''Cicindela aurofasciata'' (sometimes called the "gold cross") is a species of
tiger beetle
Tiger beetles are a family of beetles, Cicindelidae, known for their aggressive predatory habits and running speed. The fastest known species of tiger beetle, ''Rivacindela hudsoni'', can run at a speed of , or about 125 body lengths per second. ...
endemic to
India, officially the Republic of India (Hindi: ), is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the so ...
. It usually occurs in open grass dominated habitats and varies in size between 12 and 14 mm long. It is closely related to ''
Cicindela goryi
''Cicindela goryi'' is a species of tiger beetle from southern India. It was earlier treated as a subspecies of the closely related '' Cicindela aurofasciata''.
Unlike in ''Cicindela aurofasciata'', ''goryi'' has the two yellow elytral bands bro ...
'' which was treated as a subspecies.
The larval stages build angular turrets.
[Shivashankar, T., Kumar, A.R.V., Veeresh, G.K., Pearson, D.L. 1988 Angular turret-building behavior in a larval tiger beetle species from South India (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Coleopterists Bulletin 42 (1), pp. 63-68]
Beetles described in 1831
Endemic fauna of India