Flat Pseudospectral Method



The flat pseudospectral method is part of the family of the
Ross–Fahroo pseudospectral method Introduced by I. Michael Ross and F. Fahroo, the Ross–Fahroo pseudospectral methods are a broad collection of pseudospectral methods for optimal control.N. Bedrossian, M. Karpenko, and S. Bhatt, "Overclock My Satellite: Sophisticated Algorit ...
s introduced by
Ross Ross or ROSS may refer to: People * Clan Ross, a Highland Scottish clan * Ross (name), including a list of people with the surname or given name Ross, as well as the meaning * Earl of Ross, a peerage of Scotland Places * RoSS, the Republic of Sout ...
and Fahroo. Ross, I. M. and Fahroo, F.,
Pseudospectral Methods for the Optimal Motion Planning of Differentially Flat Systems
” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.49, No.8, pp. 1410–1413, August 2004.
Ross, I. M. and Fahroo, F.,
A Unified Framework for Real-Time Optimal Control
” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, December, 2003.
The method combines the concept of differential flatness with
pseudospectral optimal control Pseudospectral optimal control is a joint theoretical-computational method for solving optimal control problems. It combines pseudospectral (PS) theory with optimal control theory to produce PS optimal control theory. PS optimal control theo ...
to generate outputs in the so-called flat space. Fliess, M., Lévine, J., Martin, Ph., and Rouchon, P.,
Flatness and defect of nonlinear systems: Introductory theory and examples
” International Journal of Control, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 1327–1361, 1995.
Rathinam, M. and Murray, R. M.,
Configuration flatness of Lagrangian systems underactuated by one control
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 36, 164,1998.


Because the differentiation matrix, D , in a pseudospectral method is square, higher-order derivatives of any polynomial, y , can be obtained by powers of D , : \begin \dot y &= D Y \\ \ddot y & = D^2 Y \\ & \ \vdots \\ y^ &= D^\beta Y \end where Y is the pseudospectral variable and \beta is a finite positive integer. By differential flatness, there exists functions a and b such that the state and control variables can be written as, : \begin x & = a(y, \dot y, \ldots, y^) \\ u & = b(y, \dot y, \ldots, y^) \end The combination of these concepts generates the flat pseudospectral method; that is, x and u are written as, : x = a(Y, D Y, \ldots, D^\beta Y) : u = b(Y, D Y, \ldots, D^Y) Thus, an optimal control problem can be quickly and easily transformed to a problem with just the Y pseudospectral variable.

See also

Ross' π lemma Ross' lemma, named after I. Michael Ross, is a result in computational optimal control. Based on generating Carathéodory- solutions for feedback control, Ross' -lemma states that there is fundamental time constant within which a control soluti ...
Ross–Fahroo lemma Named after I. Michael Ross and F. Fahroo, the Ross–Fahroo lemma is a fundamental result in optimal control theory. I. M. Ross and F. Fahroo, A Pseudospectral Transformation of the Covectors of Optimal Control Systems, Proceedings of the First ...
Bellman pseudospectral method The Bellman pseudospectral method is a pseudospectral method for optimal control based on Bellman's principle of optimality. It is part of the larger theory of pseudospectral optimal control, a term coined by Ross. The method is named after Rich ...


{{DEFAULTSORT:Pseudospectral Optimal Control Optimal control Numerical analysis Control theory