

Eino Ilmari Oksanen (7 May 1931 – 10 August 2022) was a Finnish marathon runner who won the
Boston Marathon The Boston Marathon is an annual marathon race hosted by several cities and towns in greater Boston in eastern Massachusetts, United States. It is traditionally held on Patriots' Day, the third Monday of April. Begun in 1897, the event was i ...
three times (1959, 1961 and 1962). Oksanen also won the 1957
Turku Marathon The Paavo Nurmi Marathon is an annual marathon road running race held during summer in Turku, Finland, the birth city of Paavo Nurmi. Although various marathons have been held in Turku since 1910, the Paavo Nurmi Marathon was established in 1992 ...
in Finland and the 1959
Athens Peace Marathon The Athens Classic Marathon The Authentic is an annual marathon road race held in Athens, Greece, normally in early November (the second Sunday of November), since 1972. It also often serves as Greece's national marathon championships. The race ...

See also

List of winners of the Boston Marathon The Boston Marathon, one of the six World Marathon Majors, is a race which has been held in the Greater Boston area in Massachusetts since 1897. Until 2020, it was the oldest annual marathon in the world, a distinction now held by the Osaka-Lake ...


General references

* https://www.arrs.run/HP_AtEMa.htm * https://www.arrs.run/HP_PNTMa.htm * https://web.archive.org/web/20070909174516/http://arrs.net/ATM_Mara1956.htm

External links

* 1931 births 2022 deaths Sportspeople from Jyväskylä Finnish male long-distance runners Athletes (track and field) at the 1956 Summer Olympics Athletes (track and field) at the 1960 Summer Olympics Athletes (track and field) at the 1964 Summer Olympics Olympic athletes of Finland Boston Marathon male winners 20th-century Finnish people 21st-century Finnish people {{Finland-athletics-bio-stub