Concurrent means happening at the same time. Concurrency, concurrent, or concurrence may refer to:
In Western jurisprudence, concurrence (also contemporaneity or simultaneity) is the apparent need to prove the simultaneous occurrence of both ("guilty action") and ("guilty mind"), to constitute a crime; except in crimes of strict liabilit ...
, in jurisprudence, the need to prove both ''actus reus'' and ''mens rea''
Concurring opinion
In law, a concurring opinion is in certain legal systems a written opinion by one or more judges of a court which agrees with the decision made by the majority of the court, but states different (or additional) reasons as the basis for their dec ...
(also called a "concurrence"), a legal opinion which supports the conclusion, though not always the reasoning, of the majority.
Concurrent estate
In property law, a concurrent estate or co-tenancy is any of various ways in which property is owned by more than one person at a time. If more than one person owns the same property, they are commonly referred to as co-owners. Legal terminol ...
, a concept in property law
Concurrent resolution
A concurrent resolution is a resolution (a legislative measure) adopted by both houses of a bicameral legislature that lacks the force of law (is non-binding) and does not require the approval of the chief executive ( president). Concurrent reso ...
, a legislative measure passed by both chambers of the United States Congress
Concurrent sentence
In law, a sentence is the punishment for a crime ordered by a trial court after conviction in a criminal procedure, normally at the conclusion of a trial. A sentence may consist of imprisonment, a fine, or other sanctions. Sentences for multip ...
s, in criminal law, periods of imprisonment that are served simultaneously
Concurrency (computer science)
In computer science, concurrency is the ability of different parts or units of a program, algorithm, or problem to be executed out-of-order or in partial order, without affecting the outcome. This allows for parallel execution of the concur ...
, the property of program, algorithm, or problem decomposition into order-independent or partially-ordered units
Concurrent computing
Concurrent computing is a form of computing in which several computations are executed '' concurrently''—during overlapping time periods—instead of ''sequentially—''with one completing before the next starts.
This is a property of a sys ...
, the overlapping execution of multiple interacting computational tasks
Concurrence (quantum computing) In quantum information science, the concurrence is a state invariant involving qubits.
The concurrence is an entanglement monotone (a way of measuring entanglement) defined for a mixed state of two qubits as:
: \mathcal(\rho)\equiv\m ...
, a measure used in quantum information theory
Concurrent Computer Corporation, an American computer systems manufacturer
Concurrent DOS
Multiuser DOS is a real-time multi-user multi-tasking operating system for IBM PC-compatible microcomputers.
An evolution of the older Concurrent CP/M-86, Concurrent DOS and Concurrent DOS 386 operating systems, it was originally developed b ...
, Digital Research's multiuser multitasking operating system, with "Concurrent" once being their registered trademark
* Concurrence, a presentation program designed by
Lighthouse Design for NeXTSTEP which inspired Keynote by Apple
Concurrent engineering
Concurrent engineering (CE) or concurrent design and manufacturing is a work methodology emphasizing the parallelization of tasks (i.e. performing tasks concurrently), which is sometimes called simultaneous engineering or integrated product develo ...
, an engineering methodology emphasizing the parallelisation of tasks
Concurrent Design Facility, an assessment center of the European Space Agency using concurrent engineering methods
Concurrent lines
In geometry, lines in a plane or higher-dimensional space are said to be concurrent if they intersect at a single point. They are in contrast to parallel lines.
In a triangle, four basic types of sets of concurrent lines a ...
, in geometry, multiple lines or curves intersecting at a single point
Concurrency (road)
A concurrency in a road network is an instance of one physical roadway bearing two or more different route numbers. When two roadways share the same right-of-way, it is sometimes called a common section or commons. Other terminology for a concur ...
, an instance of one physical road bearing two or more different route numbers
Concurrent (Easter), the weekday of 24 March Julian used to calculate Julian Easter
Concurrent enrolment In the United States, dual enrollment (DE), also called concurrent enrollment, programs allow students to be enrolled in two separate, academically related institutions. Generally, it refers to high school students taking college or university cours ...
, a process in the US allowing students to enroll at a university or college while still in high school