Die Rote Zora Und Ihre Bande (TV Series)



''Die rote Zora und ihre Bande'' is a German television series, based on the 1941 children's novel ''
The Outsiders of Uskoken Castle ''The Outsiders of Uskoken Castle'' is a children's novel written by Kurt Kläber. The German original, ''Rote Zora und ihre Bande'' (''Red Zora and her gang''), was published under the pseudonym Kurt Held in 1941. The English version was transl ...
'' by
Kurt Held Kurt Kläber (1897–1959), who published under the pseudonym Kurt Held, was a writer and Communist displaced from Germany during the Second World War. Early life Kläber left school at the age of 14 and began training as a locksmith and later ...

See also

List of German television series The following is a list of television series produced in Germany: Current Drama * '' 4 Blocks'' ( TNT Serie, 2017–2019) * '' Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei'' ( RTL, 1996–present) * '' Babylon Berlin'' ( Sky 1 & ARD, 2017–p ...

External links

* German children's television series Television shows based on German novels Television shows based on children's books Television series set in the 1930s Television shows set in Croatia 1979 German television series debuts 1979 German television series endings German-language television shows Das Erste original programming Films directed by Fritz Umgelter {{Germany-tv-prog-stub