Austria's perilous journey The Tablet
''The Tablet'' is a Catholic international weekly review published in London. Brendan Walsh, previously literary editor and then acting editor, was appointed editor in July 2017.
''The Tablet'' was launched in 1840 by a Quaker convert ...
, 21 February 2009. Accessed 9 March 2013. Schönborn made an emergency trip to Rome and in mid-February 2009 Wagner was thus persuaded to resign his post at Linz.
[The men who could be pope: Cardinal Christoph Schönborn](_blank)
, Catholic Herald
The ''Catholic Herald'' is a London-based Roman Catholic monthly newspaper and starting December 2014 a magazine, published in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and, formerly, the United States. It reports a total circulation of ab ...
, 6 March 2013. Accessed 9 March 2013
Response to dissident priest movement

As the Archbishop of Vienna and the head of the Catholic Church in Austria, Schönborn has faced an open and highly publicized rebellion by a movement of Austrian dissident clergy known as the
Pfarrer Initiative or ''Parish priests' Initiative''. The group, formed in 2005, and comprising about 10% of the Austrian clergy, has been publicly advocating a number of radical religious reforms, such as ordination of women, allowing priests to marry, allowing divorced Catholics and non-Catholic Christians to receive communion, and others.
In 2011 the Pfarrer Initiative attracted considerable attention with the publication of the group's manifesto called "Call to Disobedience".
Cardinal Schönborn met with the supporters of the Pfarrer Initiative, but in June 2012 he publicly reaffirmed the official position of the Vatican on the issues raised by the dissident group and directed that no priest expressing support for the "Call to Disobedience" be allowed to hold any administrative post in the Austrian Catholic Church. In September 2012 Schönborn again "backed celibacy for priests, limiting ordination to men and preserving marriage as a life-long commitment" and reiterated a warning to the dissident clergy that they faced serious consequences if they continued to advocate disobedience to the Vatican.
Schönborn has been described as a "conciliatory pragmatist who is open to dialogue."
On 1 December 2018, he allowed a controversial rock performance to take place in
St. Stephen Cathedral to raise money for HIV patients. The event was held to benefit the ''Brotherhood of Blessed Gérard'', a hospice in
South Africa
South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by of coastline that stretch along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring count ...
run by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta for people dying of AIDS. In the previous year, Cardinal Schönborn, the Order of Malta, and
Gery Keszler's LGBT Life Ball organized a Mass to remember
World Aids Day. Conchita Wurst
Thomas Neuwirth (born 6 November 1988) is an Austrian singer and drag queen who is known for his stage persona Conchita Wurst (or simply Conchita). Neuwirth came to international attention after winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 as with ...
was invited to speak in that occasion.
Interfaith dialogue
Schönborn is a member of the
Elijah Interfaith Institute Board of World Religious Leaders.
In May 2017, Schönborn published an approbation in regards to the
Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity entitled ''To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians'' which was published two years beforehand by the
Israel (; he, יִשְׂרָאֵל, ; ar, إِسْرَائِيل, ), officially the State of Israel ( he, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל, label=none, translit=Medīnat Yīsrāʾēl; ), is a country in Western Asia. It is situated ...
Center for Jewish–Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC).
Islam and Catholicism
In 2006, Schönborn published an article on the relationship between Catholicism and Islam, noting that both are missionary religions and interfaith dialog is often seen as an alternative to the missionary impulse. He advised that dialog focus on "How is mission situated in respect of freedom of conscience and of religion? How is it situated in respect of the requirements of a plural world?", while addressing "openly the dangers of intolerance, of attacks on religious freedom". When news outlets reported in 2016 that he had warned of "an Islamic conquest of Europe", Schönborn pointed out that he had asked the question "Will there be an Islamic conquest of Europe?" in a sermon that identified Europe with the
prodigal son in Luke's gospel who has squandered his inheritance. He argued that if Islam stood to gain it was because "We ourselves are therefore those that have brought the Christian inheritance of Europe into peril." He objected to any reading of his words as an attack on refugees. He wrote: "Europe's Christian legacy is in danger, because we Europeans have squandered it. That has absolutely nothing to do with Islam nor with the refugees. It is clear that many Islamists would like to take advantage of our weakness, but they are not responsible for it. We are."
Same-sex relationships
In a September 2015 interview, he said that the Church's ministers should recognise what is good where it is found. For example, he said, a civil marriage is better than simply living together, because it signifies a couple has made a formal, public commitment to one another. "Instead of talking about everything that is missing, we can draw close to this reality, noting what is positive in this love that is establishing itself." Schönborn described a gay friend of his who, after many temporary relationships, is now in a stable relationship. "It's an improvement. They share "a life, they share their joys and sufferings, they help one another. It must be recognised that this person took an important step for his own good and the good of others, even though it certainly is not a situation the Church can consider 'regular'." The Church's negative "judgment about homosexual acts is necessary, but the Church should not look in the bedroom first, but in the dining room! It must accompany people." He said that pastoral accompaniment "cannot transform an irregular situation into a regular one, but there do exist paths for healing, for learning," for moving gradually closer to a situation in compliance with Church teaching.
