Consort may refer to:
"The Consort" (Rufus Wainwright song), from the 2000 album ''Poses''
Consort of instruments
A consort of instruments was a phrase used in England during the 16th and 17th centuries to indicate an instrumental ensemble. These could be of the same or a variety of instruments. Consort music enjoyed considerable popularity at court and in hou ...
, term for instrumental ensembles
Consort song (musical)
A consort song was a characteristic English song form of the late 16th and early 17th centuries, for solo voice or voices accompanied by a group of instruments, most commonly viols. Although usually in five parts, some early examples of four- ...
, a characteristic English song form, late 16th–early 17th centuries
Consort, Alberta, a village in Alberta, Canada
Consort Islands
The Consort Islands are two small islands in Marguerite Bay, lying northeast of Emperor Island in the Dion Islands. The Dion Islands were first sighted and roughly charted in 1909 by the French Antarctic Expedition. The Consort Islands were ...
, two small islands in the Dion Islands, Marguerite Bay, Antarctica
Consort Mountain, in the Victoria Cross Ranges, Alberta, Canada
*A spouse, concubine or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch.
Queen consort, wife of a reigning king
Prince consort, husband of a reigning princess or queen
King consort, rarely used alternative title for husband of a reigning queen
Princess consort
Princess consort is an official title or an informal designation that is normally accorded to the wife of a sovereign prince. The title may be used for the wife of a king if the more usual designation of queen consort is not used.
More informal ...
, wife of a reigning prince; also, rarely used alternative title for wife of a reigning king
Viceregal consort of Canada
The viceregal consort of Canada is the spouse of the serving governor general of Canada, assisting the viceroy with ceremonial and charitable work, accompanying him or her to official state occasions, and occasionally undertaking philanthropic work ...
, spouse of the Governor General of Canada
Other uses
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials CONSORT (Consolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials) encompasses various initiatives developed by the CONSORT Group to alleviate the problems arising from inadequate reporting of randomized controlled trials. It is part of the larger EQUATOR Netwo ...
(CONSORT), reporting standards for clinical trials
Consort (nautical)
Consort is a nautical term for unpowered Great Lakes vessels, usually a fully loaded schooner barge or steamer barge, towed by a larger steamer that would often tow more than one barge. The consort system was used in the Great Lakes from the 1860s ...
, unpowered, fully loaded Great Lakes vessels towed by larger vessels
Consort Airport
Consort Airport is located northeast of Consort, Alberta
Alberta ( ) is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. It is part of Western Canada and is one of the three prairie provinces. Alberta is bordered by British Colu ...
, Consort, Alberta, Canada
CONSORT Colleges
CONSORT Colleges is a term used to refer to the consortium of four academic libraries in Ohio: Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University and The College of Wooster. The primary objective of this collaboration is to share the ...
, a consortium of college libraries in the U.S. state of Ohio
HMS Consort (R76)
HMS ''Consort'' was one of thirty-two destroyers built for the Royal Navy during the Second World War, a member of the eight-ship Co sub-class.
Design and description
The Co sub-class was a repeat of the preceding Ch sub-class. ''Consort'' d ...
, a C-class destroyer of the British Royal Navy
*''The Consort'', novel by
Sara Jeannette Duncan
Sara Jeannette Duncan (22 December 1861 – 22 July 1922) was a Canadian author and journalist, who also published as Mrs. Everard Cotes and Garth Grafton among other names. First trained as a teacher in a normal school, she took to poetr ...
*''The Consort'', musical journal of the
Eugène Arnold Dolmetsch (24 February 1858 – 28 February 1940), was a French-born musician and instrument maker who spent much of his working life in England and established an instrument-making workshop in Haslemere, Surrey. He was a leading ...
* The female partner in tantric
See also
Consortium (disambiguation)
Concert (disambiguation)