Chandrakant Mandare



Chandrakant Mandhare ( mr, चंद्रकांत मांडरे, (13 August 1913 – 17 February 2001) was a well-known
Marathi Marathi may refer to: *Marathi people, an Indo-Aryan ethnolinguistic group of Maharashtra, India *Marathi language, the Indo-Aryan language spoken by the Marathi people *Palaiosouda, also known as Marathi, a small island in Greece See also * * ...
Film actor and an artist. He played different roles in Marathi films and devoted his life to art. He was a master in
paintings Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface (called the "matrix" or "support"). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush, but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and ai ...
and powder shading. He was the elder brother of Suryakant Mandhare.

Films as actor

* Maanache Paan (1949) * Chhatrapati Shivaji (1952) * Punvechi Raat (1955) * Sangte Aika (1959) * Navrang (1959) * Padada (1963) * Swayamwar Zale Seeteche (1964) * Bai Mee Bholi (1967) * Patleen * Ek Mati Anek Nati (1968) * Mukkam Post Dhebewadi (1969) * Aai Ude Ga Ambabai (1973) * Ashta Vinayak (1979) * Soon Mazi Laxmi (1981) * Bangarwadi (1995)..Karbhari * Satichi Punyai


External links

''Chandrakant Mandare is no more'', website (Government of India) citing ''Deccan Herald'', 27 March 2001
* Indian male painters Male actors in Marathi cinema 1913 births 2001 deaths People from Kolhapur 20th-century Indian painters 20th-century Indian male actors Painters from Maharashtra 20th-century Indian male artists {{india-film-actor-stub