Childhood and Youth
Dietmar Rothermund was interested in India and its culture from an early age on. He read the early Indian philosophical Upanishad texts at a young age and made a map of India's most important temples while still at school. A few years before his Abitur, Rothermund wrote a letter toAcademic career
Rothermund studied history and philosophy inResearch and Focal Points
Passage to India 1960-1963
Through his successful dissertation, Rothermund seemed to be on the direct path to becoming a specialist inRelationship between India and the Soviet Union
Rothermund summarised his research regarding the relationship between India and theEconomic History
Agricultural System of India in Colonial Times
In the course of his habilitation, Rothermund dealt with India's agricultural system in colonial times. In 1978, barely ten years after his habilitation, he published his monograph ''Government, Landlord and Peasant in India. Agrarian Relations under British Rule, 1865-1935'', which strengthened his international reputation.Study on the Global Economic Crisis
Rothermund's work ''The Global Impact of the Great Depression 1929-1939'', describes his studies of the Great Depression, with chapters on China,Introduction and Overview Texts on the History of India
With ''History of India'', Rothermund, together with his colleagueAssessment of the current India
India's contemporary history was also part of Rothermund's multifaceted studies. In 1996, he published a volume entitled ''Liberalising India. Progress and Problems'', which was based on a conference he organised at theIndo-German Cultural Relations
Dietmar Rothermund was extremely keen on strengthening and consolidating the relationship between India and Germany. In addition to his commitment in this field, he has also published several works. These include ''Rabindranath Tragore in Germany'', where he captures the euphoria of the 1920s in Germany for India, which arose through the visits of the great Bengali and Gandhian Rabindranath Tragore. Furthermore, his biography onStudies beyond South Asia
The historian from Heidelberg did not limit himself to South Asian studies alone, he also focused on topics related to colonial history and Asia in general. One of his works on this field is ''Asian Trade and European Expansion in the Age of Mercantilism'', which can also be subsumed to his research focus on economic history. On the subject of colonial history, he produced the world-historical volume ''The Routledge Companion to Decolonization'' in 2006. In this book the decolonisation processes inCriticism
Due to the larger audience, Rothermund switched to English quite early when it came to publishing his works. His publications mostly relied exclusively on English sources, which, according to some critics, promoted a pro-government interpretation and ignored indigenous perspectives. For the vast majority, however, this was a loss to be borne, considering the frequency with which he wrote and published.Engagement
Rothermund's efforts were not limited to Germany alone; he was always engaged at the international level as well. In a national context, it can be argued that Dietmar Rothermund liberated South Asian studies in Germany from the "academic ivory tower".The South-Asia Institute in Heidelberg (SAI)
Rothermund had close ties to the South Asia Institute in Heidelberg. Almost his entire academic career took place at the then still young South Asia Institute, which had just been founded byEuropean Association of South Asian Studies (EASAS)
The EASAS emerged from a small conference organised by the Heidelberg South Asia Institute in Bad Herrenalb in 1966. The first official meeting of theArbeitskreis außereuropäischer Geschichte
At the " Historikertag" (engl''. Historians' Conference'') inThe Heidelberger Südasiengespräche
