Campbell Bonner



Campbell Bonner (30 January 1876 - 11 July 1954) was an American
classicist Classics or classical studies is the study of classical antiquity. In the Western world, classics traditionally refers to the study of Classical Greek and Roman literature and their related original languages, Ancient Greek and Latin. Classics ...
notable for his research of amulets and ancient popular religion and superstitions of the late Graeco-Roman pagan and early Christian world.


* "The Danaid Myth," TAPA 31 (1900) 27-36 * "A Study of the Danaid Myth," HSCP 13 (1902) 129-73 * "Dionysiac Magic and the Greek Land of Cockaigne," TAPA 41 (1910) 175-85 * "The Prenuptial Rite in the Aetia of Callimachus," CP 6 (1911) 402-9 * "The Sacred Bond," TAPA 44 (1913) 233-45 * "A Papyrus Describing Magical Powers," TAPA 52 (1921) 111-8 * "A Papyrus of Dioscurides in the University of Michigan Collection," TAPA 53 (1922) 142-68 * "Traces of Thaumaturgic Technique in the Miracles," HThR 20 (1927) 171-81 * "The Numerical Value of a Magical Formula," JEA 16 (1930) 6-9 * "Note on the Paris Magical Papyrus," CP 25 (1930) 180-3 * "Demons of the Bath," in Studies Presented to F.L.C. Griffith (London, 1932): 203ff. * "Witchcraft in the Lecture Room of Libanius," TAPA 63 (1932) 34-44 * "Liturgical Fragments on Gnostic Amulets," HThR 25 (1932) 362-7 * A Papyrus Codex of the Shepherdof Hermas (Ann Arbor, 1933) * "A Supplement to Preisendanz' 'Amuletum Ineditum'," BNGJhb 9 (1933) 375-6 * "An Ikon of St. Demetrius," AJA 47 (1934) 63-77 * "Pallados and Jewish Reflections upon the Beginning of Man," JAOS 55 (1935) 196-9 * The Last Chapters of Enoch in Greek with the collaboration of H. C. Youtie (London & Toronto, 1937) * "Two Curse Tablets from Beisan" with H. C. Youtie, TAPA 68 (1937) 43–77, 128 * "Some Phases of Religious Feeling in Later Paganism," HThR 30 (1937) 119-40 * "Hades and the Pomegranate Seed (Hymn to Demeter 372-4),'* CR 53 (1939) 3-4 * The Homily on the Passion by Melito, Bishop of Sardis (London & Philadelphia, 1940) * "A New Historical Fragment," TAPA 72 (1941) 26-35 * "Two Studies in Syncretistic Amulets," PAPS 85 (1942) 466-71 * "Aeolus figured on Colic Amulets," HThR 35 (1942) 87-93 * "The Techniques of Exorcism," HThR 36 (1943) 39–49; and "Correction," HThR 37 (1944) 334ff. * "An Obscure Inscription on a Gold Tablet," Hesperia 13 (1944) 36-55 * "The Philinna Papyrus and the Gold Tablet from the Vigna Codini," Hesperia 13 (1944) 349-51 * Studies in Magical Amulets, Chiefly Graeco-Egyptian (Ann Arbor, 1950) * "A Reminiscence of Paul on a Coin Amulet," HThR 43 (1950) 165-8 * "Amulets Chiefly in the British Museum," Hesperia 20 (1951) 301-45 * "A Magical Inscription on a Chalcedony," with H. C. Youtie, TAPA 84 (1953) 60-6 * "Two Notes," JEA 40 (1954) 15-8 * "A Miscellany of Engraved Stones," Hesperia 23 (1954) 138-57 and plates 34-6 * "A Note on Method in the Treatment of Magical Inscriptions," AJP 75 (1954) 303–5.


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* 1876 births 1954 deaths Classical philologists Vanderbilt University alumni Harvard University alumni American classical scholars People from Nashville, Tennessee Corresponding Fellows of the British Academy University of Michigan faculty {{Classical-scholar-stub