Darwinula Stevensoni



''Darwinula'' is a genus of
ostracod Ostracods, or ostracodes, are a class of the Crustacea (class Ostracoda), sometimes known as seed shrimp. Some 70,000 species (only 13,000 of which are extant) have been identified, grouped into several orders. They are small crustaceans, typic ...
s belonging to the family Darwinulidae. Species: * ''
Darwinula aurea ''Darwinula'' is a genus of ostracod Ostracods, or ostracodes, are a class of the Crustacea (class Ostracoda), sometimes known as seed shrimp. Some 70,000 species (only 13,000 of which are extant) have been identified, grouped into several o ...
'' * '' Darwinula stevensoni'' (Brady & Robertson, 1870)


{{Taxonbar, from=Q4570761 Podocopida Podocopida genera