The " Heidelberger Südasiengespräche" (engl. ''Heidelberg South Asia Talks''), which have been held in the surroundings of the Heidelberg South Asia Institute since 1991, were initiated directly by Dietmar Rothermund, who also co-organised them until his retirement. With the talks, he offered a forum for exchange between academia, business and representatives of politics and public life. The SAI wanted to make its contribution to the discussion and shaping of the cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the countries of South Asia. The internal development of these countries and their position in the international context were part of the analysis of current problems and the attempt to point out longer-term perspectives. Thus the topics of discussion (as of 30.06. 2000) were "India" (1990), "Pakistan" (1991), "Cultural Exchange
The cultural exchange between Germany and South Asia was of great importance for Dietmar Rothermund. For decades, he was considered the number one contact person when Indian politicians visited Germany. He also frequently accompanied German ministers and other envoys on their South Asian tours. For this commitment and many other activities, Dietmar Rothermund was awarded the "Verdienstkreuz erster Klasse" (engl''. Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class'') in October 2011. Rothermund was also available for interviews on radio and television at any time, even though he very much regretted that he was only interviewed on the occasion of crises and disasters. In connection with his commitment to cultural exchange, the governmental Indo-German Consultative Group should also be mentioned. Rothermund had been a member of the institution founded byPromotion of Young Talent
Professor Rothermund and his courses were always very popular among theRecognition
* 1988: Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in London * 1994: Hemchandra Raychaudhury Gold Medal of the Asiatic Society in Kalkutta * 2011:Publications
Rothermund's publications are published in his Festschrift, which was edited by, Georg Berkemer, Tilman Frasch,Monographs
1961 * ''The Layman’s Progress. Religious and Political Experience in Colonial Pennsylvania. 1740-1770,'' Philadelphia: Univ. of Philadelphia Press. 1964 * ''Studien zur Entwicklung in Süd- und Ostasien: Neue Folge,'' Frankfurt/Main/Berlin (Schriften des Instituts für Asienkunde in Hamburg 16): Metzner. 1965 * ''Die politische Willensbildung in Indien 1900-1960'', Wiesbaden (Schriftenreihe des Südasieninstituts der Universität Heidelberg 1): Harrassowitz. 1967 * ''Der Freiheitskampf Indiens'', 2. Auflage, Stuttgart (Quellen und Arbeitshefte zur Geschichte und Gemeinschaftskunde 4251): Klett. 1968 * ''Indien und die Sowjetunion'', Tübingen (Forschungsberichte und Untersuchungen zur Zeitgeschichte 23): Boehlau. 1970 * ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay: Nachiketa Publications. 1976 * ''Grundzüge der indischen Geschichte,'' Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1978 * ''Europa und Asien im Zeitalter des Merkantilismus,'' Darmstadt (Erträge der Forschung 80): Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. * ''Government, Landlord and Peasant in India. Agrarian Relations under British Rule. 1865-1935,'' Wiesbaden (Schriftenreihe des Südasieninstituts der Universität Heidelberg 25): Steiner. 1979 * ''Fünfmal Indien,'' München (3rd rev. ed. München 1990): Piper. 1980 * ''Indien,'' Photos: Ursula und Willi Dolder, Text: Dietmar Rothermund, Luzern (2nd ed. Frankfurt am Main 1995): Bucher. 1981 * ''Asian Trade and European Expansion in the Age of Mercantilism,'' New Delhi: Manohar. 1982 * ''Geschichte Indiens'' (together with Hermann Kulke), Stuttgart (2nd ed. München 1998): Kohlhammer. * ''India,'' Photographs by Ursula and Willi Dolder, Text by Dietmar Rothermund, London: Bucher. * ''Indische Geschichte vom Altertum bis zur Gegenwart: Literaturbericht über neuere Veröffentlichungen'' (together with Hermann Kulke et al.), München (''Historische Zeitschrift'', Sonderheft 10): Oldenbourg. 1983 * ''The Indian Economy Under British Rule and Other Essays,'' New Delhi: Manohar. 1984 * ''Gebrauchsanweisung für Indien'', München: Piper. 