City Syd



City Syd is one of the largest
shopping centres A shopping center (American English) or shopping centre (Commonwealth English), also called a shopping complex, shopping arcade, shopping plaza or galleria, is a group of shops built together, sometimes under one roof. The first known collec ...
in Norway, and the largest in
Midt-Norge Central Norway ( nb, Midt-Norge, nn, Midt-Noreg) is an informal region of Norway that is not clearly defined. The term ''Central Norway'' may in its most limited usage refer only to Trøndelag county, but may also be understood to include all o ...
, with a turnover of
NOK Nok is a village in Jaba Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The village is an archeological site. Archaeology The discovery of terracotta figurines at this location caused its name to be used for the Nok culture, of which th ...
1.7 billion in 2004. It is located in
Tiller A tiller or till is a lever used to steer a vehicle. The mechanism is primarily used in watercraft, where it is attached to an outboard motor, rudder post or stock to provide leverage in the form of torque for the helmsman to turn the rudder ...
, in the
Heimdal Heimdal is a borough in the city of Trondheim in the municipality of Trondheim in Trøndelag county, Norway. It covers the western and southwestern parts of the municipality. The village area that is also called Heimdal is located in the south ...
area of
Trondheim Trondheim ( , , ; sma, Tråante), historically Kaupangen, Nidaros and Trondhjem (), is a city and municipality in Trøndelag county, Norway. As of 2020, it had a population of 205,332, was the third most populous municipality in Norway, an ...
. City Syd opened in 1987 and was remodeled and expanded in 2000. It is now 38,000 m2 and has 72 stores on three floors. It is owned by the Trondheim Cooperative,
Trondos Coop Trondheim og Omegn BA or Trondos is the largest consumer cooperative part of Coop NKL in Norway. The cooperative operates 50 stores and has more than 100,000 members with operation in Trondheim, Klæbu, Malvik, Melhus, Skaun and Stjø ...
Storebrand Storebrand is a financial services company in Norway. By volume, the company's main activities are related to life insurance and pension savings. However, the company also has major divisions working on investments, banking and, until 1999 and ...


In the next few years, City Syd is going to grow bigger. In 2020, it is planned to be finished and will be the biggest shopping mall in Norway.

External links

Official website, in Norwegian
Shopping centres in Norway Buildings and structures in Trondheim Coop Norden Tourist attractions in Trondheim 1987 establishments in Norway Shopping malls established in 1987 {{Norway-struct-stub