

In mathematics, in the field of category theory, a discrete category is a category whose only
morphism In mathematics, particularly in category theory, a morphism is a structure-preserving map from one mathematical structure to another one of the same type. The notion of morphism recurs in much of contemporary mathematics. In set theory, morphis ...
s are the identity morphisms: :hom''C''(''X'', ''X'') = {id''X''} for all objects ''X'' :hom''C''(''X'', ''Y'') = ∅ for all objects ''X'' ≠ ''Y'' Since by axioms, there is always the identity morphism between the same object, we can express the above as condition on the cardinality of the hom-set :, hom''C''(''X'', ''Y'') , is 1 when ''X'' = ''Y'' and 0 when ''X'' is not equal to ''Y''. Some authors prefer a weaker notion, where a discrete category merely needs to be equivalent to such a category.

Simple facts

Any class of objects defines a discrete category when augmented with identity maps. Any
subcategory In mathematics, specifically category theory, a subcategory of a category ''C'' is a category ''S'' whose objects are objects in ''C'' and whose morphisms are morphisms in ''C'' with the same identities and composition of morphisms. Intuitivel ...
of a discrete category is discrete. Also, a category is discrete if and only if all of its subcategories are
full Full may refer to: * People with the surname Full, including: ** Mr. Full (given name unknown), acting Governor of German Cameroon, 1913 to 1914 * A property in the mathematical field of topology; see Full set * A property of functors in the mathe ...
. The
limit Limit or Limits may refer to: Arts and media * ''Limit'' (manga), a manga by Keiko Suenobu * ''Limit'' (film), a South Korean film * Limit (music), a way to characterize harmony * "Limit" (song), a 2016 single by Luna Sea * "Limits", a 2019 ...
of any
functor In mathematics, specifically category theory, a functor is a mapping between categories. Functors were first considered in algebraic topology, where algebraic objects (such as the fundamental group) are associated to topological spaces, an ...
from a discrete category into another category is called a product, while the
colimit In category theory, a branch of mathematics, the abstract notion of a limit captures the essential properties of universal constructions such as products, pullbacks and inverse limits. The dual notion of a colimit generalizes constructions su ...
is called a
coproduct In category theory, the coproduct, or categorical sum, is a construction which includes as examples the disjoint union of sets and of topological spaces, the free product of groups, and the direct sum of modules and vector spaces. The cop ...
. Thus, for example, the discrete category with just two objects can be used as a
diagram A diagram is a symbolic representation of information using visualization techniques. Diagrams have been used since prehistoric times on walls of caves, but became more prevalent during the Enlightenment. Sometimes, the technique uses a three ...
diagonal functor In category theory, a branch of mathematics, the diagonal functor \mathcal \rightarrow \mathcal \times \mathcal is given by \Delta(a) = \langle a,a \rangle, which maps objects as well as morphisms. This functor can be employed to give a succinc ...
to define a product or coproduct of two objects. Alternately, for a general category C and the discrete category 2, one can consider the
functor category In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a functor category D^C is a category where the objects are the functors F: C \to D and the morphisms are natural transformations \eta: F \to G between the functors (here, G: C \to D is another object i ...
C2. The diagrams of 2 in this category are pairs of objects, and the limit of the diagram is the product. The
functor In mathematics, specifically category theory, a functor is a mapping between categories. Functors were first considered in algebraic topology, where algebraic objects (such as the fundamental group) are associated to topological spaces, an ...
from Set to Cat that sends a set to the corresponding discrete category is
left adjoint In mathematics, specifically category theory, adjunction is a relationship that two functors may exhibit, intuitively corresponding to a weak form of equivalence between two related categories. Two functors that stand in this relationship are k ...
to the functor sending a small category to its set of objects. (For the right adjoint, see indiscrete category.)


* Robert Goldblatt (1984). ''Topoi, the Categorial Analysis of Logic'' (Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, 98). North-Holland. Reprinted 2006 by Dover Publications, and availabl
Robert Goldblatt's homepage
Categories in category theory