

In mathematics, continuous geometry is an analogue of complex
projective geometry In mathematics, projective geometry is the study of geometric properties that are invariant with respect to projective transformations. This means that, compared to elementary Euclidean geometry, projective geometry has a different setting, pr ...
introduced by , where instead of the dimension of a subspace being in a discrete set 0, 1, \dots, \textit, it can be an element of the unit interval ,1/math>. Von Neumann was motivated by his discovery of von Neumann algebras with a dimension function taking a continuous range of dimensions, and the first example of a continuous geometry other than projective space was the projections of the
hyperfinite type II factor In mathematics, there are up to isomorphism exactly two separably acting hyperfinite type II factors; one infinite and one finite. Murray and von Neumann proved that up to isomorphism there is a unique von Neumann algebra that is a factor of type I ...


Menger and Birkhoff gave axioms for projective geometry in terms of the lattice of linear subspaces of projective space. Von Neumann's axioms for continuous geometry are a weakened form of these axioms. A continuous geometry is a lattice ''L'' with the following properties *''L'' is modular. *''L'' is complete. *The lattice operations ∧, ∨ satisfy a certain continuity property, *:(\bigwedge_ a_\alpha)\lor b = \bigwedge_\alpha (a_\alpha\lor b), where ''A'' is a
directed set In mathematics, a directed set (or a directed preorder or a filtered set) is a nonempty Set (mathematics), set A together with a Reflexive relation, reflexive and Transitive relation, transitive binary relation \,\leq\, (that is, a preorder), with ...
and if then , and the same condition with ∧ and ∨ reversed. *Every element in ''L'' has a complement (not necessarily unique). A complement of an element ''a'' is an element ''b'' with , , where 0 and 1 are the minimal and maximal elements of ''L''. *''L'' is irreducible: this means that the only elements with unique complements are 0 and 1.


*Finite-dimensional complex projective space, or rather its set of linear subspaces, is a continuous geometry, with dimensions taking values in the discrete set \ *The projections of a finite type II von Neumann algebra form a continuous geometry with dimensions taking values in the unit interval ,1/math>. * showed that any orthocomplemented complete modular lattice is a continuous geometry. *If ''V'' is a vector space over a field (or division ring) ''F'', then there is a natural map from the lattice PG(''V'') of subspaces of ''V'' to the lattice of subspaces of V \otimes F^2 that multiplies dimensions by 2. So we can take a direct limit of ::PG(F)\subset PG(F^2)\subset PG(F^4)\subset PG(F^8)\cdots :This has a dimension function taking values all
dyadic rational In mathematics, a dyadic rational or binary rational is a number that can be expressed as a fraction whose denominator is a power of two. For example, 1/2, 3/2, and 3/8 are dyadic rationals, but 1/3 is not. These numbers are important in compu ...
s between 0 and 1. Its completion is a continuous geometry containing elements of every dimension in ,1/math>. This geometry was constructed by , and is called the continuous geometry over ''F''


This section summarizes some of the results of . These results are similar to, and were motivated by, von Neumann's work on projections in von Neumann algebras. Two elements ''a'' and ''b'' of ''L'' are called perspective, written , if they have a common complement. This is an
equivalence relation In mathematics, an equivalence relation is a binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. The equipollence relation between line segments in geometry is a common example of an equivalence relation. Each equivalence relatio ...
on ''L''; the proof that it is transitive is quite hard. The equivalence classes ''A'', ''B'', ... of ''L'' have a total order on them defined by if there is some ''a'' in ''A'' and ''b'' in ''B'' with . (This need not hold for all ''a'' in ''A'' and ''b'' in ''B''.) The dimension function ''D'' from ''L'' to the unit interval is defined as follows. *If equivalence classes ''A'' and ''B'' contain elements ''a'' and ''b'' with then their sum is defined to be the equivalence class of . Otherwise the sum is not defined. For a positive integer ''n'', the product ''nA'' is defined to be the sum of ''n'' copies of ''A'', if this sum is defined. *For equivalence classes ''A'' and ''B'' with ''A'' not the integer is defined to be the unique integer such that with . *For equivalence classes ''A'' and ''B'' with ''A'' not the real number is defined to be the limit of as ''C'' runs through a minimal sequence: this means that either ''C'' contains a minimal nonzero element, or an infinite sequence of nonzero elements each of which is at most half the preceding one. *''D''(''a'') is defined to be , where and are the equivalence classes containing ''a'' and 1. The image of ''D'' can be the whole unit interval, or the set of numbers 0, 1/\textit\,, 2/\textit\,, \dots, 1 for some positive integer ''n''. Two elements of ''L'' have the same image under ''D'' if and only if they are perspective, so it gives an injection from the equivalence classes to a subset of the unit interval. The dimension function ''D'' has the properties: *If then *''D''(''a'' ∨ ''b'') + ''D''(''a'' ∧ ''b'') = ''D''(''a'') + ''D''(''b'') * if and only if , and if and only if *

Coordinatization theorem

In projective geometry, the Veblen–Young theorem states that a projective geometry of dimension at least 3 is
isomorph An isomorph is an organism that does not change in shape during growth. The implication is that its volume is proportional to its cubed length, and its surface area to its squared length. This holds for any shape it might have; the actual shape de ...
ic to the projective geometry of a vector space over a division ring. This can be restated as saying that the subspaces in the projective geometry correspond to the principal right ideals of a matrix algebra over a division ring. Neumann generalized this to continuous geometries, and more generally to complemented modular lattices, as follows . His theorem states that if a complemented modular lattice ''L'' has order at least 4, then the elements of ''L'' correspond to the principal right ideals of a
von Neumann regular ring In mathematics, a von Neumann regular ring is a ring ''R'' (associative, with 1, not necessarily commutative) such that for every element ''a'' in ''R'' there exists an ''x'' in ''R'' with . One may think of ''x'' as a "weak inverse" of the eleme ...
. More precisely if the lattice has order ''n'' then the von Neumann regular ring can be taken to be an ''n'' by ''n'' matrix ring ''M''''n''(''R'') over another von Neumann regular ring ''R''. Here a complemented modular lattice has order ''n'' if it has a homogeneous basis of ''n'' elements, where a basis is ''n'' elements ''a''1, ..., ''a''''n'' such that if , and , and a basis is called homogeneous if any two elements are perspective. The order of a lattice need not be unique; for example, any lattice has order 1. The condition that the lattice has order at least 4 corresponds to the condition that the dimension is at least 3 in the Veblen–Young theorem, as a projective space has dimension at least 3 if and only if it has a set of at least 4 independent points. Conversely, the principal right ideals of a von Neumann regular ring form a complemented modular lattice . Suppose that ''R'' is a von Neumann regular ring and ''L'' its lattice of principal right ideals, so that ''L'' is a complemented modular lattice. Neumann showed that ''L'' is a continuous geometry if and only if ''R'' is an irreducible complete rank ring.


* * * * * * * * * * *{{Citation , last1=Skornyakov , first1=L. A. , title=Complemented modular lattices and regular rings , url=https://books.google.com/books?id=p54EAQAAIAAJ , publisher=Oliver & Boyd , location=London , mr=0166126 , year=1964 Projective geometry Von Neumann algebras Lattice theory