

control theory Control theory is a field of mathematics that deals with the control of dynamical systems in engineered processes and machines. The objective is to develop a model or algorithm governing the application of system inputs to drive the system to a ...
, we may need to find out whether or not a system such as \begin \dot(t)\boldsymbol(t)+\boldsymbol(t)\\ \boldsymbol(t)=\boldsymbol(t)+\boldsymbol(t) \end is
controllable Controllability is an important property of a control system, and the controllability property plays a crucial role in many control problems, such as stabilization of unstable systems by feedback, or optimal control. Controllability and observabi ...
, where \boldsymbol, \boldsymbol, \boldsymbol and \boldsymbol are, respectively, n\times n, n\times p, q\times n and q\times p matrices. One of the many ways one can achieve such goal is by the use of the Controllability
Gramian In linear algebra, the Gram matrix (or Gramian matrix, Gramian) of a set of vectors v_1,\dots, v_n in an inner product space is the Hermitian matrix of inner products, whose entries are given by the inner product G_ = \left\langle v_i, v_j \right\r ...

Controllability in LTI Systems

Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems are those systems in which the parameters \boldsymbol, \boldsymbol, \boldsymbol and \boldsymbol are invariant with respect to time. One can observe if the LTI system is or is not controllable simply by looking at the pair (\boldsymbol,\boldsymbol). Then, we can say that the following statements are equivalent: 1. The pair (\boldsymbol,\boldsymbol) is controllable. 2. The n\times n matrix \boldsymbol(t)=\int_^e^\boldsymbole^d\tau=\int_^e^\boldsymbole^d\tau is nonsingular for any t>0. 3. The n\times np controllability matrix = begin \boldsymbol & \boldsymbol & \boldsymbol & ... & \boldsymbol\end/math> has rank n. 4. The n\times(n+p) matrix begin \boldsymbol\boldsymbol\boldsymbol & \boldsymbol\end has full row rank at every eigenvalue \lambda of \boldsymbol. If, in addition, all eigenvalues of \boldsymbol have negative real parts (\boldsymbol is stable), and the unique solution of the
Lyapunov equation In control theory, the discrete Lyapunov equation is of the form :A X A^ - X + Q = 0 where Q is a Hermitian matrix and A^H is the conjugate transpose of A. The continuous Lyapunov equation is of the form :AX + XA^H + Q = 0. The Lyapunov equation o ...
\boldsymbol\boldsymbol_+\boldsymbol_\boldsymbol=-\boldsymbol is positive definite, the system is controllable. The solution is called the Controllability Gramian and can be expressed as \boldsymbol=\int_^e^\boldsymbole^d\tau In the following section we are going to take a closer look at the Controllability Gramian.

Controllability Gramian

The controllability Gramian can be found as the solution of the
Lyapunov equation In control theory, the discrete Lyapunov equation is of the form :A X A^ - X + Q = 0 where Q is a Hermitian matrix and A^H is the conjugate transpose of A. The continuous Lyapunov equation is of the form :AX + XA^H + Q = 0. The Lyapunov equation o ...
given by \boldsymbol\boldsymbol_+\boldsymbol_\boldsymbol=-\boldsymbol In fact, we can see that if we take \boldsymbol=\int_^e^\boldsymbole^d\tau as a solution, we are going to find that: \begin \boldsymbol\boldsymbol_+\boldsymbol_\boldsymbol & = & \int_^\boldsymbole^\boldsymbole^d\tau & + & \int_^e^\boldsymbole^\boldsymbold\tau\\ & = & \int_^\frac(e^\boldsymbol\boldsymbol^e^)d\tau & = & e^\boldsymbol\boldsymbol^e^, _^\\ & = & \boldsymbol-\boldsymbol\\ & = & \boldsymbol \end Where we used the fact that e^=0 at t=\infty for stable \boldsymbol (all its eigenvalues have negative real part). This shows us that \boldsymbol_ is indeed the solution for the Lyapunov equation under analysis.


We can see that \boldsymbol is a symmetric matrix, therefore, so is \boldsymbol_. We can use again the fact that, if \boldsymbol is stable (all its eigenvalues have negative real part) to show that \boldsymbol_ is unique. In order to prove so, suppose we have two different solutions for \boldsymbol\boldsymbol_+\boldsymbol_\boldsymbol=-\boldsymbol and they are given by \boldsymbol_ and \boldsymbol_. Then we have: \boldsymbol\boldsymbol_-\boldsymbol_)+\boldsymbol_-\boldsymbol_)\boldsymbol=\boldsymbol Multiplying by e^ by the left and by e^ by the right, would lead us to e^ boldsymbol\boldsymbol_-\boldsymbol_)+\boldsymbol_-\boldsymbol_)\boldsymbol^=\frac ^[(\boldsymbol_-\boldsymbol_)e^\boldsymbol Integrating from 0 to \infty: [e^[(\boldsymbol_-\boldsymbol_)e^], _^=\boldsymbol using the fact that e^\rightarrow0 as t\rightarrow\infty: \boldsymbol-(\boldsymbol_-\boldsymbol_)=\boldsymbol In other words, \boldsymbol_ has to be unique. Also, we can see that \boldsymbol=\int_^\boldsymbol^e^\boldsymbole^\boldsymboldt=\int_^\left\Vert \boldsymbol\right\Vert _^dt is positive for any t (assuming the non-degenerate case where \left\Vert \boldsymbol\right\Vert is not identically zero). This makes \boldsymbol_ a positive definite matrix. More properties of controllable systems can be found in, as well as the proof for the other equivalent statements of “The pair (\boldsymbol,\boldsymbol) is controllable” presented in section Controllability in LTI Systems.

