Chervonyi Shliakh



''Chervonyi Shliach'' ( uk, Черво́ний шлях) was a political and literary-scientific monthly that was founded in 1923 in
Kharkiv Kharkiv ( uk, wikt:Харків, Ха́рків, ), also known as Kharkov (russian: Харькoв, ), is the second-largest List of cities in Ukraine, city and List of hromadas of Ukraine, municipality in Ukraine.Ukraine Ukraine ( uk, Україна, Ukraïna, ) is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest European country after Russia, which it borders to the east and northeast. Ukraine covers approximately . Prior to the ongoing Russian invas ...
. It continued to be published until February 1936. The first directors of the magazine were prominent Ukrainian statesmen, Hryhoriy Hrynko, who was replaced, due to his transfer to Moscow sometime in mid 1923, by Oleksandr Shumsky. Shumsky was fired from the position as well as the position of People's Commissar of Education in 1926 for nationalistic deviation. For a short period of time the position of director was given to Mykhailo Yalovy and
Mykola Khvylovy Mykola Khvylovy ( ; – May 13, 1933) (who also used the pseudonyms "Yuliya Umanets", "Stefan Karol", and "Dyadko Mykola") was a Ukrainian novelist, poet, publicist, and political activist, one of the founders of post-revolutionary Ukraini ...
, who were eventually displaced for nationalistic deviations. In 1927 the magazine was headed by
Volodymyr Zatonsky Volodymyr Petrovych Zatonsky ( uk, Володи́мир Зато́нський, russian: Влади́мир Петро́вич Зато́нский ''Vladimir Petrovich Zatonsky''; July 27, 1888 – July 29, 1938) was a Soviet politician, aca ...
. The magazine published the work of major Ukrainian writers and journalists such as
Ivan Kulyk Ivan Yulianovych Kulyk ( uk, Іван Юліанович Кулик; born Izrail Yudelevich Kulyk; January 14, 1897 – October 10, 1937) was a Ukrainian poet, writer, translator, diplomat and Communist Party activist. He also wrote under the na ...
Pavlo Tychyna Pavlo Hryhorovych Tychyna ( uk, Павло Григорович Тичина; – September 16, 1967) was a major Ukrainian poet, translator, publicist, public activist, academician, and statesman. He composed the lyrics to the Anthem of the Ukra ...
Pavlo Khrystiuk Pavlo Khrystiuk ( ua, Павло Оникійович Христюк; 1880 – September 19, 1941) was a Ukrainian cooperator, historian, journalist, political activist, and statesman. Biography Khrystiuk was born in the Kuban Oblast. He ...
Mykola Skrypnyk Mykola Oleksiiovych Skrypnyk ( uk, Микола Олексійович Скрипник; – 7 July 1933), also known as Nikolai Alekseyevich Skripnik (russian: Никола́й Алексе́евич Скри́пник), was a Ukrainian Bolshe ...
, V. Yurynets, and many others. During the 1920s the magazine published works representative of a variety of political orientations and fields of literature, art, journalism, history, economy, etc. The magazine reflected on its pages both the weak and strong in the processes of Ukrainian cultural Renaissance of the time. The closing down of the magazine ''Chervonyi Shliakh'' was one of the last acts for the liquidation of a pluralistic cultural understanding. It was succeeded by the ''Literary Journal'', which became a voice for
socialist realism Socialist realism is a style of idealized realistic art that was developed in the Soviet Union and was the official style in that country between 1932 and 1988, as well as in other socialist countries after World War II. Socialist realism is ch ...


Encyclopedia of Ukraine The ''Encyclopedia of Ukraine'' ( uk, Енциклопедія українознавства, translit=Entsyklopediia ukrainoznavstva), published from 1984 to 2001, is a fundamental work of Ukrainian Studies. Development The work was crea ...


1923 establishments in the Soviet Union 1936 disestablishments in the Soviet Union Magazines published in the Soviet Union Defunct political magazines Defunct magazines published in Ukraine Magazines established in 1923 Magazines disestablished in 1936 Mass media in Kharkiv Monthly magazines published in Russia Ukrainian-language magazines {{ukr-mag-stub