

Christian Baudelot (born 9 December 1938,
Paris Paris () is the capital and most populous city of France, with an estimated population of 2,165,423 residents in 2019 in an area of more than 105 km² (41 sq mi), making it the 30th most densely populated city in the world in 2020. S ...
) is a French sociologist based at the
École normale supérieure École may refer to: * an elementary school in the French educational stages normally followed by secondary education establishments (collège and lycée) * École (river), a tributary of the Seine flowing in région Île-de-France * École, Savoi ...
. Many of his works have been written in collaboration with Roger Establet.


* (tr. with Pierre Clinquart) ''Anthropologie'' by
Edward Sapir Edward Sapir (; January 26, 1884 – February 4, 1939) was an American Jewish anthropologist-linguist, who is widely considered to be one of the most important figures in the development of the discipline of linguistics in the United States. Sa ...
, 1967. * (with Roger Establet) ''L'ecole capitaliste en France'', 1971 * (with Roger Establet and Jacques Malemort) ''La petite bourgeoisie en France'', 1974 * (with Roger Establet, Jacques Toiser and P. O Flavigny) ''Qui travaille pour qui'', 1979 * (with Roger Establet) ''Durkheim et le suicide'', 1984 * (with Roger Establet) ''Le Niveau monte'', 1989 * (with Roger Establet) ''Allez les filles!'', 1992 * (with Roger Establet) ''Maurice Halbwachs: consommation et société'', 1994 * (with M. Gollac, Céline Bessière ''et al'') ''Travailler pour être heureux? le bonheur et le travail en France'', 2003 * (with Roger Establet) ''Suicide: l'envers de notre monde'', 2006. Translated into
English English usually refers to: * English language * English people English may also refer to: Peoples, culture, and language * ''English'', an adjective for something of, from, or related to England ** English national ide ...
as ''Suicide: The Hidden Side of Modernity'', 2008 * (ed. with Marie Jaisson) ''Maurice Halbwachs, sociologue retrouvé'', 2007 * (with Roger Establet) ''L'élitisme républicain: l'école française à l'épreuve des comparaisons internationales'', 2009


*CĂ©cile Daumas, "
Le don de soi
'", ''
Libération ''Libération'' (), popularly known as ''Libé'' (), is a daily newspaper in France, founded in Paris by Jean-Paul Sartre and Serge July in 1973 in the wake of the protest movements of May 1968. Initially positioned on the far-left of France's ...
'', 6 February 2010.

External links

at the ENS 1938 births Living people French sociologists French male writers {{France-sociologist-stub