

In mathematics, the affinely extended real number system is obtained from the
real number In mathematics, a real number is a number that can be used to measurement, measure a ''continuous'' one-dimensional quantity such as a distance, time, duration or temperature. Here, ''continuous'' means that values can have arbitrarily small var ...
system \R by adding two
infinity Infinity is that which is boundless, endless, or larger than any natural number. It is often denoted by the infinity symbol . Since the time of the ancient Greeks, the philosophical nature of infinity was the subject of many discussions am ...
elements: +\infty and -\infty, where the infinities are treated as actual numbers. It is useful in describing the algebra on infinities and the various limiting behaviors in
calculus Calculus, originally called infinitesimal calculus or "the calculus of infinitesimals", is the mathematics, mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape, and algebra is the study of generalizati ...
mathematical analysis Analysis is the branch of mathematics dealing with continuous functions, limit (mathematics), limits, and related theories, such as Derivative, differentiation, Integral, integration, measure (mathematics), measure, infinite sequences, series (m ...
, especially in the theory of measure and
integration Integration may refer to: Biology * Multisensory integration * Path integration * Pre-integration complex, viral genetic material used to insert a viral genome into a host genome *DNA integration, by means of site-specific recombinase technolo ...
. The affinely extended real number system is denoted \overline or \infty, +\infty/math> or It is the
Dedekind–MacNeille completion In mathematics, specifically order theory, the Dedekind–MacNeille completion of a partially ordered set is the smallest complete lattice that contains it. It is named after Holbrook Mann MacNeille whose 1937 paper first defined and construc ...
of the real numbers. When the meaning is clear from context, the symbol +\infty is often written simply as



It is often useful to describe the behavior of a function f, as either the argument x or the function value f gets "infinitely large" in some sense. For example, consider the function f defined by :f(x) = \frac. The graph of this function has a horizontal
asymptote In analytic geometry, an asymptote () of a curve is a line such that the distance between the curve and the line approaches zero as one or both of the ''x'' or ''y'' coordinates tends to infinity. In projective geometry and related contexts, ...
at y = 0. Geometrically, when moving increasingly farther to the right along the x-axis, the value of / approaches . This limiting behavior is similar to the
limit of a function Although the function (sin ''x'')/''x'' is not defined at zero, as ''x'' becomes closer and closer to zero, (sin ''x'')/''x'' becomes arbitrarily close to 1. In other words, the limit of (sin ''x'')/''x'', as ''x'' approaches z ...
\lim_ f(x) in which the
real number In mathematics, a real number is a number that can be used to measurement, measure a ''continuous'' one-dimensional quantity such as a distance, time, duration or temperature. Here, ''continuous'' means that values can have arbitrarily small var ...
x approaches x_0, except that there is no real number to which x approaches. By adjoining the elements +\infty and -\infty to \R, it enables a formulation of a "limit at infinity", with topological properties similar to those for \R. To make things completely formal, the Cauchy sequences definition of \R allows defining +\infty as the set of all sequences \left\ of rational numbers, such that every M \in \R is associated with a corresponding N \in \N for which a_n > M for all n > N. The definition of -\infty can be constructed similarly.

Measure and integration

In measure theory, it is often useful to allow sets that have infinite measure and integrals whose value may be infinite. Such measures arise naturally out of calculus. For example, in assigning a measure to \R that agrees with the usual length of intervals, this measure must be larger than any finite real number. Also, when considering improper integrals, such as :\int_1^\frac the value "infinity" arises. Finally, it is often useful to consider the limit of a sequence of functions, such as :f_n(x) = \begin 2n\left(1-nx\right), & \mbox 0 \leq x \leq \frac \\ 0, & \mbox \frac < x \leq 1 \end Without allowing functions to take on infinite values, such essential results as the monotone convergence theorem and the dominated convergence theorem would not make sense.

Order and topological properties

The affinely extended real number system can be turned into a totally ordered set, by defining -\infty \leq a \leq +\infty for all a. With this
order topology In mathematics, an order topology is a certain topology that can be defined on any totally ordered set. It is a natural generalization of the topology of the real numbers to arbitrary totally ordered sets. If ''X'' is a totally ordered set, ...
, \overline has the desirable property of
compactness In mathematics, specifically general topology, compactness is a property that seeks to generalize the notion of a closed and bounded subset of Euclidean space by making precise the idea of a space having no "punctures" or "missing endpoints", i ...
: Every subset of \overline\R has a
supremum In mathematics, the infimum (abbreviated inf; plural infima) of a subset S of a partially ordered set P is a greatest element in P that is less than or equal to each element of S, if such an element exists. Consequently, the term ''greatest l ...
and an
infimum In mathematics, the infimum (abbreviated inf; plural infima) of a subset S of a partially ordered set P is a greatest element in P that is less than or equal to each element of S, if such an element exists. Consequently, the term ''greatest ...
(the infimum of the empty set is +\infty, and its supremum is -\infty). Moreover, with this topology, \overline\R is homeomorphic to the
unit interval In mathematics, the unit interval is the closed interval , that is, the set of all real numbers that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. It is often denoted ' (capital letter ). In addition to its role in real analys ...
, 1 Thus the topology is
metrizable In topology and related areas of mathematics, a metrizable space is a topological space that is homeomorphic to a metric space. That is, a topological space (X, \mathcal) is said to be metrizable if there is a metric d : X \times X \to , \inf ...
, corresponding (for a given homeomorphism) to the ordinary metric on this interval. There is no metric, however, that is an extension of the ordinary metric on \R. In this topology, a set U is a neighborhood of +\infty, if and only if it contains a set \ for some real number a. The notion of the neighborhood of -\infty can be defined similarly. Using this characterization of extended-real neighborhoods, limits with x tending to +\infty or -\infty, and limits "equal" to +\infty and -\infty, reduce to the general topological definition of limits—instead of having a special definition in the real number system.

