The multiple subset sum problem is an
optimization problem
In mathematics, computer science and economics, an optimization problem is the problem of finding the ''best'' solution from all feasible solutions.
Optimization problems can be divided into two categories, depending on whether the variables ...
computer science
Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information. Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, information theory, and automation) to Applied science, practical discipli ...
operations research
Operations research ( en-GB, operational research) (U.S. Air Force Specialty Code: Operations Analysis), often shortened to the initialism OR, is a discipline that deals with the development and application of analytical methods to improve deci ...
. It is a generalization of the
subset sum problem The subset sum problem (SSP) is a decision problem in computer science. In its most general formulation, there is a multiset S of integers and a target-sum T, and the question is to decide whether any subset of the integers sum to precisely T''.'' T ...
. The input to the problem is a
In mathematics, a multiset (or bag, or mset) is a modification of the concept of a set that, unlike a set, allows for multiple instances for each of its elements. The number of instances given for each element is called the multiplicity of that e ...
of ''n'' integers and a positive integer ''m'' representing the number of subsets. The goal is to construct, from the input integers, some ''m'' subsets. The problem has several variants:
* ''Max-sum MSSP'': for each subset ''j'' in 1,...,''m'', there is a capacity ''C
j''. The goal is to make the ''sum'' of all subsets as large as possible, such that the sum in each subset j is at most ''C
* ''Max-min MSSP'' (also called ''bottleneck MSSP'' or ''BMSSP''): again each subset has a capacity, but now the goal is to make the ''smallest'' subset sum as large as possible.
* ''Fair SSP'': the subsets have no fixed capacities, but each subset belongs to a different person. The utility of each person is the sum of items in his/her subsets. The goal is to construct subsets that satisfy a given criterion of fairness, such as
max-min item allocation
Egalitarian item allocation, also called max-min item allocation is a fair item allocation problem, in which the fairness criterion follows the egalitarian rule. The goal is to maximize the minimum value of an agent. That is, among all possible al ...
Max-sum and max-min MSSP
When ''m'' is variable (a part of the input), both problems are
strongly NP-hard In computational complexity, strong NP-completeness is a property of computational problems that is a special case of NP-completeness. A general computational problem may have numerical parameters. For example, the input to the bin packing proble ...
, by reduction from
3-partition. This means that they have no FPTAS unless P=NP.
Even when ''m''=2, the problems do not have an FPTAS unless P=NP. This can be shown by a reduction from the ''equal-cardinality
partition problem In number theory and computer science, the partition problem, or number partitioning, is the task of deciding whether a given multiset ''S'' of positive integers can be partitioned into two subsets ''S''1 and ''S''2 such that the sum of the numbers ...
'' (EPART):
* Given an instance ''a''
n of EPART with target sum ''T'', construct an instance 2''T''+''a''
1, ..., 2''T''+''a''
n of MSSP with target sum (''n''+1)''T'' for both subsets.
* A solution to EPART consists of two parts, each of which has ''n''/2 elements with a sum of ''T''. It corresponds to an optimal solution of both MSSP variants: two subsets with a sum of (''n''+1)''T'', which is the largest possible. Similarly, each optimal solution of MSSP corresponds to a solution to EPART.
* Any non-optimal solution to MSSP leaves at least one item unallocated, so its sum is at most 2''nT'' and its minimum is at most ''nT''. In both variants, the approximation ratio is at most
* Therefore, for any
, any algorithm with approximation ratio
must find the optimal solution if it exists.
* If we had an FPTAS, then we would have an algorithm with e.g.
, with run-time polynomial in ''n''. This algorithm could be used to solve EPART in time polynomial in ''n''. But this is not possible unless P=NP.
The following approximation algorithms are known:
* For max-sum MSSP, with variable ''m'':
** A PTAS, which runs in time O(''m+n'') when
is fixed. The run-time is at least exponential in
, and the authors consider it impractical.
** A more general PTAS for the case in which the subset capacities are different.
** A 3/4-approximation algorithm which runs in time O(''m
* For max-min MSSP:
** With variable ''m'': a 2/3-approximation, in time O(''n'' log ''n''). No better approximation is possible unless P=NP (by reduction from
** With fixed ''m'': a PTAS, running in time
** With a fixed number of distinct input values: a PTAS using
Lenstra's algorithm
An integer programming problem is a mathematical optimization or feasibility program in which some or all of the variables are restricted to be integers. In many settings the term refers to integer linear programming (ILP), in which the objective ...