1985 * ''Indiens wirtschaftliche Entwicklung: Von der Kolonialherrschaft bis zur Gegenwart,'' Paderborn: Schöningh. 1986 * ''A History of India'' (together with Hermann Kulke), London/Sidney/Totowa: Barnes & Noble Books. * ''The German Intellectual Quest for India,'' New Delhi: Manohar. 1988 * ''An Economic History of India. From Pre-colonial Times to 1986.'' London/New York/New Delhi (2nd ed. 1993): Croom Helm. * ''Buchers Indien: Tempel und Legenden,'' Photos: Jenner Zimmermann, Text: Dietmar Rothermund, München: Bucher. 1989 * ''Indische Geschichte in Grundzügen,'' Darmstadt. (1st ed.: ''Grundzüge der indischen Geschichte,'' Darmstadt 1976): Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. * ''Mahatma Gandhi. Der Revolutionär der Gewaltlosigkeit. Eine politische Biographie,'' München 1989. München (2nd ed.: ''Mahatma Gandhi. Eine politische Biographie,'' München 1997): Piper. 1991 * ''Mahatma Gandhi: An Essay in Political Biography,'' New Delhi (Perspectives in History 5; 2nd ed. 1998): Manohar. * ''Storia dell´India'' (together with Hermann Kulke), trsl. M. Cristiani, Milano: Garzanti. 1992 * ''Die Welt in der Wirtschaftskrise, 1929-1939,'' Münster etc. (Periplus Texte 1): Lit. * ''India in the Great Depression, 1929-1939,'' New Delhi (Perspectives in History 6): Manohar. 1993 * ''An Economic History of India. From Pre-colonial Times to 1991.'' London (1st ed. 1988): Routledge. * ''Staat und Gesellschaft in Indien,'' Mannheim etc. (Meyers Forum 15): BI-Taschenbuchverlag. 1994 * ''Geschichte als Prozess und Aussage: Eine Einführung in Theorien des historischen Wandels und der Geschichtsschreibung,'' München: Oldenbourg. 1996 * ''The Global Impact of the Great Depression, 1929-1939,'' London/New York: Routledge. 1997 * ''A History of India'' (together with Hermann Kulke), London/New York (1st ed. London/Sydney 1986): Routledge. * ''Mahatma Gandhi. Eine politische Biographie,'' München (Bek’sche Reihe 1218: 1st ed.: ''Mahatma Gandhi. Der Revolutionär der Gewaltlosigkeit. Eine politische Biographie,'' München 1989): C.H. Beck. 1998 * ''Delhi, 15. August 1947. Das Ende kolonialer Herrschaft,'' München (20 Tage im 20. Jahrhundert): Dt. Taschenbuchverlag. * ''Geschichte Indiens. Von der Induskultur bis heute,'' München (2nd ed.): C.H. Beck. 2000 * ''Was kann Indien uns lehren,'' Berlin: Lotos. 2002 * ''Krisenherd Kaschmir: Der Konflikt der Atommächte Indien und Pakistan,'' München: C.H. Beck. * ''Geschichte Indiens: Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart,'' München: C.H. Beck. * ''Atommacht Indien: Von der Bündnisfreiheit zur amerikanischen Allianz,'' Wien: Picus. 2004 * ''Der indische Ozean: Das afro-asiatische Meer als Kultur- und Wirtschaftsraum,'' Wien: Promedia. 2006 * ''The Routledge Companion to Decolonization,'' London: Routledge. 2008 * ''Indien: Aufstieg einer asiatischen Weltmacht,'' München: C.H. Beck. * ''India. The Rise of an Asian Giant,'' London: Yale University Press. 2009 * ''Quo vadis Asien?: China, Indien, Russland, Mittlerer Osten und Zentralasien im globalen Kontext,'' Schwalbach am Taunus: Wochenschau-Verlag. 2010 * ''Gandhi und Nehru: zwei Gesichter Indiens,'' Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 2011 * ''Gandhi: der gewaltlose Revolutionär,'' München: C.H. Beck. 2015 * ''Historische Horizonte,'' Baden-Baden: Nomos. * ''Erinnerungskulturen post-imperialer Nationen,'' Baden-Baden: Nomos. 2016 * ''Aspects of Indian and Global History: a Collection of Essays,'' Baden-Baden: Nomos. 2019 * ''The Industrialization of India,'' Baden-Baden: Nomos. 2020 * ''My Encounters in India,'' Delhi: Primus-Books.Edited Works
