


Fluorooxoborate is one of a series of anions or salts that contain
boron Boron is a chemical element with the symbol B and atomic number 5. In its crystalline form it is a brittle, dark, lustrous metalloid; in its amorphous form it is a brown powder. As the lightest element of the ''boron group'' it has th ...
linked to both oxygen and
fluorine Fluorine is a chemical element with the symbol F and atomic number 9. It is the lightest halogen and exists at standard conditions as a highly toxic, pale yellow diatomic gas. As the most electronegative reactive element, it is extremely reacti ...
. Several structures are possible, rings, or chains. They contain OxF4−xsup>(x+1)− units BOF32− BO2F23−, or BO3F14−. In addition there can be borate BO3 triangles and BO4 tetrahedrons. These can then be linked by sharing oxygen atoms, and when they do that, the negative charge is reduced. They are distinct from the
fluoroborate Tetrafluoroborate is the anion . This tetrahedral species is isoelectronic with tetrafluoroberyllate (), tetrafluoromethane (CF4), and tetrafluoroammonium () and is valence isoelectronic with many stable and important species including the perchl ...
s in which fluorine is bonded to the metals rather than the boron atoms. For example, KBBF, KBe2BO3F2 is a fluoroborate and has more fluorine and oxygen than can be accommodated by the boron atom. Common properties are a wide range of transparency from deep ultraviolet (DUV) to near infrared (NIR);
non-linear optical Nonlinear optics (NLO) is the branch of optics that describes the behaviour of light in ''nonlinear media'', that is, media in which the polarization density P responds non-linearly to the electric field E of the light. The non-linearity is typ ...
response, meaning that a high-intensity light will have some power converted to double the frequency;
birefringence Birefringence is the optical property of a material having a refractive index that depends on the polarization and propagation direction of light. These optically anisotropic materials are said to be birefringent (or birefractive). The birefring ...
. The transparency deep into the ultraviolet corresponds to a large band gap, whereby it takes a lot of energy to shift an electron in the material. Compared to borates, fluorooxoborates are more likely to have lower dimensional structures such as layers or chains, as there are fewer oxygen connections available. Fluorooxoborates are more likely to be noncentrosymmetric as adding one fluorine atom to a boron reduces symmetry.

Liquid state

When dissolved, the nature of the fluorooxoborate ions present depends on the boron to oxygen ratio. At the lowest oxygen levels BF4− exists, and is converted by oxygen to F3BOBF32−. With boron to oxygen ratios near 1, the cyclic B3O3F63− ion predominates.



BaBOF3 contains a one-dimensional chain of -OBF2O-− and extra F− KBe2BO3F2 crystallises in layers with alanine. It has a monoclinic form with space group ''P''21 ''a''=8.5800 ''b''=4.9668 ''c'' =9.4146 Å, and ''β'' =116.563°.


SnB2O3F2 crystal system rhombohedral space group ''P''31''m'' 250 nm UV cutoff Z = 1, a = 4.5072 Ã…, c = 4.7624 Ã…; stable up to 325 Â°C. Above this it decomposes to BF3 boric oxide and Sn3 3O7. PbB2O3F2 contains two-dimensional sheets of BFOB pairs connected by four oxygen atoms to adjacent units. crystal system rhombohedral space group ''P''31''m'' 220 nm UV cutoff BaB2O3F2 contains a double chain of -BO-O-BF- See supplementary information for 16 structural diagrams of most known fluoroxoborates. The formula weight is 244.96. The crystal system is monoclinic space group ''P''21. Unit cell dimensions are a=4.455 Ã… b=4.265 Ã… c=9.239 Ã… β=91.104° V=175.5 Ã…3 Z=2 density =4.635 g/cm3. Band gap 7.00 eV. It is stable up to 610 Â°C, but above that decomposes, giving off BF3 and forming BaB4O7. BiB2O4F contains one-dimensional chains. BaCdBe2(BO3)2F2 to NaMgBe2(BO3)2F have ultraviolet absorption edges below 200 nm.


