The Department of Wildlife and National Parks of Peninsular Malaysia ( ms, Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara Semenanjung Malaysia), abbreviated PERHILITAN, is a governmental organisation that is responsible for the protection, management and preservation of wildlife and national parks in
Peninsular Malaysia.
The department was established under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 which consolidated all the state game departments in Peninsular Malaysia. As of 2006, the department is placed under the purview of Malaysian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment. It is headed by a director-general and that post is currently held by Dato’ Abdul Kadir bin Abu Hashim.
National parks in
Sabah are the responsibility of the
Sabah Wildlife Department
Sabah Wildlife Department, a local wildlife authority under Sabah's state Ministry for Tourism Development, Environment, Science and Technology, enforces the "Wildlife Conservation Enactment 1997" for the proper regulation, use, protection, conserv ...
Sabah Parks while for Sarawak, it is under
Sarawak Forest Corporation.
See also
List of national parks of Malaysia
Malaysian Wildlife Law
Malaysian Wildlife Law ( ms, Undang-Undang Hidupan Liar Malaysia) consists of the regulation, protection, conservation and management of wildlife in Malaysia. The Constitution of Malaysia empowers those at the federal and the states level to make ...
External links
Ministry of Natural Resource and the EnvironmentSabah Wildlife DepartmentSarawak Forestry
1972 establishments in Malaysia
Government agencies established in 1972
Federal ministries, departments and agencies of Malaysia
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (Malaysia)
Nature conservation in Malaysia
National park administrators