1961 * ''Rabindranath Tragore in Germany: A Cross-Selection of Contemporary Reports,'' New Delhi: Max Mueller Bhavan publications. 1969 * ''Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1969'' (together with Eberhard Jäckel et al.), Bonn: Inter Nationes. 1973 * ''South Asia Institute: The First Decade, 1962-1972'' (together with A. K. Ray), Heidelberg (Bulletin of South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University 1973). 1975 * ''Islam in Southern Asia: A Survey of Current Research,'' Wiesbaden 1975 (Beiträge zur Südasien-Forschung 16): Steiner. 1978 * ''Zamindars, Mines and Peasants: Studies in the History of an Indian Coalfield and Its Rural Hinterland'' (together with D.C. Wadhwa), New Delhi (South Asian Studies 9a and Dhanbad Research Project 1): Manohar. * ''Government, Landlord and Peasant in India. Agrarian Relations under British Rule, 1865–1935 (Schriftenreihe des Südasien-Instituts der Universität Heidelberg, Bd. 25.)''. Wiesbaden: Steiner.Articles
1959 * "Political Factions and the Great Awakening", ''Pennsylvania History'' 24'','' p. 4ff. 1960 * "The German Problem of Colonial Pennsylvania", ''Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography,'' 84, p. 1ff. * "The Punjab Press and Non-Cooperation in 1920", ''Indian History Congress. Proceedings of the 23rd Session'', Aligarh, p. 39-47. 1961 * "Reform and Repression, 1907-1910", ''Indian History Congress. Proceedings of the 24th Session,'' Delhi 1961, p. 127-139. 1962 * "Bewegung und Verfassung. Eine Untersuchung der politischen Willensbildung in Indien, 1900-1950", ''Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte'' 10, p. 126-48. * "Constitutional Reforms versus National Agitation in India, 1900-1950", ''Journal of Asian Studies'' 21, p. 505-22. 1963 * "Lee Kuan Yew, der Gegenspieler in Singapur", ''Indo-Asian'' 5, p. 326-30. * "Nationenbildung in Indien", ''Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte'' 11, p. 392-403. 1964 * "Indonesien und die Weltpolitik", ''Studien zur Entwicklung in Süd- und Ostasien,'' Neue Folge Pt. 3., Frankfurt am Main (Schriften des Instituts für Asienkunde in Hamburg 16), p. 1-28. 1965 * "Die Rolle der westlichen Bildungsschicht in den politischen Massenbewegungen in Indien im 20. Jahrhundert", ''XXI Congrés International des Sciences Historiques,'' Rapport II. p. 163-76. * "Friedrich Schlegel and the Wisdom of India", in: Heima Rau (ed.), ''South Asian Studies,'' New Delhi (Max Müller Bhavan Publications 2), p. 1-18. * "Three Systems of Higher Education: India, Germany, U.S.A.", ''Yearbook of the Max Müller Bhavan,'' New Delhi, p. 17-36. 1966 * "Die historische Analyse des Bodenrechts als eine Grundlage für das Verständnis gegenwärtiger Agrarstrukturprobleme, dargestellt am Beispiel Indiens", in: ''Jahrbuch des Südasien-Instituts der Universität Heidelberg,'' 1966, p. 149-66. * "Nehru and Early Indian Socialism", in: S.N. Mukherjee (ed.), ''South Asian Affairs II. The Movements for National Freedom in India,'' Oxford (St. Anthony's Papers 18), p. 98-111. 1967 * "Geschichtswissenschaft und Entwicklungspolitik", ''Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte'' 15, p. 325-40. * "The Bengal Tenancy Act of 1885 and ist Impact on Legislation in other Provinces", ''Bengal Past and Present'' 86, p. 90-105. 1968 * "Emancipation or Re-Integration. The Politics of Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Herbert Hope Risley", in: D. A. Low (ed.), ''Soundings in Modern South Asian History'', London, p. 131-58. * "Indien im wechselnden Urteil der Sowjetunion" ''Außenpolitik'' 19, p. 437-46. * "Indien und die Sowjetunion. Handelbeziehungen und Entwicklungshilfe", ''Indo-Asia'' 2, p. 247-60. * "Süd- und Südostasien", ''Internationale Politik'' 1962, p. 335-68. * "Südasien-Zentren an amerikanischen Universitäten", ''Indo-Asia'' 10, p. 174-82. 1969 * "Chinas Einfluss in den Randgebieten Südasiens" ''Internationale Politik'' 1963, p. 401-5. * "Die Begrenzte Neuorientierung Pakistans in der internationalen Politik" ''Internationale Politik'' 1963, p. 417-22. * "Die Grenzkonflikte Indiens und ihre Folgen für die Bündnisfreiheit" ''Internationale Politik 1963,'' p. 405-16. * "Gandhi als Phänomen der indischen Politik", in: ''Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. Beilage zur Wochenzeitung "Das Parlament"'' 10, p. 3-13. * "Gandhi als schöpferischer Politiker" in: Dietmar Rothermund et al. (eds.), ''Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1969'', Bonn, p. 7-14 * "Government, Landlord and Tenant in India, 1875-1900", ''Indian Economic and Social History Review'' 6, p. 351-67. * "India and the Soviet Union" ''Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences'' 386, p. 78-88. 