The Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (''Scientific, Criminal and Criminalistic Investigation Service Corps'', CICPC) is
Venezuela (; ), officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( es, link=no, República Bolivariana de Venezuela), is a country on the northern coast of South America, consisting of a continental landmass and many islands and islets in th ...
's largest national police agency, responsible for criminal investigations and
forensic services. It replaced the
Cuerpo Técnico de Policía Judicial (PTJ) in 2001.
See also
Law enforcement in Venezuela
Law enforcement in Venezuela is highly fragmented, being split across multiple police agencies of various types.
The National Guard, with around 33,000 officers, is attached to the Ministry of Defence. The ', with around 8,000 officers, is the pr ...
2017 Caracas helicopter attack
External links
Law enforcement agencies of Venezuela
Organizations established in 2001
2001 establishments in Venezuela