

''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of
Onthophagus Gazella scarab ('' Onthophagus gazella'') males; note variation in horn size ''Onthophagus'' is a genus of dung beetles in the Onthophagini tribe of the wider scarab beetle family, Scarabaeidae. It is the most species-rich and widespread genus i ...
by some authorities. A review of the taxon was published in 2017.


* '' Digitonthophagus aksumensis'' Genier * '' Digitonthophagus biflagellatus'' Genier * '' Digitonthophagus bonasus'' Fabricius, 1775 * ''
Digitonthophagus catta ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus by some authorities. A review of the taxon was published in 2017. Species * '' Digitonthophagus aks ...
'' Fabricius, 1787 * '' Digitonthophagus dilatatus'' Genier * '' Digitonthophagus eucatta'' Genier * ''
Digitonthophagus falciger ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus by some authorities. A review of the taxon was published in 2017. Species * '' Digitonthophagus aks ...
'' Genier * ''
Digitonthophagus fimator ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus Gazella scarab ('' Onthophagus gazella'') males; note variation in horn size ''Onthophagus'' is a g ...
'' Genier * '' Digitonthophagus gazella'' Fabricius, 1787 * ''
Digitonthophagus lusinganus ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus by some authorities. A review of the taxon was published in 2017. Species * '' Digitonthophagus aks ...
'' d'Orbigny, 1905 * ''
Digitonthophagus namaquensis ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus by some authorities. A review of the taxon was published in 2017. Species * '' Digitonthophagus aks ...
'' Genier * ''
Digitonthophagus petilus ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus by some authorities. A review of the taxon was published in 2017. Species * '' Digitonthophagus aks ...
'' Genier * ''
Digitonthophagus sahelicus ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus by some authorities. A review of the taxon was published in 2017. Species * '' Digitonthophagus aks ...
'' Moretto * ''
Digitonthophagus uks ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus Gazella scarab ('' Onthophagus gazella'') males; note variation in horn size ''Onthophagus'' is a g ...
'' Genier * ''
Digitonthophagus ulcerosus ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus by some authorities. A review of the taxon was published in 2017. Species * '' Digitonthophagus aks ...
'' Genier * ''
Digitonthophagus viridicollis ''Digitonthophagus'' is a genus of Scarabaeidae or scarab beetles in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. It was considered a subgenus of Onthophagus Gazella scarab ('' Onthophagus gazella'') males; note variation in horn size ''Onthophagus'' is a g ...
'' Genier


External links

* * Scarabaeinae {{Scarabaeinae-stub