flow effectively collapses on a hypersurface of the dimension given by the number of renormalizable couplings. Taking the nonrenormalizable couplings into account allows to study nonuniversal features that are sensitive to the concrete choice of the microscopic action
and the finite ultraviolet cutoff
* The Wetterich equation can be obtained from the
Legendre transformation
In mathematics, the Legendre transformation (or Legendre transform), named after Adrien-Marie Legendre, is an involutive transformation on real-valued convex functions of one real variable. In physical problems, it is used to convert functions of ...
of the Polchinski functional equation, derived by Joseph Polchinski in 1984. The concept of the effective average action, used in FRG, is, however, more intuitive than the flowing bare action in the Polchinski equation. In addition, the FRG method proved to be more suitable for practical calculations.
* Typically, low-energy physics of strongly interacting systems is described by macroscopic degrees of freedom (i.e. particle excitations) which are very different from microscopic high-energy degrees of freedom. For instance,
quantum chromodynamics
In theoretical physics, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons. Quarks are fundamental particles that make up composite hadrons such as the proton, neutron and pion. QCD is a type ...
is a field theory of interacting quarks and gluons. At low energies, however, proper degrees of freedom are baryons and mesons. Another example is the BEC/BCS crossover problem in
condensed matter physics
Condensed matter physics is the field of physics that deals with the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties of matter, especially the solid and liquid phases which arise from electromagnetic forces between atoms. More generally, the sub ...
. While the microscopic theory is defined in terms of two-component nonrelativistic fermions, at low energies a composite (particle-particle) dimer becomes an additional degree of freedom, and it is advisable to include it explicitly in the model. The low-energy composite degrees of freedom can be introduced in the description by the method of partial bosonization (
Hubbard–Stratonovich transformation The Hubbard–Stratonovich (HS) transformation is an exact mathematical transformation invented by Russian physicist Ruslan L. Stratonovich and popularized by British physicist John Hubbard. It is used to convert a particle theory into its respect ...
). This transformation, however, is done once and for all at the UV scale
. In FRG a more efficient way to incorporate macroscopic degrees of freedom was introduced, which is known as flowing bosonization or rebosonization. With the help of a scale-dependent field transformation, this allows to perform the
Hubbard–Stratonovich transformation The Hubbard–Stratonovich (HS) transformation is an exact mathematical transformation invented by Russian physicist Ruslan L. Stratonovich and popularized by British physicist John Hubbard. It is used to convert a particle theory into its respect ...
continuously at all RG scales
Functional renormalization-group for Wick-ordered effective interaction
Contrary to the flow equation for the effective action, this scheme is formulated for the
effective interaction
Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.
The ori ...
which generates n-particle interaction vertices, amputated by the bare propagators