

''Fred Åkerström besjunger Frida'' (English: Fred Åkerström re-sings Frida) is an album by the Swedish folk singer-songwriter and guitar player
Fred Åkerström Fred Åkerström (27 January 1937 – 9 August 1985) was a Swedish folk guitarist and singer particularly noted for his interpretations of Carl Michael Bellman's music, and his own work of the typically Swedish song segment named ''visa''. The ...
. On this album, Åkerström interprets songs of the Swedish folk author,
Birger Sjöberg Birger Sjöberg (1885–1929) was a Swedish poet, novelist and songwriter, whose best-known works include the faux-naïf song collection ''Fridas Bok'' (Frida's Book) and the novel ''Kvartetten Som Sprängdes'' (The Quartet That Split Up), ...

Track listing

# Söndagsmorgon # Frida sörjer sommaren # Basens sorg # Bleka dödens minut # Aftontankar vid Fridas ruta # Duvdrottningen # Romantisk promenad # Hos min doktor # Månens hy # Finge Frida rätt # Krigssyn

External links

{{DEFAULTSORT:Fred Besjunger Frida 1964 albums Swedish-language albums Fred Åkerström albums