In 2021, Schönborn said he cannot deny same-sex couples a blessing if they request one and that he was "not happy" with the Vatican's mid-March statement on same-sex unions.
HIV/AIDS and condoms
In 1996, Schönborn told an Austrian television audience that someone suffering from AIDS might use a condom as a "lesser evil", but he quickly cautioned, "no one could affirm that the use of a condom is the ideal in sexual relations."
Mozart, Catholicism and Freemasonry
According to Erich Leitenberger, former spokesman of the Austrian Bishops conference, the cardinal's position is that
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 17565 December 1791), baptised as Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. Despite his short life, his rapid pace of composition r ...
was a
Freemason, but that he was also fully Catholic.
Evolution and the Catholic Church
In an opinion piece that appeared in ''
The New York Times
''The New York Times'' (''the Times'', ''NYT'', or the Gray Lady) is a daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership reported in 2020 to comprise a declining 840,000 paid print subscribers, and a growing 6 million paid ...
'' on 7 July 2005, Schönborn accepted the possibility of
Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. These characteristics are the expressions of genes, which are passed on from parent to offspring during reproduction. Variation ...
but criticised certain
"neo-Darwinian" theories as incompatible with Catholic teaching:
The director of the
Vatican Observatory,
George Coyne, SJ, criticized Schönborn's view and pointed to
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II ( la, Ioannes Paulus II; it, Giovanni Paolo II; pl, Jan Paweł II; born Karol Józef Wojtyła ; 18 May 19202 April 2005) was the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 1978 until his ...
's declaration that "evolution is no longer a mere hypothesis" and Catholic physicist
Stephen Barr wrote a critique which evoked several replies, including a lengthy one from Schönborn.
Gay pastoral council member
In April 2012, the election of a young gay man, who was living in a registered same-sex partnership, to a
pastoral council in Vienna was vetoed by the
parish priest
A parish is a territorial entity in many Christian denominations, constituting a division within a diocese. A parish is under the pastoral care and clerical jurisdiction of a priest, often termed a parish priest, who might be assisted by one or ...
. After meeting with the couple, Schönborn reinstated him. He later advised in a homily that priests must apply a pastoral approach that is "neither rigorist nor lax" in counselling Catholics who "don't live according to
od'smaster plan".
Reform of clerical celibacy
On 14 April 2019, Schönborn said that there can be
celibate priests and also married priests in the Roman Catholic Church.
Health and retirement plans

On 22 March 2019, Schönborn revealed that he was suffering from
prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is cancer of the prostate. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancerous tumor worldwide and is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related mortality among men. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that su ...
and would not appear in public until after surgery in May 2019.
On 9 May, the Archdiocese of Vienna announced that his surgery was successful.
On 21 January 2020, the archdiocese announced that Pope Francis would not accept Schönborn's resignation when he turned 75, but only when it was ready to name his successor. Schönborn has resigned as president of the Austrian Bishops Conference on 16 June 2020, after four years of his six-year term.
Coat of arms
coat of arms
A coat of arms is a heraldic visual design on an escutcheon (i.e., shield), surcoat, or tabard (the latter two being outer garments). The coat of arms on an escutcheon forms the central element of the full heraldic achievement, which in it ...
as an archbishop and cardinal includes in its upper
sinister field the family arms of the
House of Schönborn.
See also
House of Schönborn
Community of the Lamb
Order of the Golden Fleece
The Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece ( es, Insigne Orden del Toisón de Oro, german: Orden vom Goldenen Vlies) is a Catholic order of chivalry founded in Bruges by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, in 1430, to celebrate his marriag ...
;Additional sources
External links
The Schönborn Site – Following the Life and Work of Christoph Cardinal Schönborn (expired link)by Alec MacAndrew
Peter Schuster regarding Cardinal Schönborn's statement on evolution
Some ancestors of Count Christoph von Schönborn
{{DEFAULTSORT:Schönborn, Christoph
1945 births
Living people
20th-century Austrian cardinals
21st-century Austrian cardinals
20th-century Czech people
Dominican cardinals
Dominican bishops
Austrian Dominicans
Archbishops of Vienna
Christoph Christoph is a male given name and surname. It is a German variant of Christopher.
Notable people with the given name Christoph
* Christoph Bach (1613–1661), German musician
* Christoph Büchel (born 1966), Swiss artist
* Christoph Dientzenh ...
Officers of the Order of Golden Fleece
International Theological Commission
Cardinals created by Pope John Paul II
Members of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation
Members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Members of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches
Members of the Congregation for Catholic Education
Members of the Pontifical Council for Culture
Members of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Bohemian nobility
Austrian nobility
Austrian people of German Bohemian descent
People from Litoměřice District
Honorary Knights of the Teutonic Order
Critics of Islamism