

The Estates of Württemberg (''Württembergische Landstände'') was the Estates of the
Duchy of Württemberg The Duchy of Württemberg (german: Herzogtum Württemberg) was a duchy located in the south-western part of the Holy Roman Empire. It was a member of the Holy Roman Empire from 1495 to 1806. The dukedom's long survival for over three centuries ...
, lasting from 1457 to 1918 except for 1802-15. After the creation of the
Kingdom of Württemberg The Kingdom of Württemberg (german: Königreich Württemberg ) was a German state that existed from 1805 to 1918, located within the area that is now Baden-Württemberg. The kingdom was a continuation of the Duchy of Württemberg, which exist ...
the 1815 reestablished estates became a
bicameral Bicameralism is a type of legislature, one divided into two separate assemblies, chambers, or houses, known as a bicameral legislature. Bicameralism is distinguished from unicameralism, in which all members deliberate and vote as a single gro ...
parliament In modern politics, and history, a parliament is a legislative body of government. Generally, a modern parliament has three functions: representing the electorate, making laws, and overseeing the government via hearings and inquiries. ...
by 1819. The parliament raised taxes for the counts, dukes and then kings of Württemberg, and discussed matters of public policy more widely in its later years.


The parliament comprised two chambers between 1819–1918: * The "Kammer der Standesherren" from the hereditary nobility or "First Chamber", and * The "Kammer der Abgeordneten" from the
commoner A commoner, also known as the ''common man'', ''commoners'', the ''common people'' or the ''masses'', was in earlier use an ordinary person in a community or nation who did not have any significant social status, especially a member of neither ...
s It was succeeded in 1919-33 by the ''Landtag'' of the "
Free People's State of Württemberg The Free People's State of Württemberg (german: Freier Volksstaat Württemberg) was a state in Württemberg, Germany, during the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany. 1918 revolution With the German revolution near the end of World War I, the Kin ...
", a part of the
Weimar Republic The German Reich, commonly referred to as the Weimar Republic,, was a historical period of Germany from 9 November 1918 to 23 March 1933, during which it was a constitutional federal republic for the first time in history; hence it is also r ...


Eberhard III and his Council c.1400 As the power of the
House of Württemberg The House of Württemberg is a German dynasty and former royal family from Württemberg. History County The House probably originated in the vicinity of the Salian dynasty. Around 1080 the ancestors of modern Württemberg, which was then call ...
grew, inevitably this involved "Diets" - councils - meeting with the Count to debate on public policy. The first formal assembly of the Estates, called a ''Landtag'', occurred in
Leonberg Leonberg (; swg, Leaberg) is a town in the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg about to the west of Stuttgart, the state capital. About 45,000 people live in Leonberg, making it the third-largest borough in the rural district (''Landk ...
in 1457 when Count Ulrich V summoned the notables of the towns to counterbalance the knights (''Ritterschaft'') who attended the Diet. Two years later, the second Diet was called in
Tübingen Tübingen (, , Swabian: ''Dibenga'') is a traditional university city in central Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated south of the state capital, Stuttgart, and developed on both sides of the Neckar and Ammer rivers. about one in thre ...
when the Count sought to have the majority of his son, Eberhard V, recognized by the Diet and was attended by the town's bailiff and judge as well as officials from 13 other towns. The Estates (Landschaft), the largest political body in the Duchy, were an entity that had existed even before the founding of the Duchy. The prelates were the abbots of the fourteen monasteries of the Duchy, who were generally present at the diets as Ducal appointees after the Reformation. Roughly 30 noblemen, usually Ducal councillors or some other senior officials, also regularly attended. Since the Estates were intended to be the representatives of the Duchy's inhabitants, about 75% of the participants of a Diet were townsfolk, and the peasantry had almost no input. The Estates had no means of imposing their will, and were to a certain extent dependent on the Duke to be effective. At times they were able to convince the Duke to make reforms, such as with the Treaty of Tübingen in 1514. During times of minority or absence of the Duke, the Estates had a large decree of control over policy and government, which they effectively lost in times of majority. Duke Ulrich, for example, rarely called Diets. Of the burghers that attended the Landtag of 1520, all of them belonged to the court and council of 44 towns, all of them being ''Ehrbarkeit'' (meaning: honourable and reliable). The lack of resistance on their part to Ulrich's strong government shows that the Estates had neither a strong leader and popular support nor a permanent position in the Duchy's constitution and could be easily coerced. The Estates became useful to the Duke for the payment of his debts and for the declaration of the war, and they provided the Duchy's leading inhabitants political power and a forum to debate in. The Treaty of Esslingen in 1492, which stated that 12 members of the Estates could assume rule in times of incompetence, became the basis for following compromises between the Duke and the Estates throughout the 16th centuries. The regency of Duke Ulrich was a time of transition for the Estates, as they authored a government based on collegiate principle, with four nobles acting as regents and two prelates as advisers. The Estates voiced the interests of the towns to the regency, but during the Swabian War this regency became opposed to the wishes of the local burghers, among whom the war was very unpopular. The Estates would continue to vote more men and money to the war, which would end in defeat for the Swabian League. The Estates would continue to exercise their right to approve taxation to the Duchy's frequent wars, a right that would be extremely tested during Ulrich's reign.

Late 1700s

By the late 1700s the long history of the parliament was remarked on by
Edmund Burke Edmund Burke (; 12 January New Style">NS/nowiki> 1729 – 9 July 1797) was an Anglo-Irish people">Anglo-Irish Politician">statesman, economist, and philosopher. Born in Dublin, Burke served as a member of Parliament (MP) between 1766 and 1794 ...
. The then-Duke
Frederick Frederick may refer to: People * Frederick (given name), the name Nobility Anhalt-Harzgerode * Frederick, Prince of Anhalt-Harzgerode (1613–1670) Austria * Frederick I, Duke of Austria (Babenberg), Duke of Austria from 1195 to 1198 * Frederi ...
invited Burke to Stuttgart in the 1790s, but he excused himself on the grounds of old age and infirmity, instead sending Frederick a copy of his '' Letters on a Regicide Peace''.Burke E., ''The Correspondence of Edmund Burke'' vol. 10, pp. 191, 318.

See also

List of presidents of the First Chamber of the Estates of Württemberg List of presidents of the First Chamber of the Estates of Württemberg Sources *Raberg, Frank (editor): ''Biographisches Handbuch der württemberbergische Lantagsabgeordneten 1815-1933'', Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2001 {{DEFAULTSORT:List of ...
List of presidents of the Second Chamber of the Estates of Württemberg Presidents of the Second Chamber of the Estates of Württemberg Sources *Raberg, Frank (editor): ''Biographisches Handbuch der württembergischen Landtagsabgeordneten 1815-1933'', Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2001 {{DEFAULTSORT:List of Presid ...
History of Württemberg History (derived ) is the systematic study and the documentation of the human activity. The time period of event before the invention of writing systems is considered prehistory. "History" is an umbrella term comprising past events as well ...



* Duchy of Württemberg Kingdom of Württemberg {{Germany-hist-stub