Cuspidal Representation



number theory Number theory (or arithmetic or higher arithmetic in older usage) is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers and integer-valued functions. German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) said, "Math ...
, cuspidal representations are certain representations of
algebraic groups In mathematics, an algebraic group is an algebraic variety endowed with a group structure which is compatible with its structure as an algebraic variety. Thus the study of algebraic groups belongs both to algebraic geometry and group theory. ...
that occur discretely in L^2 spaces. The term ''cuspidal'' is derived, at a certain distance, from the
cusp form In number theory, a branch of mathematics, a cusp form is a particular kind of modular form with a zero constant coefficient in the Fourier series expansion. Introduction A cusp form is distinguished in the case of modular forms for the modular g ...
s of classical
modular form In mathematics, a modular form is a (complex) analytic function on the upper half-plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation with respect to the group action of the modular group, and also satisfying a growth condition. The theory ...
theory. In the contemporary formulation of
automorphic representation In harmonic analysis and number theory, an automorphic form is a well-behaved function from a topological group ''G'' to the complex numbers (or complex vector space) which is invariant under the action of a discrete subgroup \Gamma \subset ...
s, representations take the place of
holomorphic function In mathematics, a holomorphic function is a complex-valued function of one or more complex variables that is complex differentiable in a neighbourhood of each point in a domain in complex coordinate space . The existence of a complex de ...
s; these representations may be of
adelic algebraic group In abstract algebra, an adelic algebraic group is a semitopological group defined by an algebraic group ''G'' over a number field ''K'', and the adele ring ''A'' = ''A''(''K'') of ''K''. It consists of the points of ''G'' having values in ''A'' ...
s. When the group is the
general linear group In mathematics, the general linear group of degree ''n'' is the set of invertible matrices, together with the operation of ordinary matrix multiplication. This forms a group, because the product of two invertible matrices is again invertible ...
\operatorname_2, the cuspidal representations are directly related to cusp forms and Maass forms. For the case of cusp forms, each Hecke eigenform ( newform) corresponds to a cuspidal representation.


Let ''G'' be a reductive algebraic group over a
number field In mathematics, an algebraic number field (or simply number field) is an extension field K of the field of rational numbers such that the field extension K / \mathbb has finite degree (and hence is an algebraic field extension). Thus K is a ...
''K'' and let A denote the
adele Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (, ; born 5 May 1988), professionally known by the mononym Adele, is an English singer and songwriter. After graduating in arts from the BRIT School in 2006, Adele signed a reco ...
s of ''K''. The group ''G''(''K'') embeds diagonally in the group ''G''(A) by sending ''g'' in ''G''(''K'') to the tuple (''g''''p'')''p'' in ''G''(A) with ''g'' = ''g''''p'' for all (finite and infinite) primes ''p''. Let ''Z'' denote the center of ''G'' and let ω be a continuous
unitary character In mathematics, a character is (most commonly) a special kind of function from a group to a field (such as the complex numbers). There are at least two distinct, but overlapping meanings. Other uses of the word "character" are almost always qualifie ...
from ''Z''(''K'') \ Z(A)× to C×. Fix a Haar measure on ''G''(A) and let ''L''20(''G''(''K'') \ ''G''(A), ω) denote the
Hilbert space In mathematics, Hilbert spaces (named after David Hilbert) allow generalizing the methods of linear algebra and calculus from (finite-dimensional) Euclidean vector spaces to spaces that may be infinite-dimensional. Hilbert spaces arise natu ...
complex Complex commonly refers to: * Complexity, the behaviour of a system whose components interact in multiple ways so possible interactions are difficult to describe ** Complex system, a system composed of many components which may interact with each ...
measurable function In mathematics and in particular measure theory, a measurable function is a function between the underlying sets of two measurable spaces that preserves the structure of the spaces: the preimage of any measurable set is measurable. This is i ...
s, ''f'', on ''G''(A) satisfying #''f''(γ''g'') = ''f''(''g'') for all γ ∈ ''G''(''K'') #''f''(''gz'') = ''f''(''g'')ω(''z'') for all ''z'' ∈ ''Z''(A) #\int_, f(g), ^2\,dg < \infty #\int_f(ug)\,du=0 for all
unipotent radical In mathematics, a unipotent element ''r'' of a ring ''R'' is one such that ''r'' − 1 is a nilpotent element; in other words, (''r'' − 1)''n'' is zero for some ''n''. In particular, a square matrix ''M'' is a unipote ...
s, ''U'', of all proper
parabolic subgroup In the theory of algebraic groups, a Borel subgroup of an algebraic group ''G'' is a maximal Zariski closed and connected solvable algebraic subgroup. For example, in the general linear group ''GLn'' (''n x n'' invertible matrices), the subgroup ...
s of ''G''(A) and g ∈ ''G''(A). The
vector space In mathematics and physics, a vector space (also called a linear space) is a set whose elements, often called '' vectors'', may be added together and multiplied ("scaled") by numbers called '' scalars''. Scalars are often real numbers, but ...
''L''20(''G''(''K'') \ ''G''(A), ω) is called the space of cusp forms with central character ω on ''G''(A). A function appearing in such a space is called a cuspidal function. A cuspidal function generates a
unitary representation In mathematics, a unitary representation of a group ''G'' is a linear representation π of ''G'' on a complex Hilbert space ''V'' such that π(''g'') is a unitary operator for every ''g'' ∈ ''G''. The general theory is well-developed in case ' ...
of the group ''G''(A) on the complex Hilbert space V_f generated by the right translates of ''f''. Here the
action Action may refer to: * Action (narrative), a literary mode * Action fiction, a type of genre fiction * Action game, a genre of video game Film * Action film, a genre of film * ''Action'' (1921 film), a film by John Ford * ''Action'' (1980 fil ...
of ''g'' ∈ ''G''(A) on V_f is given by :(g \cdot u)(x) = u(xg), \qquad u(x) = \sum_j c_j f(xg_j) \in V_f. The space of cusp forms with central character ω decomposes into a direct sum of Hilbert spaces :L^2_0(G(K)\setminus G(\mathbf),\omega)=\widehat_m_\pi V_\pi where the sum is over irreducible subrepresentations of ''L''20(''G''(''K'') \ ''G''(A), ω) and the ''m'' are positive
integer An integer is the number zero (), a positive natural number (, , , etc.) or a negative integer with a minus sign ( −1, −2, −3, etc.). The negative numbers are the additive inverses of the corresponding positive numbers. In the language ...
s (i.e. each irreducible subrepresentation occurs with ''finite'' multiplicity). A cuspidal representation of ''G''(''A'') is such a subrepresentation (, ''V'') for some ''ω''. The groups for which the multiplicities ''m''{{pi all equal one are said to have the
multiplicity-one property In the mathematical theory of automorphic representations, a multiplicity-one theorem is a result about the representation theory of an adelic reductive algebraic group. The multiplicity in question is the number of times a given abstract group ...

See also

* Jacquet module


*James W. Cogdell, Henry Hyeongsin Kim, Maruti Ram Murty. ''Lectures on Automorphic L-functions'' (2004), Section 5 of Lecture 2. Representation theory of algebraic groups