Centro Universitario De Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas



The Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas (CUIB) of the
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México The National Autonomous University of Mexico ( es, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM) is a public research university in Mexico. It is consistently ranked as one of the best universities in Latin America, where it's also the bigges ...
(UNAM), was created on December 14, 1981 according to the creation agreement, signed by the Dean PhD. Octavio Rivero Serrano. Its goal is theoretical and applied research on phenomena related to the information registered on printed forms and other media: its sources, selection and acquisition, its organization and representation, in addition to the problems concerning the media, processes and technologies used for the storage, recover and distribution of the information.


The CUIB had its antecedent on a Research Program, coordinated by the Dirección General de Bibliotecas (DGB) of the UNAM. In that program, they studied particular problems and phenomena observed in librarianship; besides, there was no institution in México dedicated to carry out researches on this discipline. That is why, a group of researchers, under the leadership of PhD. Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo, created it. PhD. Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo was the first Director, in charge from December 1981 to January 1985, later, the CUIB direction was under the PhD. Estela Morales Campos (from February 1985 to August 1992), following PhD. Elsa M. Ramírez Leyva (from August 1992 to August 2001), PhD. Filiberto Felipe Martínez Arellano (from August 2001 to August 2009). By now, since August 21, 2009, PhD. Jaime Ríos Ortega is the header master. Today, after twenty-nine years of its foundation, the CUIB has become a leading institution in its field in both Mexico and in Latin America and it is highlighted by the variety of their projects and research activities, which cover five areas of interest, namely: 1st Area: “Foundation of Library and Information Science”, with two research lines: Social-Historic Foundation and Ethic Foundation. 2nd Area: “Information and Society”, with five research lines: Educate to Inform, Librarianship History, Studies of Communities and Social Groups, Reading, and Information: Policies and Legislation. 3rd Area: “Information Systems”, with three research lines: Information Sources, Informetrics, and Information Users. 4th Area: “Documental Information Analysis and Systematize”, with three research lines: Classification Systems, Languages for Information Searches, and Information Systematization. 5th Area: “Information technology”, with two research lines: Conceptual Framework of the Information Technologies and Evolution of the Information Technologies. CUIB researchers develop constantly, theoretical and practical solutions and proposals about facts, problems and society issues related to books, reading, information and libraries.


The published results of research projects and other contributions lead to the enrichment of librarianship literature; due to before CUIB, the Spanish editions on library and information issues were limited. This Center also publishes a quarterly serial called “Investigación Bibliotecológica”, which has been published without interruption for more than twenty years. Well known researchers from Mexico and other countries have also participated. The CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología) has rated
Investigación Bibliotecológica
in the first places between other national publications related to Social Sciences and Humanities, and its included in the UNAM's Catalogo de Revistas Científicas y Arbitradas (Scientific and Refereed Publications Catalog), and main national and international indexes, as Revistas Mexicanas Científicas y Tecnológicas Index,
Social Sciences Citation Index
SciELO México

Human resources

Nowadays the CUIB's research staff has twenty-three full-time researchers, from which the 91% are PhD. They are also members of the
Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (National System of Researchers) or SNI is a governmental agency established in Mexico in 1984 to promote both the quantity and quality of research in Mexico, especially in the sciences. In the 1980s, the countr ...
. Two of them, have been admitted as members of the Academia Mexicana de las Ciencias. (Scientists from different areas of pure sciences as well as social sciences and humanities are part of this Academy).


Based on an agreement dated in 1999 between the Center and the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the UNAM, CUIB's sixteen researchers have been teaching some courses in the program of bachelor's degree “Licenciatura en Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información”. The CUIB is also responsible for the “Programa de Posgrado en Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información”, (“Postgraduated's Program in Librarianship and Information Studies”) which trains masters and doctors in this discipline. The doctorate program in Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información is one of the six that are offered in Latin America and one of the two that are developed in Spanish. There are twenty-one of the PhD researchers who are teaching the courses in both programs. It's important to note that, this program has been recognized by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México as one of its academic excellence programs. Since 2006, this program facilitates an on line education system as a distance educational model. For librarian's lifelong learners, the Center offers continued education, specialization and actualization courses with national and international teachers. If you are interested to obtain information about modalities, current or future courses, look up for more information in it
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Dr. Alfaro López, Héctor Guillerm

Q.F.B..Almada Navarro, Margarit

Dra. Cabral Vargas, Brenda

Dr. Calva González, Juan Josébr>Investigador

Dra. Escalona Ríos, Lin

Dra. Fernández Esquivel, Rosa Ma

Dra. García Aguilar, María Idali

Dr. Garduño Vera, Robert

Dr. Gorbea Portal, Salvado

Dra. Hernández Salazar, Patrici

Dr. Martínez Arellano, Filiberto Felip

Dra. Morales Campos, Estel

Dra. Naumis Peña, Catalin

Dra. Ramírez Leyva, Elsa Margarit

Mtro. Ramírez Velázquez, César August

Dr. Rendón Rojas, Miguel Ánge

Dr. Ríos Ortega, Jaimebr>Investigador

Dr. Rodríguez Gallardo, Adolf

Dr. Rodríguez García, Ariel Alejandr

Dra. Russell Barnard, Jane Margare

Dr. Sánchez Vanderkast, Egbert Joh

Dra. Torres Vargas, Georgina Aracel

Dr. Voutssás Márquez, Jua

The directors of the CUIB

Dr. Jaime Ríos Ortegabr>Investigador
Dr. Filiberto Felipe Martínez Arellan
Dra. Elsa Margarita Ramírez Leyv
Dra. Estela Morales Campo
Dr. Adolfo Rodríguez Gallard

References & notes

{{DEFAULTSORT:Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas National Autonomous University of Mexico