

In the
temporal bone The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull, and lateral to the temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex. The temporal bones are overlaid by the sides of the head known as the temples, and house the structures of the ears. Th ...
, in the portion beneath the falciform crest are three sets of
foramina In anatomy and osteology, a foramen (;Entry "foramen"
; one group, just below the posterior part of the crest, situated in the area cribrosa media, consists of several small openings for the nerves to the
saccule The saccule is a bed of sensory cells in the inner ear. It translates head movements into neural impulses for the brain to interpret. The saccule detects linear accelerations and head tilts in the vertical plane. When the head moves verticall ...
; below and behind this area is the foramen singulare, or opening for the nerve to the
posterior semicircular canal The semicircular canals or semicircular ducts are three semicircular, interconnected tubes located in the innermost part of each ear, the inner ear. The three canals are the horizontal, superior and posterior semicircular canals. Structure The ...


Human anatomy {{musculoskeletal-stub