

The Commissioner for Human Rights is an independent and impartial non-judicial institution established in 1999 by the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe, to promote awareness of and respect for human rights in the council's 46 member states. The activities of Commissioner focus on three major, closely related areas: * country visits and dialogue with national authorities and civil society; * thematic studies and advice on systematic human rights work; *
awareness-raising Consciousness raising (also called awareness raising) is a form of activism popularized by United States feminists in the late 1960s. It often takes the form of a group of people attempting to focus the attention of a wider group on some cause or ...
activities. The current Commissioner is Dunja Mijatović, who began her six-year term on April 1, 2018. Prior Commissioners were Álvaro Gil-Robles, Thomas Hammarberg and Nils Muižnieks. Elected by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Commissioner seeks to engage in permanent dialogue with member states, continually raising awareness about human rights issues, and promoting the development of national human rights structures. The Commissioner conducts visits to each member state for an evaluation of the human rights situation, and issues reports, opinions and recommendations to governments. The Commissioner also co-operates with a broad range of partners, including the
European Union The European Union (EU) is a supranational political and economic union of member states that are located primarily in Europe. The union has a total area of and an estimated total population of about 447million. The EU has often been ...
, the
United Nations The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization whose stated purposes are to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizi ...
and its specialized offices, as well as leading human rights NGOs, universities and think tanks.


The mandate of the Commissioner is based on the resolution (99) 50 of the Council of Europe (adopted on May 7, 1999).Full text of COE resolution (99) 50
/ref> It includes the following points: The member states are obliged to "facilitate the Commissioner's contacts, including travel, in the context of the mission of the Commissioner and provide in good time information requested by the Commissioner". While the Commissioner "shall function independently and impartially." The Commissioner may act "on any information relevant to the Commissioner's functions". The Commissioner "may directly contact governments of member States of the Council of Europe". The Commissioner may also "issue recommendations, opinions and reports." The Commissioner enjoys immunity "from arrest and all legal proceedings in the territories of all members, in respect of words spoken and votes cast". Article 36 of the European Convention on Human Rights allows "third party intervention" before the European Court of Human Rights for the Commissioner stating that "In all cases before a Chamber or the Grand Chamber, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights may submit written comments and take part in hearings. European Convention on Human Rights, Article 36 - Third party intervention, section 3


The Commissioner is elected by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, from a list of three candidates drawn up by the Committee of Ministers, and serves a non-renewable term of office of six years. According to the Resolution (99) 50:


Country visits and dialogue with national authorities and civil society The Commissioner carries out visits to all member states to monitor and evaluate the human rights situation. In the course of such visits, he meets with the highest representatives of government, parliament, the judiciary, civil society and national human rights structures. He also talks to ordinary people with human rights concerns, and visits places of human rights relevance, including prisons, psychiatric hospitals, centres for asylum seekers,
school A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is sometimes compu ...
s, orphanages and settlements populated by vulnerable groups including
Romani Romani may refer to: Ethnicities * Romani people, an ethnic group of Northern Indian origin, living dispersed in Europe, the Americas and Asia ** Romani genocide, under Nazi rule * Romani language, any of several Indo-Aryan languages of the Roma ...
, LGBT people and other minority group. Following the visits, a report or a letter may be addressed to the authorities of the country concerned containing an assessment of the human rights situation and recommendations on how to overcome shortcomings in law and practice. The Commissioner also has the right to intervene as a third party in the proceedings of the European Court of Human Rights, either by submitting written information or taking part in its hearings. Thematic reporting and advising on human rights systematic implementation The Commissioner also conducts thematic work on subjects central to the protection of human rights in Europe. He provides advice and information on the prevention of human rights violations and releases opinions, Issue Papers and reports. Awareness-raising activities
The Commissioner promotes awareness of human rights in member states, by organising and taking part in seminars and events on various human rights themes. The Commissioner engages in permanent dialogue with governments, civil society organisations and educational institutions in order to improve public awareness of human rights standards. He further contributes to the debate and the reflection on current and important human rights matters through contacts with the media, the publication of periodic articles and thematic documents. As part of country visits, thematic work and awareness raising activities, the Commissioner pays a specific attention to the defence of human rights activists and engages in close co-operation with other Council of Europe bodies and with a broad range of international institutions, most importantly the United Nations and its specialised offices, the
European Union The European Union (EU) is a supranational political and economic union of member states that are located primarily in Europe. The union has a total area of and an estimated total population of about 447million. The EU has often been ...
and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). The office also cooperates closely with national human rights structures, leading human rights NGOs, universities and think tanks.

See also

* Human rights in Europe * European Commission against Racism and Intolerance * United Nations special rapporteur


External links

Commissioner for Human Rights Web siteThe Commissioner's Human Rights Comment
* * * {{Authority control Intergovernmental human rights organizations Council of Europe