A flow in which the number of bubbles is low is called ideally-separated bubble flow. The bubbles don’t interact with each other. As the number of bubbles increase they start colliding each other. A situation then arises where they tend to coalesce to form cap bubbles, and the new flow pattern formed is called churn turbulent flow. The bubbles occurring in such a flow can be classified in small, large, and distorted bubbles. The small bubbles are generally spherical or elliptical and are encountered in a major concentration in the wake of large and distorted bubbles and close to the walls. Large, ellipsoidal or cap bubbles can be found in the core region of the flow as well as the distorted bubbles with a highly deformed interface. Churn turbulent flow is commonly encountered in industrial applications. A typical example is boiling flow in nuclear reactors.Numerical simulation of bubble column flows in churn turbulent regime
Numerical simulations of cylindrical bubble columns operating in the churn-turbulent regime have been carried out using an Euler–Euler approach incorporated with the RNG k–ε model for liquid turbulence. Several approaches have been carried out, including single-sized bubble modeling, double-sized bubble modeling, and the multiple sizes group modeling (MUSIG). Breakup mass conserved formulations andReferences
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