Na3B3O3F6 contains isolated rings. KB3O4F2 has a monoclinic crystal with space group ''P''21/''n'' with unit cell parameters a=4.6437 b=17.243 c=6.4301 β=102.660°. It contains one-dimensional 3O4F2sub>∞ chains which cause a high birefringence. K3B3O3F6 is monoclinic, space group ''P''21/''n'', a=9.76 b=6.931 c=11.86 β=91.78 Z=12 volume=802 Ã…3 density=2.582. Melts at 432 Â°C. Li2B3O4F3 is an ionic conductor due to its large channels. It contains linear chains of B3O4F3 rings. Its crystal structure is orthorhombic with space group P212121. Unit cell a=4.891, b=8.734, and c=12.301 Ã…. The subunit is a boroxine ring with tetrahedra BO2F2 and BO3F and a BO3 triangle. K2B3O4F3, KNaB3O4F3, and KCsB3O4F3 form a similar structure but with space group ''Pbcn''. Cs3B3O3F6 can be produced by heating CsBF4, CsF, and H3BO3 together at 300 Â°C. Crystals are orthorhombic with space group ''Pbcn'', and with unit cell dimensions a=10.66 b=12.74 c=7.47 Ã…, and unit cell volume 1014 Ã…3. The density is 3.884. It contains rings of B3O3F63-. Rb 3O3F2(OH)2 Ph4P 3O3F2(OH)2and Ph3MeP 3O3F2(OH)2all have high birefingence. The Rb salt has unit cell a=14.569 b=6.084 c=9.828 β=129.825°. NaB3O4F(OH) contains one-dimensional chains of B3O4F(OH). It has a monoclinic crystal structure with space group ''P''21/c number 14 with unit cell sizes a=5.7958 Ã… b=8.7348 Ã… c=9.5409 Ã…, and β=94.128°. C(NH2)33O3F2(OH)2and (NH2)3sub>2 3O3F4(OH) guanidinium salts are non-linear optical materials. Ammonium, rubidium, and caesium salts also exist: NH4 3O3F4(OH) Rb 3O3F4(OH)and Cs 3O3F4(OH) Related substances include K2.3Cs0.7B3O3F6 (KCsBOF), and Cs3 3O3(OH)3l3.


NH4B4O6F, (ABF) RbB4O6F (RBF), CsB4O6F, (CBF) For the
rubidium Rubidium is the chemical element with the symbol Rb and atomic number 37. It is a very soft, whitish-grey solid in the alkali metal group, similar to potassium and caesium. Rubidium is the first alkali metal in the group to have a density higher ...
ammonium The ammonium cation is a positively-charged polyatomic ion with the chemical formula or . It is formed by the protonation of ammonia (). Ammonium is also a general name for positively charged or protonated substituted amines and quaternary a ...
compounds the structure is orthorhombic. It contains borate sheets with fluorine pointing up and down into the between layers that contains the cations NH4, Rb or Cs. The units in the sheet are a BO3 triangle joined to a boroxine ring with an extra fluorine (B3O6F). Two oxygen atoms from the ring, and two from the triangle share with the adjacent units. The ammonium salt is stable to 300 Â°C, rubidium to 453 Â°C, and caesium to 609 Â°C. KB3O4F2 has a monoclinic crystal with space group ''P''21/''n'' with unit cell parameters a=4.6437 b=17.243 c=6.4301 β=102.660°. It contains one-dimensional 3O4F2sub>∞ chains which cause a high birefringence. KB4O6F is a hypothetical substance, predicted to have a short ultraviolet cut-off at 161 nm. NaB4O6F contains 4O6Fˆž. It produces a second harmonic from light. UV cut off is 180 nm. The structure contains stacked layers, that contain B3O3 rings joined with BO3 triangles. A larger ring, part of 3 small rings and three triangles, with B9O9 surrounds sodium atoms. A fluorine sticks out from each ring towards the sodium in the adjacent sheet. The crystal structure is monoclinic with space group ''C''2. Formula weight 181.23; a = 11.39 Ã… b = 6.521 Ã… c = 8.030(6) Ã… β = 114.18° V=544.2 Z=4 Density=2.212; It decomposes by losing BF3 when heated to 400 Â°C; It is pyroelectric, but not ferroelectric CaB4O6F2 SrB4O6F2 BaB4O6F2 The structure contains stacked layers, that contain B3O3 rings joined with BO3 triangles. A larger ring, part of 3 small rings and three triangles, with B9O9 surrounds the alkaline earth atoms. Two fluorine atoms stick out from each ring towards the metal in the adjacent sheet. Ca: formula weight 314.58; monoclinic ''P''21/''n'', a=6.6384  Ã…, b=7.6733  Ã…, c=11.3385  Ã…, β=91.281°, V=579.31, Z=4, density=3.609 Cs4B4O3F10 contains tetrafluoroborate and six-membered B3O3F6 rings. Its crystals are monoclinic and it has space group P21/c. It melts at 293 Â°C, the lowest for any fluorooxoborate compound.