1970 * "Bewegung und Verfassung. Eine Untersuchung der politischen Willensbildung in Indien, 1900-1950", in: Rudolf von Albertini (ed.), ''Moderne Kolonialgeschichte,'' Köln, p. 365-88. * "Constitutional Reforms versus National Agitation in India, 1900-1950" in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 116-43. * "Die historische Analyse des Bodenrechts als eine Grundlage für das Verständnis gegenwärtiger Agrarstrukturprobleme dargestellt am Beispiel Indiens", in: Rudolf von Albertini (ed.), ''Moderne Kolonialgeschichte,'' Köln, p. 293.309. * "Emancipation or Re-Integration. The Politics of Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Herbert Risley", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays'', Bombay, p. 26-56. * "Ideologie und Machtkämpfe in Asien", ''Internationale Politik'' 1964–1965, p. 4-20. * "Impediments to ‚Development from Below‘ in India's Economic History", ''Asian and African Studies'' 6, p. 47-73. * "Impediments to ‚Development from Below‘ in India's Economic History", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 221-48. * "Impediments to ‚Development from Below‘ in India's Economic History", in: Martin Rudner (ed.), ''Society and Development in Asia,'' Jerusalem, p. 47-73. * "India’s Silver Currency. An Aspect of Monetary Policy of British Imperialism", ''Indian Economic and Social History Review'' 7, p. 351-67. * "India’s Silver Currency. An Aspect of Monetary Policy of British Imperialism", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 249-66. * "Nehru and Early Indian Socialism", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 65-80. * "Political Factions and the Great Awakening", in: D. B. Rutman (ed.), ''The Great Awakening,'' New York. * "Reform and Repression, 1907-1910", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 83-92. * "The Bengal Tenancy Act of 1885 and ist Impact on Legislation in other Provinces", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 197-217. * "The Punjab Press and Non-Cooperation in 1920", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 93-103. * "The Role of the Western Educated Elite in Political Mass Movements in India in the 20th Century", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 144-62. * "Traditionalism and Socialism in Vivekananda’s Thought", ''Quest'' 67, p. 34-8. * "Traditionalism and Socialism in Vivekananda’s Thought", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Phases of Indian Nationalism and Other Essays,'' Bombay, p. 57-64. 1971 * "Süd- und Südostasien", ''Internationale Politik'' 58–60, p. 787-842. * "The Record of Rights in British India", ''Indian Economic and Social History Review'' 8, p. 443-61. 1972 * "Marginalität und Elite in Entwicklungsländern", ''Die Dritte Welt'' 1, p. 15-22. 1973 * "Freedom of Contract and the Problem of Land Alienation in British India", ''South Asia'' 3, p. 57-78. * "Impediments to ‚Development from Below‘ in India's Economic History", in: Kulturabteilung der Deutschen Botschaft New Delhi (ed.), ''German Scholars on India,'' New Delhi (Contributions in Indian Studies 1), p. 245-67. * "Max Müller and India’s Quest for a National Past", in: Heimo Rau (ed.), ''Max Müller: 150th Birth Anniversary,'' Bombay (Dialogue 1972/73), p. 53-62. 1974 * "Nationalismus und Staatsbildung in Indien", in: Theodor Schieder (ed.), ''Staatsgründungen und Nationalitätsprinzip,'' München (Studien zur Geschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts 7), p. 153-60. * "Probleme der deutsch-indischen Kulturbeziehungen", ''Indo-Asia'' 16, p. 26-35. * "Akkulturation und Herrschaft in Indien", ''Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch'' 24(4), p. 42-6. 