The double-skin façade is a system of building consisting of two skins, or
A façade () (also written facade) is generally the front part or exterior of a building. It is a loan word from the French (), which means 'frontage' or ' face'.
In architecture, the façade of a building is often the most important aspect ...
s, placed in such a way that air flows in the intermediate cavity. The ventilation of the cavity can be natural, fan supported or mechanical. Apart from the type of the ventilation inside the cavity, the origin and destination of the air can differ depending mostly on climatic conditions, the use, the location, the occupational hours of the building and the HVAC strategy.
The glass skins can be single or double glazing units with a distance from 20 cm up to 2 metres. Often, for protection and heat extraction reasons during the cooling period, solar shading devices are placed inside the cavity.
The essential concept of the double-skin facade was first explored and tested by the Swiss-French architect
Le Corbusier
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (6 October 188727 August 1965), known as Le Corbusier ( , , ), was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now regarded as modern architecture. He was ...
in the early 20th century. His idea, which he called ''mur neutralisant'' (neutralizing wall), involved the insertion of heating/cooling pipes between large
layers of glass. Such a system was employed in his
Villa Schwob
Villa Schwob also Villa Turque is a house located in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland designed by noted architect Le Corbusier.
It was commissioned in 1912 by the watchmaker Anatole Schwob, and completed in 1916.
In 1986, this early masterpiece of ...
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 1916), and proposed for several other projects, including the League of Nations competition (1927),
Centrosoyuz building (Moscow, 1928–33), and
Cité du Refuge
Cité may refer to: Places
* Cité (Paris Métro), the metro station on the ''Île de la Cité''
* Cité (Quebec), type of municipality in Quebec
* Citadel, the historical centre of an old city, originally fortified
* Housing estate, a group of ho ...
(Paris, 1930). American engineers studying the system in 1930 informed Le Corbusier that it would use much more energy than a conventional air system, but Harvey Bryan later concluded Le Corbusier's idea had merit if it included solar heating.
Another early experiment was the 1937
Alfred Loomis house by architect
William Lescaze in Tuxedo Park, NY. This house included "an elaborate double envelope" with a 2-foot-deep air space conditioned by a separate system from the house itself. The object was to maintain high humidity levels inside.
One of the first modern examples to be constructed was the Occidental Chemical Building (Niagara Falls, New York, 1980) by Cannon Design. This building, essentially a glass cube, included a 4-feet-deep cavity between glass layers to pre-heat air in winter.
The recent resurgence of efficient building design has renewed interest in this concept. Since the
USGBC rewards points for reduction in energy consumption vs. a base case, this strategy has been used to optimize energy performance of buildings.

Examples of notable buildings which utilise a double-skin facade are
30 St Mary Axe (also known as ''The Gherkin'') and
1 Angel Square
One Angel Square is an office building in Manchester, England. Construction work began in 2010 and was completed in February 2013. The landmark building is the head office of the Co-operative Group. Standing 72.5 metres (237.8 feet) tall, the bui ...
. Both of these buildings achieve great environmental credentials for their size, with the benefits of a double skin key to this. The Gherkin features triangular windows on the outer skin which skelter up the skyscraper. These windows open according to weather and building data, allowing more or less air to cross flow through the building for ventilation.
Technical details
The cavity between the two skins may be either naturally or mechanically ventilated. In cool climates the solar gain within the cavity may be circulated to the occupied space to offset heating requirements, while in hot climates the cavity may be vented out of the building to mitigate
solar gain and decrease the cooling load. In each case the assumption is that a higher insulative value may be achieved by using this glazing configuration versus a conventional glazing configuration.
Recent studies showed that the energy performance of a building connected to a double-skin facade can be improved both in the cold and the warm season or in cold and warm climates by optimizing the ventilation strategy of the facade.
The advantages of double-skin facades over conventional single skin facades are not clear-cut; similar insulative values may be obtained using conventional high performance, low-e windows. The cavity results in a decrease in usable floor space, and depending on the strategy for ventilating the cavity, it may have problems with condensation, becoming soiled or introducing outside noise. The construction of a second skin may also present a significant increase in materials and design costs.
Building energy modelling of double-skin facades is inherently more difficult because of varying
heat transfer
Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of thermal energy (heat) between physical systems. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as thermal conduction ...
properties within the cavity, making the modeling of energy performance and the prediction of savings debatable.
See also
Climate-adaptive building shell
External links
Ventilated facades (Wandegar)European Aluminium Association's publications dedicated to BuildingsEuropean Commission's portal for efficient facadesEN 13830: Curtain Walling - Product Standard{dead link, date=December 2016 , bot=InternetArchiveBot , fix-attempted=yes >
Architectural elements
Energy conservation
Types of wall
Solar architecture