CaB5O7F3, Formula weight =263.13 Orthorhombic Cmc21 a = 9.93 Ã… b = 8.40 Ã… c = 7.97 Ã… Volume= 664 Ã…3 Z=4 Density=2.631; The structure contains a repeating pattern of alternate tiles of double rings B5O9F3. This has 4 protruding oxygen atoms that are shared with neighbours. A large B9O9 ring encloses the calcium atom. These form sheets that are stacked on each other in the b direction. It is stable up to 640 Â°C. SrB5O7F3 The crystal structure is orthorhombic with space group ''Cmc''21. The subunits are double rings B5O9F3 which are fused at a boron and oxygen atom. There is a fluorine attached to this boron, and also to the boron atoms connected to the ring bridging oxygen. Four oxygen atoms connect from the outer boron atoms on the rings to join up with adjacent subunits to make a two-dimensional sheet. Optically it is a negative biaxial crystal. The birefringence is 0.070 at 1084 nm increasing to 0.075 at 400 nm. The ultraviolet cutoff limit is below 180 nm. BaB5O8F·xH2O with x≈0.17 Contains two boroxine rings interconnected at a common boron: B3O52− and B3O4F−. This substance is transparent from 180 nm to 1000 nm (UV to NIR). Optically it is a positive biaxial. The birefringence is around 0.06 in the visible light region of the spectrum, but increases sharply in the UV t 0.093 at 200 nm. Crystal structure: Orthorhombic, Pbca a = 11.399 Ã… b = 9.429 Ã… c = 13.467(4) Ã… Volume 1447.4 Ã…3 Z=8, Calculated density = 3.133 g·cm‒3 PbB5O8F This compound has a building block consisting of B5O10F6− with a double boroxine ring with one shared boron. Each of the other boron atoms has a side oxygen connection that is shared with other of the building blocks. One of those boron atoms has a fluorine attached. The building block connect into two interpenetrating three-dimensional structures. The crystal structure is orthorhombic with space group Pbca; MW 408.24; a=10.885, b=9.108, c=13.576 Ã…, Z=8 Volume= 1345.9 Ã…3 Density = 2.938 ;It is a positive biaxial crystal; Birefringence is 0.0685 at 1064 nm (NIR) to 0.0737 at 400 nm. The band gap is 5.23. PbB5O7F3 has a large birefringence and is a second harmonic generator. Li2Na0.9K0.1B5O8F2 contains a two dimensional sheet composed of units which are a pair of borixine rings fused at one boron atom. Each ring has an extra fluorine atom, and shares two oxygen bridges to adjacent units.