1975 * "Indiens Verhältnis zu seiner Geschichte", ''Indo-Asia'' 17, p. 41-50. * "Regionale Schwerpunkte in der indischen Geschichte", ''Indo-Asia'' 17, p. 249-60. 1976 * "Gebundene Gesellschaft: Soziale Schichtung und Emanzipation in Indien", in: U. Engelhardt (ed.), ''Soziale Bewegung und politische Verfassung,'' Stuttgart, p. 394-414. * "Koloniales Erbe und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Indien", ''Indo-Asia'' 18, p. 140-6. * "The Land Revenue Problem in British India", ''Bengal Past and Present'' 97, p. 210-26. 1977 * "A Survey of Rural Migration and Land Reclamation in British India, 1885", ''Journal of Peasant Studies'' 4, p. 230-42. 1978 * "Europe and Asia in the Age of Mercantilism", ''Yearbook of the Max Müller Bhavan 1978'', New Delhi, p. 87-96. * "Nationalismus und sozialer Wandel in der Dritten Welt – 12 Thesen", in: Otto Dann (ed.), ''Nationalismus und sozialer Wandel,'' Hamburg, p. 187-208. * "Recent Work on Indian History in the Federal Republic of Germany", ''Yearbook of the Max Müller Bhavan 1978'', New Delhi, p. 81-6. * "Tenancy Legislation for Chota Nagpur: The Emphasis on Executive Protection", in: Dietmar Rothermund and D. C. Wadhwa (eds.), ''Zamindars Mines and Peasants: Studies in the History of an Indian Coalfield and It’s Rural Hinterland,'' New Delhi (South Asian Studies 9a; Dhanbad Research Project 1), p. 69-83. * "The Coalfield: An Enclave in a Backward Region", in: Dietmar Rothermund and D. C. Wadhwa (eds.), ''Zamindars, Mines and Peasants: Studies in the History of an Indian Coalfield and Ist Rural Hinterland,'' New Delhi (South Asian Studies 9a; Dhanbad Research Project 1), p. 1-20. 1979 * "Traditionalism and National Solidarity in India", in: R.J. Moore (ed.), ''Tradition and Politics in South Asia,'' New Delhi, p. 191-7. 1980 * "Epilogue: Urban Growth and Rural Stagnation", in: Dietmar Rothermund, Erhard Kropp, Gunther Dienemann (eds.), ''Urban Growth and Rural Stagnation,'' New Delhi (South Asian Studies 9b; Dhanbad Research Project 2), p. 453-63. * "The Great Depression and British Financial Policy in India, 1929-1934", ''The Indian Economic and Social History Review'' 17. 1981 * "British Foreign Trade Policy in India during the Great Depression, 1929-1939", ''Indian Economic and Social History Review'' 18, p. 349-76. * "Indiens Zukunft", ''Indo-Asia'' 23, p. 7-17. * "Pakistan’s Relations with India and Afghanistan", ''Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies'' 5, p. 23-32. 1982 * "Die Dimensionen der Armut: Indien und der Lebensqualitätsindex", in: Norbert Wagner and Hans Christoph Rieger (eds.), ''Grundbedürfnisse als Gegenstand der Entwicklungspolitik: Interdisziplinäre Aspekte der Grundbedarfsstrategie,'' Wiesbaden, p. 163-74. * "Einführungserklärung für die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Außereuropäischer Geschichte im Verband der Historiker Deutschlands", ''Wissenschaftsbörse Entwicklungspolitik'' 82, p. 11-12. * "Pakistans Beziehungen zu Indien und Afghanistan", ''Vierteljahresberichte: Probleme der Entwicklungsländer'' 87, p. 29-36. * "Probleme der nationalen Integration in Südasien", in: H.A. Winkler (ed.), ''Nationalismus in der Welt von heute,'' Göttingen, p. 140-56. 1983 * "A Survey of Rural Migration and Land Reclamation in British India, 1885", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Indian Economy under British Rule and Other Essays,'' New Delhi, p. 54-72. * "British Foreign Trade Policy in India during the Great Depression, 1929-1939", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Indian Economy under British Rule and Other Essays,'' New Delhi, p. 175-208. * "Chinas verspätete Krise: 1933-1935", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''Die Peripherie in der Weltwirtschaftskrise: Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika 1929-1939,'' Paderborn (Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart) (143), p. 226-44. * "Die Anfänge der indischen Wirtschaftsplanung im Zweiten Weltkrieg", in: P. Halblützel et al. (ed.), ''Dritte Welt: Historische Prägung und politische Herausforderung.'' Festschrift für Rudolf von Albertini zum 60. