CWL may refer to:
Businesses and organizations
California Women Lawyers
California Women Lawyers (CWL) is the statewide bar association for women in the U.S. state of California. Headquartered in Sacramento, CWL was founded in 1974 to seek the professional advancement of women lawyers, to promote gender equity in the ...
, a bar association in California, US
Cardiff Airport (IATA code), Wales
Catholic Women's League
The Catholic Women's League (CWL) is a Roman Catholic lay organisation founded in 1906 by Margaret Fletcher. Originally intended to bring together Catholic women in England, the organization has grown, and may be found in numerous Commonwealth ...
, a lay organisation
Centralne Warsztaty Lotnicze, a Polish aircraft manufacturer
Compagnie des Wagons-Lits
Newrest Wagons-Lits, formerly (lit. ''International Sleeping-Car Company''), also CIWL, Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, or just Wagons-Lits, is a division of particularly known for its on-train catering and sleeping car services, as well as being ...
, French on-train service company
Company of Watermen and Lightermen
The Company of Watermen and Lightermen (CWL) is a historic City guild in the City of London. However, unlike the city's other 109 livery companies, CWL does not have a grant of livery. Its meeting rooms are at Waterman's Hall on St Mary at Hil ...
, a guild of the city of London, England
Science and technology
Centre wavelength
The centre wavelength is the power-weighted mean wavelength:
: \lambda_\text = \frac \int p(\lambda) \lambda\, d\lambda,
and the total power is
: P_\text = \int p(\lambda) \,d\lambda,
where p(\lambda) is the power spectral density, for exampl ...
, for a bandpass filter
Common Workflow Language, for computation in the sciences
Other uses
Call of Duty World League, a former esports tournament