Calle 7 (season 12)



The twelfth season of the Chilean
reality television Reality television is a genre of television programming that documents purportedly unscripted real-life situations, often starring unfamiliar people rather than professional actors. Reality television emerged as a distinct genre in the early 19 ...
show ''
Calle 7 ''Calle 7'' was a Chilean television program, shown by TVN from Monday to Friday at 6 pm. It was last co-hosted by Alain Soulat and Lucia Covarrubias, and involved two teams of young adult contenders participating in unique challenges and p ...
'' took place between March and May 2013. The winners were Fernanda Gallardo and Francisco Rodríguez.


Teams competition

Elimination order

{, class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" !rowspan=2, Contestants !rowspan=2, Team ! colspan="11", Weeks , - ! width="10px", 1 ! width="20px", 2 ! width="20px", 3 ! width="20px", 4 ! width="20px", 5 ! width="20px", 6 ! width="20px", 7 ! width="20px", 8 ! width="20px", 9 ! width="20px", 10 ! width="20px", 11 , - !Bruno , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , - !Camila N. , bgcolor="red", Red , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , IN , - !Carla , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , - !Catalina , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , - !Charlie , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , IN , IN , - !Federico , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , IN , IN , - !Fernanda A. , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , - !Fernanda . G , bgcolor="red", Red , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , - !Pancho , bgcolor="red", Red , IN , bgcolor="Pink", LOW , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , IN , - !Juan Pablo , bgcolor="red", Red , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="1" bgcolor=gray, , IN , IN , IN , IN , - !Lía , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , - !Stefano , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , - !Felipe , bgcolor="red", Red , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="1" bgcolor=gray, , - !Eliana , bgcolor="red", Red , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="1" bgcolor=gray, , - !Gabriel , bgcolor="red", Red , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="3" bgcolor=gray, , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="2" bgcolor=gray, , - !Jacqueline , bgcolor="red", Red , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , bgcolor="pink", LOW , IN , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="2" bgcolor=gray, , - !Juliano , bgcolor="red", Red , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="BLUE", QUIT, , colspan="5" bgcolor=gray, , - !Tamara , bgcolor="red", Red , colspan="1" bgcolor=gray, , IN , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="5" bgcolor=gray, , - !Camila A. , bgcolor="yellow", Yellow , IN , IN , IN , IN , bgcolor="BLUE", QUIT, , colspan="7" bgcolor=gray, , - !Paz , bgcolor="red", Red , bgcolor="LightCoral", LOW , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="8" bgcolor=gray, , - !Matias , bgcolor="red", Red , IN , bgcolor="tomato", OUT, , colspan="9" bgcolor=gray, , - !Danae , bgcolor="red", Red , bgcolor="BLUE", QUIT, , colspan="10" bgcolor=gray, , - 2013 Chilean television seasons