

Clement Daniel Rockey (4 September 1889 – 15 August 1975) was a
bishop A bishop is an ordained clergy member who is entrusted with a position of authority and oversight in a religious institution. In Christianity, bishops are normally responsible for the governance of dioceses. The role or office of bishop is ...
of the Methodist Church, elected in 1941.


He was born in
Cawnpore Kanpur or Cawnpore ( /kɑːnˈpʊər/ pronunciation ( help· info)) is an industrial city in the central-western part of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Founded in 1207, Kanpur became one of the most important commercial and military stations ...
India India, officially the Republic of India ( Hindi: ), is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the ...
, a son of the Noble Lee Rockey, an American
missionary A missionary is a member of a Religious denomination, religious group which is sent into an area in order to promote its faith or provide services to people, such as education, literacy, social justice, health care, and economic development.Tho ...
pioneer in India. Clement entered the North India
Annual Conference A conference is a meeting of two or more experts to discuss and exchange opinions or new information about a particular topic. Conferences can be used as a form of group decision-making, although discussion, not always decisions, are the main pu ...
of the
Methodist Episcopal Church The Methodist Episcopal Church (MEC) was the oldest and largest Methodist denomination in the United States from its founding in 1784 until 1939. It was also the first religious denomination in the US to organize itself on a national basis. In ...
in 1914. Prior to his election to the
episcopacy A bishop is an ordained clergy member who is entrusted with a position of authority and oversight in a religious institution. In Christianity, bishops are normally responsible for the governance of dioceses. The role or office of bishop is ca ...
, he served as a missionary, an
educator A teacher, also called a schoolteacher or formally an educator, is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence, or virtue, via the practice of teaching. ''Informally'' the role of teacher may be taken on by anyone (e.g. whe ...
, and a district superintendent. For some years he was
chaplain A chaplain is, traditionally, a cleric (such as a minister, priest, pastor, rabbi, purohit, or imam), or a lay representative of a religious tradition, attached to a secular institution (such as a hospital, prison, military unit, intellige ...
British British may refer to: Peoples, culture, and language * British people, nationals or natives of the United Kingdom, British Overseas Territories, and Crown Dependencies. ** Britishness, the British identity and common culture * British English ...
Methodist troops in
Bareilly Bareilly () is a city in Bareilly district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is among the largest metropolises in Western Uttar Pradesh and is the centre of the Bareilly division as well as the historical region of Rohilkhand. The city ...
. He was elected bishop by the Methodist Central Conference of Southern
Asia Asia (, ) is one of the world's most notable geographical regions, which is either considered a continent in its own right or a subcontinent of Eurasia, which shares the continental landmass of Afro-Eurasia with Africa. Asia covers an ...
. He returned to the United States and lived out his life in Eugene, Oregon.

Selected writings

*''Making and Telling Bible Stories,'' also Roman-Urdu, Kahani ka Banana aur Sunana, 1923. *''52 Lessons on Christian Life and Practice,'' Masihi Zindagi aur Usul, 1926. *Book of Worship for village work, 1935. *Pamphlet, ''Come and Let Us Worship,'' 1945.

See also

List of bishops of the United Methodist Church This is a list of bishops of the United Methodist Church and its predecessor denominations, in order of their election to the episcopacy, both living and dead. 1784–1807 ;Founders * Thomas Coke 1784 * Francis Asbury 1784 *Richard Whatcoat 1 ...


*Leete, Frederick DeLand, Methodist Bishops. Nashville, The Methodist Publishing House, 1948. 1889 births 1975 deaths American Methodist missionaries American pamphleteers American male non-fiction writers American religious writers Bishops of The Methodist Church (USA) American chaplains Indian bishops Methodist missionaries in India Urdu-language non-fiction writers Urdu-language short story writers English–Urdu translators Methodist writers People from Kanpur Methodist chaplains American military chaplains 20th-century translators Missionary linguists {{Methodism-bishop-stub