Dendrimer-encapsulated Nanoparticles



Dendrimer-encapsulated nanoparticles (DENs) are nanoparticles ranging from 1.5 to 10 nm that are synthesized by a template approach using
dendrimers Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
. Monometallic, bimetallic and semiconductor nanoparticles have been synthesized using this method. The primary use for DEN's is as a catalyst due to their extremely high surface area to volume ratio. Advantages that DENs have over other nanoparticles is that they are monodisperse and easy to make.


The first component in DEN synthesis is the
dendrimer Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
itself. By using different sizes, or generations, of
dendrimers Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
it is possible to control the size of the nanoparticle to be synthesized. Although there are many types of
dendrimers Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
, the most common is the poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM)
dendrimer Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
. These types of
dendrimers Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
are predominantly terminated with either amine or hydroxyl groups. The notation for these dendrimers are in the form of Gx-R, where x is generation of the
dendrimer Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
and R is the terminal group of the
dendrimer Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
(in most cases R= -OH or -NH2) When metal ions are introduced to a
dendrimer Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
in aqueous solution they form a complex with the tertiary amines of the
dendrimer Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
notated as Gx-R(Mp+)n, where Mp+ refers to the metal ions used and n refers to the average number of metal ions complexed within each
dendrimer Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
. After a complex has formed, a reducing agent such as
sodium borohydride Sodium borohydride, also known as sodium tetrahydridoborate and sodium tetrahydroborate, is an inorganic compound with the formula Na BH4. This white solid, usually encountered as an aqueous basic solution, is a reducing agent that finds applic ...
is introduced in a high molar excess and the metal ions are reduced to their zerovalent form and come together within the
dendrimer Dendrimers are highly ordered, branched polymeric molecules. Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. Typically, dendrimers are symmetric about the core, and often adopt a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The ...
to form the DEN notated as Gx-R(Mn) where M is the zerovalent metal used and n is the number of metal atoms.


DENs can be characterized mainly by
ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy UV spectroscopy or UV–visible spectrophotometry (UV–Vis or UV/Vis) refers to absorption spectroscopy or reflectance spectroscopy in part of the ultraviolet and the full, adjacent visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Being relative ...
. The
charge-transfer complex In chemistry, a charge-transfer (CT) complex or electron-donor-acceptor complex describes a type of supramolecular assembly of two or more molecules or ions. The assembly consists of two molecules that self-attract through electrostatic forc ...
that forms between the metal ions and the dendrimer exhibits a ligand-to-metal charge transfer, or LMCT, band in the UV-Vis spectrum, indicating that a complex has formed. The specific wavelength of occurrence for these LMCT peaks are different for each metal.


{{reflist Nanoparticles by surface chemistry