Chinese New Living Translation



The Chinese New Living Translation (新普及译本 ) is a dynamic equivalent Chinese New Testament translation published in paperback in Hong Kong by Chinese Bible International (汉语圣经协会 Hanyu Shengjing Xiehui) in 2004 and revised in 2006. The base text is the English New Living Translation with comparison with the Greek originals. 平安喜樂: 豐盛人生靈修月刊2014年8月號 - 第 11 页 加略山出版社 - 2014 "唯有不斷體驗到從神而來那完全的愛─這份愛也包括了生命的試煉與管教,讓我們漸漸不再懼怕,也將毫無懼怕(約壹 4:18),「歡樂的深深啜飲救恩之泉」(新普及譯本)。讓我們歡欣喜樂的倚靠祂、稱謝祂、求告祂、傳揚祂!省察時刻想到神、或要在靈修中朝見 "

See also

* New Living Translation * Chinese Bible Translations


{{Christianity and China New Living 2004 books 2004 in Christianity