Fair subset sum problem
The ''fair subset sum problem'' (''FSSP'') is a generalization of SSP in which, after the subset is selected, its items are allocated among two or more agents. The utility of each agent equals the sum of weights of the items allocated to him/her. The goal is that the utility profile satisfies some criterion of fairness, such as the
egalitarian rule In social choice and operations research, the egalitarian rule (also called the max-min rule or the Rawlsian rule) is a rule saying that, among all possible alternatives, society should pick the alternative which maximizes the ''minimum utility'' of ...
or the
proportional-fair rule
In operations research and social choice, the proportional-fair (PF) rule is a rule saying that, among all possible alternatives, one should pick an alternative that cannot be improved, where "improvement" is measured by the sum of relative improv ...
. Two variants of the problem are:
* ''Shared items'': each item can be allocated to every agent. This setting is similar to
fair item allocation
Fair item allocation is a kind of a fair division problem in which the items to divide are ''discrete'' rather than continuous. The items have to be divided among several partners who value them differently, and each item has to be given as a whole ...
with identical valuations (the value of each item is the same for all agents and equals the item weight), however, there is an additional capacity constraint on the total weight of items. As an example, suppose the item weights are 3,5,7,9 and the capacity is 15. Then, some possible allocations are: ( , ); ( , ); ( , ); ( , ). Of these allocations, the one satisfying the max-min criterion is ( , ).
* ''Separate items'': for each agent, there is a separate set of items that can be allocated only to him/her. This setting is relevant when there is a budget that should be allocated to different projects, where each project belongs to a unique agent.
Both variants are NP-hard. However, there are pseudopolynomial time algorithms for enumerating all Pareto-optimal solutions when there are two agents:
* For shared items: define a 2-dimensional array
such that
iff there exists a solution giving a total weight of ''w
i'' to agent ''i''. It is possible to enumerate all possible utility profiles in time
where n is the number of items and ''c'' is the maximum size of an item.
* For separate items: for each agent ''j'', define a dynamic array
, such that
iff there exists a solution giving a total weight of ''w'' to agent ''j''. Each array
can be constructed separately using the separate items of agent ''j''. Then, one can traverse the two arrays in opposite directions and enumerate all allocations in the Pareto frontier. The run-time is
Nicosia, Pacifici and Pferschy study the
price of fairness In the theory of fair division, the price of fairness (POF) is the ratio of the largest economic welfare attainable by a division to the economic welfare attained by a ''fair'' division. The POF is a quantitative measure of the loss of welfare that ...
, that is, the ratio between the maximum sum of utilities, and the maximum sum of utilities in a fair solution:
* For shared items: the price-of-fairness of max-min fairness is unbounded. For example, suppose there are four items with values 1, ''e'', ''e'', ''e'', for some small ''e''>0. The maximum sum is 1, attained by giving one agent the item with value 1 and the other agent nothing. But the max-min allocation gives each agent value at least ''e'', so the sum must be at most 3''e''. Therefore the POF is 1/(3''e''), which is unbounded.
* Alice has two items with values 1 and ''e'', for some small ''e''>0. George has two items with value ''e''. The capacity is 1. The maximum sum is 1, attained by giving Alice the item with value 1 and George nothing. But the max-min allocation gives both agents value ''e''. Therefore the POF is 1/(2''e''), which is unbounded.
* For separate items: the price-of-fairness of max-min fairness is unbounded. For example, suppose Alice has two items with values 1 and ''e'', for some small ''e''>0. George has two items with value ''e''. The capacity is 1. The maximum sum is 1 - when Alice gets the item with value 1 and George gets nothing. But the max-min allocation gives both agents value ''e''. Therefore the POF is 1/(2''e''), which is unbounded.
In both cases, if the item value is bounded by some constant ''a'', then the POF is bounded by a function of ''a''.
Multiple knapsack problem
multiple knapsack problem
The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit an ...
(MKP) is a generalization of both the max-sum MSSP and the
knapsack problem
The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit an ...
. In this problem, there are ''m'' knapsacks and ''n'' items, where each item has both a value and a weight. The goal is to pack as much value as possible into the ''m'' bins, such that the total weight in each bin is at most its capacity.
* Max-sum MSSP is a special case of MKP in which the value of each item equals its weight.
* The knapsack problem is a special case of MKP in which ''m''=1.
* The subset-sum problem is a special case of MKP in which both the value of each item equals its weight, and ''m''=1.
The MKP has a
Polynomial-time approximation scheme
In computer science (particularly algorithmics), a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) is a type of approximation algorithm for optimization problems (most often, NP-hard optimization problems).
A PTAS is an algorithm which takes an insta ...
Optimization algorithms and methods