Arithmetic operations

The arithmetic operations of \R can be partially extended to \overline\R as follows: : \begin a + \infty = +\infty + a & = +\infty, & a & \neq -\infty \\ a - \infty = -\infty + a & = -\infty, & a & \neq +\infty \\ a \cdot (\pm\infty) = \pm\infty \cdot a & = \pm\infty, & a & \in (0, +\infty] \\ a \cdot (\pm\infty) = \pm\infty \cdot a & = \mp\infty, & a & \in [-\infty, 0) \\ \frac & = 0, & a & \in \mathbb \\ \frac & = \pm\infty, & a & \in (0, +\infty) \\ \frac & = \mp\infty, & a & \in (-\infty, 0) \end For exponentiation, see . Here, a + \infty means both a + (+\infty) and a - (-\infty), while a - \infty means both a - (+\infty) and a + (-\infty). The expressions \infty - \infty, 0 \times (\pm\infty) and \pm\infty/\pm\infty (called indeterminate forms) are usually left Defined and undefined, undefined. These rules are modeled on the laws for Limit_of_a_function#Limits_involving_infinity, infinite limits. However, in the context of probability or measure theory, 0 \times \pm\infty is often defined as When dealing with both positive and negative extended real numbers, the expression 1/0 is usually left undefined, because, although it is true that for every real nonzero sequence f that converges to 0, the reciprocal sequence 1/f is eventually contained in every neighborhood of \, it is ''not'' true that the sequence 1/f must itself converge to either -\infty or \infty. Said another way, if a continuous function f achieves a zero at a certain value x_0, then it need not be the case that 1/f tends to either -\infty or \infty in the limit as x tends to x_0. This is the case for the limits of the
identity function Graph of the identity function on the real numbers In mathematics, an identity function, also called an identity relation, identity map or identity transformation, is a function that always returns the value that was used as its argument, unc ...
f(x) = x when x tends to 0, and of f(x) = x^2 \sin \left( 1/x \right) (for the latter function, neither -\infty nor \infty is a limit of 1/f(x), even if only positive values of x are considered). However, in contexts where only non-negative values are considered, it is often convenient to define 1/0 = +\infty. For example, when working with power series, the radius of convergence of a
power series In mathematics, a power series (in one variable) is an infinite series of the form \sum_^\infty a_n \left(x - c\right)^n = a_0 + a_1 (x - c) + a_2 (x - c)^2 + \dots where ''an'' represents the coefficient of the ''n''th term and ''c'' is a con ...
with coefficients a_n is often defined as the reciprocal of the limit-supremum of the sequence \left\. Thus, if one allows 1/0 to take the value +\infty, then one can use this formula regardless of whether the limit-supremum is 0 or not.

Algebraic properties

With these definitions, \overline\R is not even a
semigroup In mathematics, a semigroup is an algebraic structure consisting of a Set (mathematics), set together with an associative internal binary operation on it. The binary operation of a semigroup is most often denoted multiplication, multiplicatively ...
, let alone a group, a ring or a field as in the case of \R. However, it has several convenient properties: * a + (b + c) and (a + b) + c are either equal or both undefined. * a + b and b + a are either equal or both undefined. * a \cdot (b \cdot c) and (a \cdot b) \cdot c are either equal or both undefined. * a \cdot b and b \cdot a are either equal or both undefined * a \cdot (b + c) and (a \cdot b) + (a \cdot c) are equal if both are defined. * If a \leq b and if both a + c and b + c are defined, then a + c \leq b + c. * If a \leq b and c > 0 and if both a \cdot c and b \cdot c are defined, then a \cdot c \leq b \cdot c. In general, all laws of arithmetic are valid in \overline\R—as long as all occurring expressions are defined.


Several functions can be continuously extended to \overline\R by taking limits. For instance, one may define the extremal points of the following functions as: :\exp(-\infty) = 0, :\ln(0) = -\infty, :\tanh(\pm\infty) = \pm 1, :\arctan(\pm\infty) = \pm\frac. Some singularities may additionally be removed. For example, the function 1/x^2 can be continuously extended to \overline\R (under ''some'' definitions of continuity), by setting the value to +\infty for x = 0, and 0 for x = +\infty and x = -\infty. On the other hand, the function 1/x can''not'' be continuously extended, because the function approaches -\infty as x approaches 0 from below, and +\infty as x approaches 0 from above. A similar but different real-line system, the projectively extended real line, does not distinguish between +\infty and -\infty (i.e. infinity is unsigned). As a result, a function may have limit \infty on the projectively extended real line, while in the affinely extended real number system, only the absolute value of the function has a limit, e.g. in the case of the function 1/x at x = 0. On the other hand, \lim_ and \lim_ correspond on the projectively extended real line to only a limit from the right and one from the left, respectively, with the full limit only existing when the two are equal. Thus, the functions e^x and \arctan(x) cannot be made continuous at x = \infty on the projectively extended real line.

See also

* Division by zero * Extended complex plane * Extended natural numbers * Improper integral *
Infinity Infinity is that which is boundless, endless, or larger than any natural number. It is often denoted by the infinity symbol . Since the time of the ancient Greeks, the philosophical nature of infinity was the subject of many discussions am ...
* Log semiring *
Series (mathematics) In mathematics, a series is, roughly speaking, a description of the operation of adding infinitely many quantities, one after the other, to a given starting quantity. The study of series is a major part of calculus and its generalization, mat ...
* Projectively extended real line * Computer representations of extended real numbers, see and
IEEE floating point The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) is a technical standard for floating-point arithmetic established in 1985 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The standard addressed many problems found i ...



Further reading

* * {{Large numbers Infinity Real numbers