Eyvind Getz



Eyvind Getz (1888–1956) was a Norwegian barrister and
mayor of Oslo The Mayor of Oslo is the chief executive of the Oslo. The Mayor's office administers all city services, public property, most public agencies, and enforces all city and state laws within Oslo city. List of mayors of oslo This is a list of ...
, Norway. He was born in Kristiania (now Oslo), Norway. He was a son of jurist Bernhard Getz (1850–1901) and Johanne Christiane Fredrikke Berg (1855–1924). He earned his cand.jur. from the University of Kristiania in 1911. He was a barrister by profession and was associated with the firm of Blom, Koss & Nielsen from 1915-1920. He established his own law firm in 1920. He was a member of the Oslo City Council from 1922, served deputy mayor from 1927-1928 and was Mayor of Oslo from 1932-34. He was Deputy Governor of Norges Kommunalbank Board from 1927 and was also chair of Oslo Kinematografer from 1932 to 1934.


1888 births 1956 deaths Lawyers from Oslo University of Oslo alumni Mayors of Oslo Conservative Party (Norway) politicians Norwegian people of German descent 20th-century Norwegian lawyers {{Norway-politician-1880s-stub