

The ''Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act'' (french: Loi sur la Fondation du Canada pour l'appui technologique au développement durable) (the Act) is a
Government of Canada The government of Canada (french: gouvernement du Canada) is the body responsible for the federal administration of Canada. A constitutional monarchy, the Crown is the corporation sole, assuming distinct roles: the executive, as the ''Crown-i ...
statute to establish a foundation called ''Sustainable Development Technology Canada'' to
fund Fund may refer to: * Funding is the act of providing resources, usually in form of money, or other values such as effort or time, for a project, a person, a business, or any other private or public institution ** The process of soliciting and gath ...
sustainable development
technology Technology is the application of knowledge to reach practical goals in a specifiable and reproducible way. The word ''technology'' may also mean the product of such an endeavor. The use of technology is widely prevalent in medicine, scie ...
. The federal department responsible for enforcing this Act is
Natural Resources Canada Natural Resources Canada (NRCan; french: Ressources naturelles Canada; french: RNCan, label=none)Natural Resources Canada is the applied title under the Federal Identity Program; the legal title is Department of Natural Resources (). is the Struc ...
. The Act was passed in 2001.


Environmental law in Canada Natural Resources Canada Sustainable technologies Canadian federal legislation Sustainability in Canada {{Canada-law-stub