

Darou Hidjiratou (also spelled Darou Hijratou or Darou Idjiratou) is a village and zone in Bonconto Commune, Bonconto Arrondissement,
Vélingara Department Vélingara Department is one of the 46 departments of Senegal, one of the three making up the Kolda Region in the Upper Casamance. Administration The department has three communes: Vélingara (the capital town), Kounkané and Diaobé-Kabendo ...
Kolda Region Kolda is a region of Senegal (regional capitals have the same name as their respective regions). The region is also referred to historically and popularly as Haute Casamance. It's one of the 14 regions of the country and is located in the South ...
in south
Senegal Senegal,; Wolof: ''Senegaal''; Pulaar: 𞤅𞤫𞤲𞤫𞤺𞤢𞥄𞤤𞤭 (Senegaali); Arabic: السنغال ''As-Sinighal'') officially the Republic of Senegal,; Wolof: ''Réewum Senegaal''; Pulaar : 𞤈𞤫𞤲𞤣𞤢𞥄𞤲𞤣𞤠...
. As a major center of Shia Islam in Senegal, it is home to the Al Hassanayni Grand Mosque of Darou Hidjiratou, the largest mosque in Bonconto Arrondissement. Darou Hijiratou Zone is made up of 8 villages: Darou Hijiratou (Darou Idjiratou), Amanatoulaye, Fass, Afia, Pakinia Sinthiang, Pakinia Paoundé, Hamdalaye Kouta, Moundou Sankoulé. Darou Hijiratou village has approximately 1,580 persons (year 2010).

Notable people

The village is locally well known as the birthplace of a prominent Shi'i Muslim family in
Senegal Senegal,; Wolof: ''Senegaal''; Pulaar: 𞤅𞤫𞤲𞤫𞤺𞤢𞥄𞤤𞤭 (Senegaali); Arabic: السنغال ''As-Sinighal'') officially the Republic of Senegal,; Wolof: ''Réewum Senegaal''; Pulaar : 𞤈𞤫𞤲𞤣𞤢𞥄𞤲𞤣𞤠...
, including Bonconto Commune leader Cherif Habib Aidara and his brother
Cherif Mohamed Aly Aidara Cherif Mohamed Aly Aidara is a Senegalese-Mauritanian Shia religious leader who is known for his work on international development in West Africa. He is one of the primary Shia religious figures in Senegal and West Africa. Early life and famil ...
, founder of the international NGO
Mozdahir Mozdahir (also known as the ''Mozdahir International Institute''; French name: Institut Mozdahir International or IMI) is an international non-governmental organization based in Dakar, Senegal. Overview It has branches in different African cou ...
. The village was named Darou Hidjiratou (Dar El Hijra, 'the house of immigration') by Cherif Al-Hassane Aidara, the father of
Cherif Mohamed Aly Aidara Cherif Mohamed Aly Aidara is a Senegalese-Mauritanian Shia religious leader who is known for his work on international development in West Africa. He is one of the primary Shia religious figures in Senegal and West Africa. Early life and famil ...
. As a pilgrimage site, it is also where Cherif Al-Hassane Aidara is buried.

Pilgrimage site

Cherif Al-Hassane Aidara, the founder of the village, is buried in Darou Hidjiratou. Every year, thousands of people visit his tomb for prayers.

See also

* Nadjaf Al Ashraf (Senegal)


{{coord, 13, 02, N, 13, 52, W, display=title, region:SN_type:city_source:GNS-enwiki Populated places in Kolda Region