Dariusz Gajewski



Dariusz Gajewski (born 3 December 1964,
Częstochowa Częstochowa ( , ; german: Tschenstochau, Czenstochau; la, Czanstochova) is a city in southern Poland on the Warta River with 214,342 inhabitants, making it the thirteenth-largest city in Poland. It is situated in the Silesian Voivodeship (admi ...
) is a Polish film director and screenwriter. He graduated from the
National Film School in Łódź National may refer to: Common uses * Nation or country ** Nationality – a ''national'' is a person who is subject to a nation, regardless of whether the person has full rights as a citizen Places in the United States * National, Maryland, c ...
in 1993. He also studied law at the Jagiellonian University in
Kraków Kraków (), or Cracow, is the second-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in Lesser Poland Voivodeship, the city dates back to the seventh century. Kraków was the official capital of Poland until 159 ...
. His 2003 film ''Warszawa'' ("Warsaw") won the Golden Lions Award at the 28th
Gdynia Film Festival The Gdynia Film Festival (until 2011: Polish Film Festival, Polish: ''Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych w Gdyni'') is an annual film festival first held in Gdańsk (1974–1986), now held in Gdynia, Poland. It has taken place every year si ...
. Between 2008–2016, he was the chairman of the
Andrzej Munk Andrzej Munk (16 October 1921 – 20 September 1961) was a Polish film director, screen writer and documentalist. He was one of the most influential artists of the post-Stalinist period in the People's Republic of Poland. His feature films '' M ...
Film Studio ''Młodzi i Film''. Since 2016, he has served as deputy director of the Polish Filmmakers Association. In 2004, he married actress
Agnieszka Grochowska Agnieszka Grochowska (born 31 December 1979) is a Polish film and theatre actress. Life She was born on 31 December 1979 in Warsaw. She graduated from the National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw in 2002. In 2003, she started working at the ...


*''Nie bój, nie bój'' (1994) *''Utwór na chłopca i lampę'' (1996) *''Franciszek muzykant'' (1998) *''Anatol lubi podróże'' (1999) *''Stara muzyka'' (1999) *''Konwój'' (1999) *''Tu jest wszystko'' (2000) *''AlaRm'' (2002) *''Warszawa'' (2003) *''Lekcje pana Kuki'' (2007) *''Obce niebo'' (2015) *''Czas niedokończony. Wiersze księdza Jana Twardowskiego'' (2015) *''Legiony'' (2019)

See also

Polish cinema The history of cinema in Poland is almost as long as the history of cinematography, and it has universally recognized achievements, even though Polish films tend to be less commercially available than films from several other European nations. Af ...
List of Poles This is a partial list of notable Polish or Polish-speaking or -writing people. People of partial Polish heritage have their respective ancestries credited. Science Physics * Czesław Białobrzeski * Andrzej Buras * Georges Charp ...


Living people 1964 births Polish film directors Polish screenwriters People from Częstochowa Łódź Film School alumni {{Poland-bio-stub