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden (Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte 24), p. 81-93. * "Die Interferenz von Agrarpreissturz und Freiheitskampf in Indien", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''Die Peripherie in der Weltwirtschaftskrise: Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika 1929-1939,'' Paderborn (Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart 143), p. 128-43. * "Social Structure and Emancipation in India", in: Rothermund, Dietmar (ed.), ''The Indian Economy under British Rule and Other Essays,'' New Delhi, p. 23-41. * "The Great Depression and British Financial Policy in India, 1929-1934", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Indian Economy under British Rule and Other Essays,'' New Delhi, p. 152-74. * "The Land Revenue Problem in British India", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Indian Economy under British Rule and Other Essays,'' New Delhi, p. 92-113. * "The Record of Rights in British India", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''The Indian Economy under British Rule and Other Essays,'' New Delhi, p. 73-91. * "Weltgefälle und Weltwirtschaftskrise", in: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), ''Die Peripherie in der Weltwirtschaftskrise: Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika 1929-1939,'' Paderborn (Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart 143), p. 14-35. 1984 * "History as a Social Process and as a Social Science", in: Ravinder Kumar (ed.), ''Philosophical Theory and Social Reality,'' New Delhi, p. 79-98. * "Indien 2000", ''Asien'' 10, p. 22-38. * "Nord-Süd Dialog und Entwicklungshilfe: Indiens Wirtschaft in der Welt der Gegenwart", in: Institut für wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Entwicklungsländern (ed.) ''Indien: Probleme eines Schwellenlandes,'' Tübingen (Reihe Länderseminare), p. 8-27. * "Wilhelm Hahn und das Südasien-Institut", in: H. Reulinger and G. G. Wolf (eds.), ''Kreuzwege. Festschrift für Kulturminister a. D. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hahn zum 75. Geburtstag'', Heidelberg, p. 179-82. 1985 * "Pfeffer, Silber, Seide. Europas Weg nach China", in: G. Sievernich et al. (eds.), ''Europa und die Kaiser von China'', Frankfurt am Main, p. 38-57. * "The German Intellectual Quest for India", in: ''1960-1985. 25 Years Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) in New Delhi'', p. 5-16. * "Regionale Differenzierung in Indien: Britische Herrschaft, Freiheitskampf und Föderalismus", in: Hermann Kulke und Dietmar Rothermund (eds.), ''Regionale Tradition in Südasien,'' Stuttgart, p. 205-18. * "Region, regionale Tradition und Regionalismus in Südasien: Versuch einer Einführung in die Thematik" (together with Hermann Kulke), in: Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund (eds.), ''Regionale Tradition in Südasien,'' Stuttgart, p. ix-xxiv. * "Indien 1985: Eine innenpolitische Bilanz", ''Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. Beilage zur Wochenzeitung "Das Parlament"'' 10, p. 3-12. 1986 * "Lala Lajpat Rai and Indian Nationalism", ''Maharshi Dayanand University Research Journal 1,'' p. 65-78. * "The Legacy of the British-Indian in Independent India", in: Wolfgang Mommsen and Jürgen Osterhammel (eds.), ''Imperialism and After,'' London, p. 139-59. 1987 * "25 Jahre Südasien-Institut", ''Ruperto Carola'' 39, p- 73–4. * "Anfänge und Beweggründe der europäischen Expansion nach Übersee 1450-1650", ''Geschichte, Politik und ihre Didaktik'' 15, p. 5-12. * "Die Entwicklung Indiens seit 1947", ''Ruperto Carola'' 39, p. 68-72. * "India’s Economic Development: 1947-1987", in: Klaus Voll et al. 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* Jain, Ajay Kumar: Explorations in the History of South Asia. Essays in Honour of Dietmar Rothermund. Festschrift for Dietmar Rothermund, Delhi, 2001.External links
* Deutsche Nationalbibliothek:Articles
* Dharampal, Gita: