Princeton philosopher Philip Pettit says there are hidden challenges of describing the group as though it were a single individual – a metaphorical agent – the way the law sometimes talks about corporations. It is a mistake, he says, to think things can be that simple. In reality, it can be quite difficult to construct a model of the "group mind" by merely asking for a majority opinion. This is because contradictory conceptions of a group can emerge depending on the type of questioning that is chosen. To see how, imagine that a three-member court must decide whether someone is liable for a breach of contract. For example, a lawn caretaker is accused of violating a contract not to mow over the land-owner's roses. The judges have to decide which of the following propositions are true: * ''P'': the defendant did a certain action (i.e. did the caretaker mow over the roses?); * ''Q'': the defendant had a contractual obligation not to do that action (i.e. was there a contract not to mow over the roses?); * ''C'': the defendant is liable. Additionally, all judges accept the proposition . In other words, the judges agree that a defendant should be liable if and only if the two propositions, P and Q, are both true. Each judge could make consistent (non-contradictory) judgments, and the paradox will still emerge. Most judges could think P is true, and most judges could think Q is true. In this example, that means they would vote that the caretaker probably mowed over the roses, and that the contract did indeed forbid that action. This suggests the caretaker is ''liable''. At the same time, most judges may think that P and Q are not both true at once. In this example, that means most judges conclude the caretaker is ''not liable''. The table above illustrates how majority decisions can contradict (because the judges vote in favor of the premises, and yet reject the conclusion). The paradox lies in choosing between two group liability opinions.Explanation
This dilemma results because an actual decision-making procedure might be premise-based or conclusion-based. In a premise-based procedure, the judges decide by voting whether the conditions for liability are met. In a conclusion-based procedure, the judges decide directly whether the defendant should be liable. In the above formulation, the paradox is that the two procedures do not necessarily lead to the same result; the two procedures can even lead to opposite results. Pettit believes that the lesson of this paradox is that there is no simple way to aggregate individual opinions into a single, coherent "group entity". These ideas are relevant to sociology, which endeavors to understand and predict group behaviour. Petitt warns that we need to understand groups because they can be very powerful, can effect greater change, and yet the group as a whole may not have a strong conscience (seeReferences
* List, C. and Pettit, P.External links
* {{PhilPapers, category, judgment-aggregation, Judgment aggregation