Discrete Time Systems

For discrete time systems as \begin \boldsymbol +1boldsymbol \boldsymbol \ \boldsymbol \boldsymbol \boldsymbol \end One can check that there are equivalences for the statement “The pair (\boldsymbol,\boldsymbol) is controllable” (the equivalences are much alike for the continuous time case). We are interested in the equivalence that claims that, if “The pair (\boldsymbol,\boldsymbol) is controllable” and all the eigenvalues of \boldsymbol have magnitude less than 1 (\boldsymbol is stable), then the unique solution of W_-\boldsymbol\boldsymbol_\boldsymbol=\boldsymbol is positive definite and given by \boldsymbol_=\sum_^\boldsymbol^\boldsymbol^(\boldsymbol^)^ That is called the discrete Controllability Gramian. We can easily see the correspondence between discrete time and the continuous time case, that is, if we can check that \boldsymbol_ is positive definite, and all eigenvalues of \boldsymbol have magnitude less than 1, the system (\boldsymbol,\boldsymbol) is controllable. More properties and proofs can be found in.

Linear Time Variant Systems

Linear time variant (LTV) systems are those in the form: \begin \dot(t)\boldsymbol(t)\boldsymbol(t)+\boldsymbol(t)\boldsymbol(t)\\ \boldsymbol(t)=\boldsymbol(t)\boldsymbol(t) \end That is, the matrices \boldsymbol, \boldsymbol and \boldsymbol have entries that varies with time. Again, as well as in the continuous time case and in the discrete time case, one may be interested in discovering if the system given by the pair (\boldsymbol(t),\boldsymbol(t)) is controllable or not. This can be done in a very similar way of the preceding cases. The system (\boldsymbol(t),\boldsymbol(t)) is controllable at time t_ if and only if there exists a finite t_>t_ such that the n\times n matrix, also called the Controllability Gramian, given by \boldsymbol_(t_,t_)=\int_^\boldsymbol(t_,\tau)\boldsymbol(\tau)\boldsymbol^(\tau)\boldsymbol^(t_,\tau)d\tau, where \boldsymbol(t,\tau) is the state transition matrix of \boldsymbol=\boldsymbol(t)\boldsymbol, is nonsingular. Again, we have a similar method to determine if a system is or is not a controllable system.

Properties of Wc(t0,t1)

We have that the Controllability Gramian \boldsymbol_(t_,t_) have the following property: \boldsymbol_c(t_0, t_1)=\boldsymbol_c(t, t_1)+\boldsymbol(t_1,t)\boldsymbol_c(t_0, t)\boldsymbol^T(t_1,t) that can easily be seen by the definition of \boldsymbol_(t_,t_) and by the property of the state transition matrix that claims that: \boldsymbol(t_1,\tau)=\boldsymbol(t_,t)\boldsymbol(t,\tau) More about the Controllability Gramian can be found in.

See also

Controllability Controllability is an important property of a control system, and the controllability property plays a crucial role in many control problems, such as stabilization of unstable systems by feedback, or optimal control. Controllability and observabi ...
Observability Gramian In control theory, we may need to find out whether or not a system such as \begin \dot(t)\boldsymbol(t)+\boldsymbol(t)\\ \boldsymbol(t)=\boldsymbol(t)+\boldsymbol(t) \end is observable, where \boldsymbol, \boldsymbol, \boldsymbol and \boldsymbol ...
Gramian matrix In linear algebra, the Gram matrix (or Gramian matrix, Gramian) of a set of vectors v_1,\dots, v_n in an inner product space is the Hermitian matrix of inner products, whose entries are given by the inner product G_ = \left\langle v_i, v_j \right\r ...
Minimum energy control In control theory, the minimum energy control is the control u(t) that will bring a linear time invariant system to a desired state with a minimum expenditure of energy. Let the linear time invariant (LTI) system be : \dot(t) = A \mathbf(t) + B ...
Hankel singular value In control theory, Hankel singular values, named after Hermann Hankel, provide a measure of energy for each state in a system. They are the basis for balanced model reduction, in which high energy states are retained while low energy states are dis ...



External links

Mathematica function to compute the controllability Gramian
Control theory