LiB6O9F contains a unit with two boroxine rings linked with a shared oxygen. One ring has an extra fluorine, and each connects to two other units through shared oxygen. Crystal structure orthorhombic space group Pna21, a = 7.6555 Å, b = 8.5318 Å, c = 10.7894 Å, Z = 4 Li2B6O9F2 has a three dimensional network which is composed of units with fused boroxine ring pairs connected to a BF2O2 bridge. monoclinic space group ''Cc'' formula weight 260.74 a = 4.821 b = 16.149 c = 10.057 β = 92.003 V=782.5 Z=4 density=2.213. It is a lithium ion conductor. Na2B6O9F2 contains a unit with two boroxine rings linked with a shared oxygen. Each ring has an extra fluorine, and each connects to two other units through shared oxygen. Formula weight 292.84; monoclinic ''P''21/''c''; a=8.196 b=13.001 c=7.896 β=90.750° V =841.3, Z=4. K3B6O9F3(KBF), two dimensional sheets composed of units that have a pair of boroxine rings fused at one boron, one links to a tetrahedron BF2O2 bridge unit. The other ring has an extra fluorine atom and bridges via two oxygens to adjacent units. Crystal structure is monoclinic, space group ''P''21/''c'' formula weight 383.15; unit cell a=7.3898 b= 14.2142 c=10.2551Å β=93.419° Volume=1075.3 Z=4, density=2.367 namd gap=6.98 eV. K3Ba3Li2Al4B6O20F has formula weight 1054.98; It has hexagonal structure space group ''P''2''c'' unit cell a=8.7547 c= 16.434 Å V=1090.8 Z=2


Na3B7O11F2 Contains a pair of boroxine rings interlinked by another ring with OBF2O. The outer pair of rings is linked with extra oxygen atoms at each end to form a ladder-shaped structure. It has orthorhombic structure with space group Pnma; formula weight 717.28 a=9.2659 b= 16.3431 c= 6.6326 Ã… Volume 1004.40 Ã…3 Z= 2 Density 2.372. It is transparent from 161 to 2500 nm.


CsKB8O12F2 It contains borate sheets with fluorine pointing up and down into the between layers which alternate with potassium in one layer and caesium in the other. CsRbB8O12F2 It contains borate sheets with fluorine pointing up and down into the between layers which contain mixed rubidium and caesium.


K3NaB10O16F2 has band gap 6.93 eV and birefringence Δ''n'' = 0.047 at 1064 nm. It has unit cell parameters ''a''=12.0020 ''b''=12.3563 ''c''=11.9778 Ã… ''β''=117.839° and space group ''C''2/''c.'' CaB10O14F6 SrB10O14F6


K5B11O18F2 has a B11O21F2 building block and contains 14-membered rings. Crystals are triclinic with a=6.6221 b=10.320 Å c=14.046 α=100.086° β=95.406° γ=108.192°.


Na2BaB12O18F4 is transparent to under 190 nm. Its structure has two interpenetrating 3D networks made from BO3 and BO3F units. Crystals are orthorhombic, with space group ''pbcn'', and unit cell dimensions: a = 12.9697 Ã… b = 7.9476 Ã… c = 16.2560 Ã…. K6B12O19F4 has disorganised BO3 and BO4 units. It has space group P n m a with unit cell ''a'' = 15.291Ã… ''b'' = 7.707Ã… ''c'' = 8.672Ã….


The compounds K10B13O15F19 and Rb10B13O15F19 contain B10O12F137− and B3O3F63− units.


Further reading

*{{cite journal , last1=Su , first1=Hongkang , last2=Yan , first2=Ziting , last3=Hou , first3=Xueling , last4=Zhang , first4=Min , title=Fluorooxoborates: A precious treasure of deep-ultraviolet nonlinear optical materials , journal=Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry , date=March 2023 , volume=42 , issue=3 , pages=100027 , doi=10.1016/j.cjsc.2023.100027, s2cid=256609289 Borates Fluorine compounds